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ANCHORAGE — Alaskans are out of luck if they are trying to ask U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan a question about what he believes. Sullivan kicked off his first week as a candidate without a single public meeting with Alaskans and virtually no campaign appearances. This follows Tuesday’s primary where Sullivan lost 60% of the vote in a bitter primary election and locked reporters out of a victory party.

Mark Begich has visited nine Alaska communities in the past week.

“Unlike Dan Sullivan, Mark Begich knows the importance of meeting face to face with Alaskans in every corner of the state. Dan Sullivan continues to avoid Alaskans in attempt to duck straightforward questions like ‘do you support the Violence Against Women Act,’” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Dan Sullivan has never taken open questions from the Alaska media and does not publicize his campaign events.

Mark Begich has Alaska’s best congressional attendance record and is always ready to go to work for Alaska. Begich frequently travels thousands of miles across Alaska. When he is home, he can be found speaking with Alaskans at Home Depot, Fred Meyer, on the streets of Dillingham or at the airport.



What Treadwell and Miller Actually Think of Sullivan


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich’s newest TV ad is 30 seconds in length, but there’s much more Alaska Republicans Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller had to say about Dan Sullivan.

Supercut Video of Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller

Treadwell and Miller were honest with Alaskans about Dan Sullivan’s residency problems and his support from Karl Rove and the Koch brothers.

Watch everything Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell said about Dan Sullivan

Joe Miller questioned where Sullivan’s money comes from, and made sure Alaskans know Sullivan’s support from the “architects of the surveillance state.”

Watch Alaskans for Begich new ad “Opponents” here.




Senator Mark Begich gave a speech to a convention of the AFL-CIO in Fairbanks yesterday reaffirming his support for Alaska workers and middle class families, a stark contrast to U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s support of Right To Work.

Dan Sullivan’s Record:

“I am supportive of right to work.” U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Sullivan,[Fagan & Biegel Show, 7/11/2023]

Sullivan believes raising the minimum wage would “Kill half a million jobs.” [Anchorage Daily News, 4/30/14]

“Raising The Minimum Wage Isn’t An Answer.” [AP, 1/18/14]

Sullivan Touted the Increase in Free Trade Agreements During the Bush Administration. [Sullivan Remarks, Washington Export Council, 3/21/07]

Mark Begich’s Record: In yesterday’s speech Senator Begich voiced his support for strong labor unions, retirement security, fair trade, and unemployment benefits.

Minimum Wage:

“I’m glad that AFL workers earn good pay for hard work they do. But having a fair minimum wage is important to labor, even those who make more than the minimum. I’m proud to go to Senate floor this spring with many Democratic colleagues to talk about how important it is to raise the wage.”

Social Security:

“Workers can’t afford to wait another year or two years to get what they’ve earned. Alaskans won’t stand for Social Security cuts, which is what increasing the retirement age is. I won’t stand for it.”


Begich has claimed a number of victories for Alaska workers:

  • Opened the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, bringing in new jobs and over a billion dollars in investment

  • Helped bring 2 squadrons of F-35’s to Eielson, which will create thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars for the Fairbanks economy.

  • Sponsored the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act, to improve Social Security


“You go as far as it takes”


ANCHORAGE — As the general election kicks off, Mark Begich is back on TV with his acclaimed ad, “Alaska’s Son,” highlighting his commitment to travel to each and every corner of the state to meet face to face with Alaskans and hear about their individual needs.
In the ad, Begich’s wife Deborah Bonito says:

“In Alaska, you go as far as it takes to see the people. While we love having Mark at home, we know we share him with every Alaskan, like his father before him. Mark was 10 when he lost his father. We’ve lost too many Alaskans this way, but Mark is clearly his father’s son and there’s no where he won’t go to listen and stand up for Alaskans.”


Mark Begich has Alaska’s best congressional attendance record and is always ready to go to work for Alaska. Alaskans know Mark never stops working for Alaska and spending time listening to Alaskans - whether its at Andy’s Hardware in Muldoon, the AC store in Bethel or Tatsuda’s IGA in Ketchikan. In the past week, Begich has visited Palmer, Wasilla, Haines, Juneau, Nome, Eagle River and Anchorage. He heads to Valdez and Cordova tomorrow.





Mark Begich has received endorsements from 9 former mayors in Southeast Alaska who recognize the results Begich has delivered for coastal communities. When it comes to delivering mine permits, funding Coast Guard facilities, delivering health care for Alaska veterans, and protecting postal service, Mark Begich has a record of accomplishment in Southeast.

Endorsements Include:

Southeast Mayors

Fred Shields, Former Mayor of Haines

Sally Smith, Former Mayor of Juneau

Bob Weinstein, Former Mayor of the City of Ketchikan

Bill Williams, Former Mayor of Saxman

Joe Williams, Former Ketchikan Borough Mayor

Al Dwyer, Former Mayor of Petersberg

Scott McAdams, Former Mayor of Sitka

Dennis Egan, Former Juneau Mayor

Bruce Botelho, Former Juneau Mayor

“Mark Begich stands up for the unique needs of Southeast Alaska. Mark has helped bring job creating investment to Southeast mines and Coast Guard facilities and he is honored to have the support of local leaders and will continue to work alongside them to support Southeast families, veterans, fishermen and Alaska Natives,” said Susanne Fleek- Green, Alaskans for Begich campaign manager.

Begich has risen fast in the Senate leadership, securing key committee spots as the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard and Senate Appropriations Committee that have helped him bring resources back to rural Alaska. He has also used his seat on the Senate Homeland Security Committee to advocate for improved postal service delivery to Southeast Alaska.

Begich’s accomplishments for Southeast include:


Secured Permits for Local Mines - Begich helped secure permits and create local jobs at the Kensington, Niblack, Bokan and Greens Creek mines.

Support for Local Small Businesses – Begich helped secure a $500,000 USDA grant for Alaskan Brewing Company to complete a biomass boiler.

Bringing Three New Coast Guard Ships To Southeast – Secured funding for three new Fast Response Coast Guard Cutters, two in Ketchikan and one in Juneau.

Resources for Local Schools - Begich helped secure $240,000 for Haines public schools.

Health Care Upgrades and Resources - Begich successfully pushed for more than $4 million in SEARHC funding, including Sitka’s Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital and the Haines medical clinic, and secured an amendment for Medicare payment assistance for Mt. Edgecumbe.

Infrastructure Improvements - Recovery Act provided $6.3 million for Hoonah to expand broadband services, resources for Mt. Edgecumbe High School for an alternative energy project, $4.7 million to upgrade the Ketchikan Federal building to a biomass heating systemm $2.2 million for Coffman Cove road improvements, $2.4 million for projects in the Tongass and Chugach, $27 million for the Ketchikan dock, and over a $1 million to the Ketchikan shipyard.

Rural Veterans – A successful Begich initiative allows veterans in rural Alaska to receive health care at tribal health facilities, saving veterans thousands of dollars in travel costs and allowing them to get care close to home.

Postal Service Reform — Begich secured a commitment to maintain local sorting for Ketchikan mail and successfully protected Douglas and Auke Bay post offices from scheduled closings.

Transportation Support - Begich & Senator Lisa Murkowski blocked efforts to cut Essential Air Service, which provides critical access to 44 rural communities across Alaska. Begich also fought for $3 million to improve the Hoonah ferry terminal, $3.6 million for the Auke Bay loading facility and $7.7 million for a dock and causeway in Gustavus.




ANCHORAGE - Senator Mark Begich is up with a new ad highlighting the well-founded criticism U.S Senate candidate Dan Sullivan has received from fellow Republicans. Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller made very clear to Alaskans: Dan Sullivan hasn’t been honest with Alaskans about his residency and his campaign isn’t backed by Alaskans.

During the primary Treadwell suggested that Dan “never should have become a Senate candidate” and reminded Alaskans that Sullivan’s changing stories and claims about his Alaska residency mean he can’t be trusted:

“(Dan is) someone who moved here for ambition, tax reasons. And someone who can’t remember one fishing license to the next, one tax form from the next, one biography to the next; where he’s from and when he came.” (Video, Homer GOP debate, 7/15/14)

Read More Here About What Treadwell and Miller Have Said About Dan Sullivan

Miller also criticized Sullivan for his links to Outside groups and special interests asking “where’s the money coming from and why is it being given.”

Sullivan has struggled to get the details of his own residency straight with a campaign that is funded almost entirely on Outside dollars from special interests and his Ohio-based family in Ohio. Outside groups - including those backed by Karl Rove and the billionaire Koch brothers - supporting Sullivan have spent over $4 million already and are set to spend another $12 million in the next few months.

Transcript of “Opponents”:

Begich: I’m Mark Begich and I approved this message.

Narrator: Now that the primary is over, remember how Dan Sullivan’s opponents described him?

Treadwell: “… someone who can’t remember one fishing license to the next, one tax form from the next, one biography to the next… in my cabin we’ve got a jar of mayonnaise in the fridge that’s been here longer than you …”

Narrator: And about the billionaire Koch brothers supporting Dan Sullivan?

Miller: “I really think the question is where’s the money coming from and why is it being given.”

Narrator: Dan Sullivan for Senate?

Treadwell: “If you’re going to represent Alaska it helps to know Alaska.”

Treadwell: “… and Dan Sullivan just got here.”




Begich “Better Candidate”


ANCHORAGE — Media outlets and strategists across Alaska and the country are noting Dan Sullivan has lost ground in a general election after a bitter and divisive primary race where he lost nearly 60% of the Republican vote.

“You don’t have to look any further than the attacks Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller used against Dan Sullivan to know he won’t look Alaskans in the eye and talk about important issues. Alaskans can’t trust someone who can’t tell the same story about his residency twice, answer a question about supporting the Violence Against Women Act and depends almost entirely on Outside groups and money to drive his campaign,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

What’s being said about Sullivan: “He is damaged

Sullivan Losing Ground:

“Is Alaska’s Senate Race Slipping Away From the GOP?” (National Journal, 08/20/2014)

Sullivan afraid of Alaska press:

“Sullivan Wins, Snubs Election Central Celebration” (APRN, 08/20/2014)
“Dan Sullivan wasn’t available for an interview today. He didn’t talk to reporters on election night and had no public appearances today.” (APRN, 08/20/2014)

Sullivan can’t get majority support from his own party:

“We never thought Miller had a chance and expected Sullivan to do far better than losing roughly 60 percent of the vote in a Republican primary,” said one Democratic strategist.” (Washington Examiner. 08/20/2014)

“As a result, even as the GOP grows more optimistic about a dozen other races across the midterm map, some of the party’s operatives worry that, of all places, bright-red Alaska has quietly slipped away.” (National Journal 08/20/2014)

What the outlets are saying about Begich: “Better Candidate


Begich running a strong campaign with fundraising lead:

“Sullivan now has less than 2½ months to replenish his coffers and make his case against Begich, who has run one of the strongest campaigns of any Democrat so far this election cycle. Begich had raised more than $8.3 million and had over $2 million on hand at the end of July.” (Real Clear Politics 08/20/2014)


Begich is the better candidate:

“…many of the state’s GOP operatives said that Begich—a former mayor of the state’s largest city, Anchorage, and the son of a congressman—has proven the better candidate thus far. Many analysts have praised not just Begich’s outreach to local Alaska voting blocs but his early TV ads, one of which recalled the death of his father, who was killed in a plane crash while in office.” (National Journal, 08/20/2014)

Begich’s “Secret Weapon” is Alaska:

“…unlike Begich, who was born and raised in Alaska, Sullivan hails from Ohio”

“In Anchorage, where Begich grew up and once served in the assembly and as mayor…Some people still remember his days as a property manager, when he would show up at all hours to fix leaky toilets.’ Let’s not get caught up in the D.C. trap of Democrats versus Republicans,” he said in an interview. “When you’re in Alaska it’s about what’s important for Alaska.” (AP, 08/20/2014)




ANCHORAGE — After eliminating 80 Alaska jobs, closing the Flint Hills refinery, and raising taxes on Alaskans the Koch brothers are back with another misleading million dollar attack ad to further their attempts to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for their man, Dan Sullivan.

“If the Koch brothers cared about Alaska they wouldn’t have raised taxes on the community of North Pole and eliminated 80 Alaska jobs. Dan Sullivan’s support from the Koch brothers is shameful, both working to advance a dangerous agenda without answering questions from Alaskans. Nothing shows your true colors like laying off 80 Alaskans while spending millions on false attack ads. Meanwhile, Mark Begich remains focused on bringing the F-35s to Fairbanks and growing Alaska jobs,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The most recent ad by the Koch backed group American’s for Prosperity builds on more attacks that have been labeled by independent fact check organizations as “false” and “not true.” The ad misleads Alaskans on Begich’s voting attendance record, which leads the Alaska Delegation at 95.5%.

The billionaire Koch brothers have spent over $4 million on ads in Alaska, with Outside groups pledging millions more. Despite their attempts to cut and run on Alaskans, a court recently ruled that the Kochs could not pass on responsibility for cleaning up Flint Hills after their decision to shutter it.

The decision came after the billionaires cut 80 jobs and plan to shutter the refinery, causing damage to the local economy and raising taxes on Alaskans.



“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska.”

“I wake up every day thinking about our state’s future.”


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich kicked off his re-election campaign with a powerful message of optimism and forward thinking, standing before supporters, volunteers, family and friends to deliver his vision for Alaska’s future.

True Alaska:

Begich believes a lifetime spent in Alaska and his efforts to meet with Alaskans face to face in every corner of the state to discuss issues important to them is what sets him apart from his opponent.

“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska,” said Begich.*

Begich elaborated on his campaign’s slogan, “True Alaska:”

“True Alaska is not about one person. It’s about a shared vision of our great state. It’s about always putting Alaska’s families and communities first. True Alaska means doing what’s best for Alaskans, not what’s best for national political operatives or special-interest groups. Each community in Alaska is unique. They have their own challenges and opportunities. Being Alaska’s U.S. Senator means getting out to those communities to listen.”

Dan Sullivan:

Begich painted a clear contrast with his opponent Dan Sullivan:

“Dan Sullivan? He is Karl Rove’s hand-picked choice to promote an extreme, outside agenda that hurts Alaska.”

“Dan Sullivan? He thinks the government, employers, and apparently Dan Sullivan know better than a woman, her doctor, and her family.”

“Dan Sullivan? He won’t tell Alaska seniors what he thinks, but he loves to talk about that Club for Growth endorsement. In case you missed it, they also want to privatize Social Security and turn Medicare into a you’re-on-your-own voucher program.”

Begich Success:

Examples of Begich’s successful work for Alaska include:

  • Successfully fought to make sure the F-16’s stay at Eielson Air Force Base
  • Secured the F-35’s that will be stationed at Eielson and build Alaska’s military
  • Opened the Arctic to the first drilling it has seen in decades, showing great promise and progress for onshore and offshore development
  • Began development in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPR-A) which is already creating hundreds of jobs.
  • Spearheaded successful efforts to get veterans care closer to home. Today there are over 30 partnerships between Alaska and the VA
  • Brought housing for our Coast Guard crews and families using Chairmanship of Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard
  • Secured $450 million in past claims for Alaska Native health care, giving Alaska tribes their day in court
  • Amassed clout and leadership with key committee posts for Alaska including the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee and the Senate subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard



Dishonest, Doesn’t Share Alaska’s Values


ANCHORAGE – Following a long and bitter GOP primary race, Campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich, Susanne Fleek-Green, released a memo regarding the state of the Alaska Senate race entitled “Dan Sullivan is Out of Touch with Alaska.”

To: Interested Parties

From: Susanne Fleek-Green, Begich Campaign Manager

Date: August 20th, 2014

Re: Dan Sullivan is Out of Touch with Alaska

After more than $10 million from Outside interests like Karl Rove and the Koch brothers, Dan Sullivan struggled to survive a bitter and contentious Republican primary in Alaska on Tuesday. As Republicans pounded him for being a newcomer who doesn’t share Alaska’s values, Sullivan was forced to drain his campaign funds and rely on his Outside corporate and family connections to carry him over the finish line.

Now Sullivan must face Mark Begich, a born and raised Alaskan with a bipartisan record of delivering for Alaska who holds $2 million in campaign funds heading into the general election. Meanwhile, Sullivan will be forced to try and overcome the damage already done. He will have to try and ask Alaskans to buy what he is selling after failing to demonstrate any real understanding of Alaska’s unique needs and proving his loyalty truly lies with his Outside corporate interests – as Alaskans saw firsthand when he failed to hold the Koch brothers accountable for closing the Flint Hills refinery in Fairbanks. “

Dishonest, Doesn’t Share Alaska’s Values

If his ability to receive a “TRUE” from independent fact checkers is any indication, Sullivan will have a hard time earning Alaskans’ trust. He has failed to be straight with Alaskans on everything from his limited record of work in Alaska to how long he has even lived here.

· Dan Sullivan Would Privatize Social Security, Cut Benefits for Seniors

· Dan Sullivan Believes the Government Should Dictate Women’s Health Decisions

· Sullivan Promoted Genetically Engineered Fish, Took Heat During Primary

· Sullivan Undermined Alaskans’ Subsistence Rights, Restricted Alaska Natives’ Water Rights

· Dan Sullivan Believes “The Jury is Still Out” on Climate Change – Even Though Previously Had Voiced “Shared Concern” on the Issue

Read the full memo here.
