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ANCHORAGE – In the national Republican weekly address this morning, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan showed he would put national party politics above working for real solutions to boost Alaska energy production. In the address Sullivan showed his lack of history with Alaska and the state’s decades-long struggle to open federal land and waters to oil and gas production.

“Increasing Alaska energy production isn’t about party politics, in the 2000’s there was Republican control of the Senate, House and White House and Alaska got nowhere with oil and gas development on federal land and water,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich. “While Louisiana got offshore revenue sharing in those days, Alaska lost out on billions.”

While Senator Mark Begich has been in office, Alaska has made huge strides in developing our oil and gas resources on federal lands and waters:

  • Historic progress in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas with permits for offshore drilling granted to Shell [New York Times, 5/23/12]
  • Permits secured for the Colville River bridge to allow ConocoPhillips to move forward on National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) drilling [Hearst, 2/13/14]
  • First-ever development in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska that is bringing over $1 billion in new investment to Alaska and creating over 500 good paying jobs. [Alaska Journal of Commerce, 11/7/13]
  • Gas exports licenses granted for the ConocoPhillips Nikiski facility and gas exports planned to restart [Petroleum News, 4/20/14]
  • NPR-A developments at CD-5 and GMT-1 projects expected to produce more than 45,000 barrels/day. [Alaska Journal of Commerce, 11/7/13]


  • Parnell Administration Announced The State Would “Back Out” For Planning Development On NPR-A in 2012. [Los Angeles Times,9/13/12]




ANCHORAGE — The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) released two nearly identical television ads today attempting to discredit Mark Begich’s two successful terms as the mayor of Alaska’s largest city, Anchorage. The ads are another attempt by Outside groups to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan, who is currently facing an investigation of his residency in Maryland.

“Mark Begich is born and raised in Anchorage and he’s proud of his record of delivering for his hometown. This is another flood of attacks from Outside groups that want to buy power in Washington without listening to the needs of Alaskans. It’s clear Outside groups are set on talking on Dan Sullivan’s behalf because he won’t look Alaskans in the eye,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Alaska’s largest newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News (now Alaska Dispatch News), reported on Mark Begich’s tenure as Anchorage’s mayor:

Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Our view: Fine job, Mr. Mayor.” [Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 1/3/09]

Anchorage Daily News: “Anchorage maintains its high rating on short-term bonds.”[Anchorage Daily News, 2/8/10]

Anchorage Daily News Ad Analysis Confirmed City Of Anchorage Added More Than 9,000 Jobs During Begich’s Tenure As Mayor. [Anchorage Daily News, 8/17/08]

Anchorage Daily News 2008: For First Time In 10 Years, Taxes Paid By Average Anchorage Homeowner Dropped By 3%. [Anchorage Daily News, 3/30/08]

The Anchorage Daily News editorialized on Begich’s tenure in 2008:

“He proved to be a highly competent mayor, one of the city’s best. He made the city run well, from ensuring its finances are sound to making sure the sidewalks were plowed. Begich used the office to improve the quality of our lives in many ways — staffing up the police department, for example, and making downtown more attractive…When Begich came into office, the city faced a $33 million shortfall. He cut expenses, partly by winning concessions from city unions. He went after additional revenue sources, from collecting on delinquent fines, to increasing fees for such services as building permits…When Begich came into office, the city faced a $33 million shortfall. He cut expenses, partly by winning concessions from city unions. He went after additional revenue sources, from collecting on delinquent fines, to increasing fees for such services as building permits…Begich was a highly competent mayor, and his successor will take over a city that is in excellent shape. BOTTOM LINE: Mayor Begich could be a tough act to follow.”


Sullivan Identified Residency Five Ways in Five Years

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE -Amid news of a Maryland investigation about Dan Sullivan’s residency controversy, Alaskans for Begich is sharing a memo for concerned parties about Dan Sullivan’s “Maryland Problem.” Sullivan collected thousands of dollars in tax breaks while living in Maryland as a political appointee at the State Department and declaring his million dollar Maryland home his “principal residence.”

Meanwhile, Sullivan has made five differing declarations about his residency in the last five years while he claimed 17 years of continuous Alaska residency while filing paperwork for the U.S. Senate. In private communications Sullivan has acknowledged thathe did not live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009, while doing the same when applying for a non-resident fishing license in 2009.

From: Alaskans for Begich, Campaign Manager Susanne Fleek-Green

To: Concerned Parties

Date: 9/5/2023

Subject: Dan Sullivan’s Maryland Problem

1. Sullivan is under investigation:

Maryland Tax Authorities Confirmed Investigation Into Sullivan Tax Benefits. Reported APRN in September 2014, “Maryland tax authorities said this week they’ll investigate whether Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan improperly benefited from tax breaks intended for Maryland residents for a house he owned in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.” [APRN, 9/4/14]

2. Sullivan collected tax breaks on his $1.3 million “principal residence” in Maryland:

Sullivans Received A County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2007. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2007 tax year. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

Sullivans Received County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2008. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2008 tax year.” [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

3. Sullivan declared Maryland his “principal residence” in 2006

December 2006: Sullivan Purchased Maryland Home For $1.3 Million, Designated As “Principal Residence.” According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Lane was purchased on December 29, 2023 for $1,362,000. The Sullivans signed a rider to the December 2006 deed on the Maiden Lane property that indicated the property would be used as a principal residence. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, accessed 12/10/13;Montgomery County Land Records – Deed 33556/ 00304, 12/29/06]

4. Sullivan declared Maryland his “principal residence” in 2010

2010: Sullivans Sold Maryland Home For More Than $1.3 Million, Certified House Was A Principal Residence. According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Ln in Bethesda was sold by Daniel S. Sullivan and Julie F. Sullivan on May 25, 2023 for $1,325,000. The Sullivans each signed a certification indicating the property was a principal residence. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 39334/ 00288, 5/25/10]

5. Collecting Maryland Tax Breaks While Voting in Alaska - Sullivan continued to vote in Alaska while living at a “principal residence” in Maryland:

Sullivan Continued To Vote In Alaska, Claimed He Was An Alaska Resident During That Period. “‘The bottom line is, Dan’s an Alaskan,’ [Sullivan spokesman] said, noting that Sullivan has owned a house in Alaska for more than a decade, had an Alaska driver’s license since 1997 and has a voting history in Alaska.” [AP, 12/18/13]

6. Sullivan was denied a Permanent Dividend Fund check in 2004 – Sullivan’s failure to live in Alaska for more than a year in 2003 caused him to be denied his PFD, a hallmark of Alaska residency.

State Of Alaska Rejected Sullivan’s Permanent Fund Application After He Moved To DC. “2003: Applies for permanent fund dividend while living in Washington, D.C. Dividend applications for Sullivan and family rejected, though past White House fellows from Alaska kept their residency and received PFDs, his campaign says.” [Anchorage Daily News,4/19/14]


Anchorage- Mark Begich welcomes the recent endorsement by the United Tribes of Bristol Bay (UTBB) for his reelection to the United States Senate.

Robert Heyano, President of UTBB had this to say on the group’s endorsement, “Mark Begich has a solid record supporting Alaska Native interests. He has a demonstrated commitment to protecting Alaska Native subsistence ways of life in addition to assisting our communities with the myriad issues like economic development, public safety, and tribal self-determination.”

The UTBB was also quick to highlight their serious concerns with Dan Sullivan’s record in state government and understanding that sending him to Washington, D.C. would be a major setback for Alaska Native rights.

“Mr. Sullivan’s record is filled with one attempt after another to diminish or outright end protections for Alaska Native and American Indian voters,” said Heyano. “On the contrary, Senator Begich has a proven record of accomplishments in advancing Native interests—including opposing the Pebble Mine and the devastating threat it poses to Bristol Bay’s abundant subsistence resources.”

The official endorsement is pasted below and can be found here.

United Tribes of Bristol Bay Endorse Sen. Mark Begich For Reelection

Opponent Dan Sullivan has staunch record of voting against Native rights.

Dillingham, AK – Today, the United Tribes of Bristol Bay formally endorsed Alaska Senator Mark Begich for reelection to the United States Senate. Senator Begich faces former Attorney General and Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Dan Sullivan, whose short career in Alaska has been dedicated at attempting to overturn Native rights initiatives.

“Mark Begich has a solid record supporting Alaska Native interests,” said Robert Heyano, President of UTBB. “He has a demonstrated commitment to protecting Alaska Native subsistence ways of life in addition to assisting our communities with the myriad issues like economic development, public safety, and tribal self-determination.”

Dan Sullivan’s record stands in stark contrast. As Attorney General, Sullivan argued that the subsistence protections established under Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act should be narrowed to exclude vast stretches of Alaska waters from subsistence fishing. As DNR commissioner, Sullivan attempted to reclassify Bristol Bay lands as solely mineral land, omitting any use for subsistence hunting and fishing. In addition, he brainstormed the now infamous House Bill 77 - a bill granting himself the absolute right to issue permits without public notice or input.

“Mr. Sullivan’s record is filled with one attempt after another to diminish or outright end protections for Alaska Native and American Indian voters,” said Heyano. “On the contrary, Senator Begich has a proven record of accomplishments in advancing Native interests—including opposing the Pebble Mine and the devastating threat it poses to Bristol Bay’s abundant subsistence resources.”


Sullivan called himself an “Outsider” in email to Mead Treadwell

CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan pitched himself as a potential Alaska Attorney General by calling himself an “Outsider” and stating “I have not lived in Alaska since 2002″ in a 2009 email to Mead Treadwell.

The statements in the email stand in stark contrast to Sullivan’s current claim to be a 17-year resident of Alaska.

“Dan Sullivan won’t look Alaskans in the eyes and answer questions about important issues, including his residency. If Dan Sullivan acknowledges he didn’t live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009, then how can he currently claim to be a 17-year resident of Alaska?,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Since calling himself an “Outsider” in the email Sullivan has claimed to be a non-resident, one year of Alaska residency, two years of Alaska residency, ten years of Alaska residency, and seventeen years of Alaska residency.

See the email here:

Outsider Email

CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065

Statement on tonight’s United For Liberty debate from Alaskans For Begich Campaign Manager Susanne Fleek-Green:

“Dan Sullivan made clear he represents a dangerous special interest agenda that wants to cut Social Security and end Medicare as we know it. Sullivan avoided talking about Alaska issues like fisheries and the Flint Hills refinery opting instead for talking points provided by Outside groups.

“Mark Begich’s record is clear. Mark Begich kept the F-16’s at Eielson Air Force Base, delivered historic agreements to allow Alaska veterans to receive care at a local clinic and advanced Alaska energy production in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.”


Leaked Secret Koch Brothers Call on Secret Agenda

Call Alaska a “Peninsular” State

CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — A leaked transcript of a secret conference call between Koch brothers groups proves their intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan to support the Koch brothers own dangerous agenda. The Koch brothers are dumping millions of dollars into Alaska to prop up Sullivan, who hasn’t been seen or heard from in a week.

The groups also proved they still haven’t learned much about Alaska by awkwardly stating that Alaska is a “peninsular” state.

“The Koch brothers are happy to spend millions of dollars to speak on Dan Sullivan’s behalf while he avoids meeting face to face with Alaskans. This call might as well be Dan Sullivan’s campaign, shadowy groups that don’t know Alaska discussing how to spend millions of dollars on attack ads,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Earlier this year the Koch brothers eliminated 80 Alaska jobs by closing the Flint Hills refinery. Residents of North Pole are now facing higher taxes after the closure of the facility.

Calls like this are made possible by the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling that allows anonymous spending by billionaires and states corporations are people. Sullivan has endorsed the court ruling and the practices that allow anonymous attack ads. Call attendees noted that the Koch Brothers money is changing the political landscape as they attempt to buy Senate seats for their own corporate interests.

The secret conference was leaked to the Huffington Post with redacted statements and focuses heavily on the Koch brothers building “infrastructure” in Alaska. Talk of investing in Alaska comes after the Koch’s closed a refinery in North Pole, killing 80 Alaska jobs and causing increased taxes on residents.

The transcript features Americans for Prosperity’s president, Tim Phillips, and Freedom Partners’ president, Marc Short. Both groups have supported Dan Sullivan by running attack ads in Alaska, many of which have been labeled false by independent fact check groups.

“MARC SHORT: [TYPING IN THE BACKGROUND.] The next up is Alaska. Alaska (inaudible). It’s a state that is very Republican. It’s a state that (inaudible), and we think this is going to be (inaudible). Of all the Democrats running right now, Mark Begich is (inaudible).


“TIM PHILLIPS: Well, Marc, we are just hiring Americans for Prosperity staff in Alaska. We have a long way to go. You know, peninsular states, whatever you do now or whatever (inaudible) the lower 48 (inaudible) Alaska. So this is an uphill state, even though it is still red.

“And it points out that (inaudible) the success of the model that you helped build because we don’t have anything. And so what should be more of a, a (inaudible) we don’t have the infrastructure like we do in Arkansas, or North Carolina, or Louisiana.

Mark Begich supports a constitutional amendment to permanently overturn the Citizens United ruling and has signed the We The People Alaska pledge stating his belief that corporations are not people.



ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan garnered barely 40% of the primary vote last week, a fact being noted by media outlets. Sullivan’s lackluster performance in the primary has been followed by Sullivan’s suspect disappearance from the public eye.

“After losing 60% of the vote in his own primary election, Dan Sullivan has disappeared, locked Alaska reporters out of events and continued to avoid answering questions on issues critical to the state like the Violence Against Women Act while letting Outside groups like Karl Rove and the Koch brothers do the talking for him,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

In the primary Sullivan benefited from millions of dollars being spent on TV and radio by Outside groups including a last minute infusion of $300,000 from his parents and brother. Sullivan has been preparing his U.S. Senate bid for years.




ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan is the only candidate in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race who supports unlimited spending by corporations and billionaires in elections.

Sullivan announced his support for the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and anonymous spending by billionaires and his belief corporations are people in June when stumbling through his disingenuous attempt to bar spending in our elections. This position conflicts with Sullivan’s newest TV ad. Sullivan has failed to reconcile his beliefs with his political ploys.

“Dan Sullivan needs to take aim at his own support for unlimited spending by corporations and billionaires in Alaska’s elections. Sullivan believes corporations are people and he continues to be dishonest with Alaskans while trying to hide his true beliefs,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Here’s what’s been said about Sullivan’s support for Citizens United

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner:

The disharmony between Sullivan’s stances on political campaigns in general and the specific race he is running this fall is peculiar, and doesn’t support his stated intentions in seeking the agreement… But we can’t square that intention with the facts of how this year’s Senate race is being conducted — and with Mr. Sullivan’s unwillingness to support limits on campaign finance in races other than his own. [Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Editorial, 6/15/2014]

Alaska Commons:

Dan Sullivan’s ‘Alaska Agreement’ More About Politics than Fairness [Alaska Commons, 6/13/2014]

Washington Post:

On the conference call, Sullivan was repeatedly asked whether he supports” Citizen’s United.” Without answering directly, Sullivan responded that he supports “strong Supreme Court court decisions that strengthen free speech.” Afterward, he affirmed his support for “Citizens United” in a tweet. [Washington Post, 6/10/2023]

Mark Begich supports a constitutional amendment to permanently overturn the Citizens United ruling and has signed the We The People Alaska pledge stating his belief that corporations are not people

Begich has supported transparency efforts such as the DISCLOSE act, legislation Dan Sullivan does not support, and supports Alaska state law which requires ads to disclose top donors.



KTVA: “No sign of women getting paid less for performing the same role”


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich joined Alaska women and equal pay supporters at the YWCA in Anchorage to discuss the importance of equal pay for women and his support for the Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would put tough safeguards in place to end pay discrimination for women.

Begich is the only candidate in Alaska’s Senate race that supports equal pay for equal work and opposes all forms of discrimination.

An investigative report from KTVA Channel 11 found ads being run by Outside groups misleading and reported “there is no sign of” Begich paying his female staff less.

Outside groups - including those backed by Karl Rove and the billionaire Koch brothers - supporting Dan Sullivan have spent over $4 million already and are set to spend another $12 million in the next few months.

Read the full story here and below:

Begich responds to pay equality criticism

By Kate McPherson 6:58 AM August 26, 2023

ANCHORAGE – Creating conditions in the workplace that make it easier for women to fight for equal pay continues to be a political divider.

Republicans are trying to use the equal pay issue against Sen. Mark Begich, who’s running for re-election in November. Republican heavyweight Karl Rove is behind a group that put out the latest ad attacking Begich; aiming to leave the viewer with the impression that Begich is against equal pay for women and claiming he doesn’t pay his female staffers fairly.

Begich says, in some cases, the opposite is true.

“My legislative correspondents, my legislative aids — job to job, class to class — in those two, for example, women make more money,” Begich said after addressing a crowd at the YWCA in Anchorage on the issues of equal pay for equal work and raising the minimum wage in Alaska.

A list of around 57 Begich staffers and their salaries shows no clear indication that women are paid more than men performing the same role. It’s also not clear how much experience staff members have; a factor which might influence how much someone is paid.

“They just make this stuff up, they use whatever data points they want to make their point,” said Begich, referring to the people behind the ad.

Begich said the figure in the attack ad looks like it’s derived from adding up all of the women’s salaries and all of the men’s salaries, but doesn’t take into account the actual job description — for example the chief of staff, who is male and gets paid upwards of $76,000 for the senior role.

“Almost 70 percent of my workforce are women, when you compare job class to job class in some cases we are paying women 108 percent — more than men.”

The latest ad against Begich also urges the viewer to tell him to support a piece of legislation that is supposed to end pay discrimination. Begich’s campaign said this bill is just a watered down version of the Paycheck Fairness Act. While Begich supported that measure, it fell six votes short of passing in the U.S. Senate in April.

The Paycheck Fairness Act can be reconsidered. The legislation would enhance penalties for employers who intentionally discriminate against female workers.
