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Begich Optimism and Results Define Campaign

“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska.”

“I wake up every day thinking about our state’s future.”


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich kicked off his re-election campaign with a powerful message of optimism and forward thinking, standing before supporters, volunteers, family and friends to deliver his vision for Alaska’s future.

True Alaska:

Begich believes a lifetime spent in Alaska and his efforts to meet with Alaskans face to face in every corner of the state to discuss issues important to them is what sets him apart from his opponent.

“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska,” said Begich.*

Begich elaborated on his campaign’s slogan, “True Alaska:”

“True Alaska is not about one person. It’s about a shared vision of our great state. It’s about always putting Alaska’s families and communities first. True Alaska means doing what’s best for Alaskans, not what’s best for national political operatives or special-interest groups. Each community in Alaska is unique. They have their own challenges and opportunities. Being Alaska’s U.S. Senator means getting out to those communities to listen.”

Dan Sullivan:

Begich painted a clear contrast with his opponent Dan Sullivan:

“Dan Sullivan? He is Karl Rove’s hand-picked choice to promote an extreme, outside agenda that hurts Alaska.”

“Dan Sullivan? He thinks the government, employers, and apparently Dan Sullivan know better than a woman, her doctor, and her family.”

“Dan Sullivan? He won’t tell Alaska seniors what he thinks, but he loves to talk about that Club for Growth endorsement. In case you missed it, they also want to privatize Social Security and turn Medicare into a you’re-on-your-own voucher program.”

Begich Success:

Examples of Begich’s successful work for Alaska include:

  • Successfully fought to make sure the F-16’s stay at Eielson Air Force Base
  • Secured the F-35’s that will be stationed at Eielson and build Alaska’s military
  • Opened the Arctic to the first drilling it has seen in decades, showing great promise and progress for onshore and offshore development
  • Began development in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPR-A) which is already creating hundreds of jobs.
  • Spearheaded successful efforts to get veterans care closer to home. Today there are over 30 partnerships between Alaska and the VA
  • Brought housing for our Coast Guard crews and families using Chairmanship of Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard
  • Secured $450 million in past claims for Alaska Native health care, giving Alaska tribes their day in court
  • Amassed clout and leadership with key committee posts for Alaska including the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee and the Senate subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard
