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New Ad: “Opponents”


ANCHORAGE - Senator Mark Begich is up with a new ad highlighting the well-founded criticism U.S Senate candidate Dan Sullivan has received from fellow Republicans. Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller made very clear to Alaskans: Dan Sullivan hasn’t been honest with Alaskans about his residency and his campaign isn’t backed by Alaskans.

During the primary Treadwell suggested that Dan “never should have become a Senate candidate” and reminded Alaskans that Sullivan’s changing stories and claims about his Alaska residency mean he can’t be trusted:

“(Dan is) someone who moved here for ambition, tax reasons. And someone who can’t remember one fishing license to the next, one tax form from the next, one biography to the next; where he’s from and when he came.” (Video, Homer GOP debate, 7/15/14)

Read More Here About What Treadwell and Miller Have Said About Dan Sullivan

Miller also criticized Sullivan for his links to Outside groups and special interests asking “where’s the money coming from and why is it being given.”

Sullivan has struggled to get the details of his own residency straight with a campaign that is funded almost entirely on Outside dollars from special interests and his Ohio-based family in Ohio. Outside groups - including those backed by Karl Rove and the billionaire Koch brothers - supporting Sullivan have spent over $4 million already and are set to spend another $12 million in the next few months.

Transcript of “Opponents”:

Begich: I’m Mark Begich and I approved this message.

Narrator: Now that the primary is over, remember how Dan Sullivan’s opponents described him?

Treadwell: “… someone who can’t remember one fishing license to the next, one tax form from the next, one biography to the next… in my cabin we’ve got a jar of mayonnaise in the fridge that’s been here longer than you …”

Narrator: And about the billionaire Koch brothers supporting Dan Sullivan?

Miller: “I really think the question is where’s the money coming from and why is it being given.”

Narrator: Dan Sullivan for Senate?

Treadwell: “If you’re going to represent Alaska it helps to know Alaska.”

Treadwell: “… and Dan Sullivan just got here.”

