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Senator Begich Addresses AFL-CIO


Senator Mark Begich gave a speech to a convention of the AFL-CIO in Fairbanks yesterday reaffirming his support for Alaska workers and middle class families, a stark contrast to U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s support of Right To Work.

Dan Sullivan’s Record:

“I am supportive of right to work.” U.S. Senate Candidate Dan Sullivan,[Fagan & Biegel Show, 7/11/2023]

Sullivan believes raising the minimum wage would “Kill half a million jobs.” [Anchorage Daily News, 4/30/14]

“Raising The Minimum Wage Isn’t An Answer.” [AP, 1/18/14]

Sullivan Touted the Increase in Free Trade Agreements During the Bush Administration. [Sullivan Remarks, Washington Export Council, 3/21/07]

Mark Begich’s Record: In yesterday’s speech Senator Begich voiced his support for strong labor unions, retirement security, fair trade, and unemployment benefits.

Minimum Wage:

“I’m glad that AFL workers earn good pay for hard work they do. But having a fair minimum wage is important to labor, even those who make more than the minimum. I’m proud to go to Senate floor this spring with many Democratic colleagues to talk about how important it is to raise the wage.”

Social Security:

“Workers can’t afford to wait another year or two years to get what they’ve earned. Alaskans won’t stand for Social Security cuts, which is what increasing the retirement age is. I won’t stand for it.”


Begich has claimed a number of victories for Alaska workers:

  • Opened the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, bringing in new jobs and over a billion dollars in investment

  • Helped bring 2 squadrons of F-35’s to Eielson, which will create thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars for the Fairbanks economy.

  • Sponsored the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act, to improve Social Security
