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“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska.”

“I wake up every day thinking about our state’s future.”


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich kicked off his re-election campaign with a powerful message of optimism and forward thinking, standing before supporters, volunteers, family and friends to deliver his vision for Alaska’s future.

True Alaska:

Begich believes a lifetime spent in Alaska and his efforts to meet with Alaskans face to face in every corner of the state to discuss issues important to them is what sets him apart from his opponent.

“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska,” said Begich.*

Begich elaborated on his campaign’s slogan, “True Alaska:”

“True Alaska is not about one person. It’s about a shared vision of our great state. It’s about always putting Alaska’s families and communities first. True Alaska means doing what’s best for Alaskans, not what’s best for national political operatives or special-interest groups. Each community in Alaska is unique. They have their own challenges and opportunities. Being Alaska’s U.S. Senator means getting out to those communities to listen.”

Dan Sullivan:

Begich painted a clear contrast with his opponent Dan Sullivan:

“Dan Sullivan? He is Karl Rove’s hand-picked choice to promote an extreme, outside agenda that hurts Alaska.”

“Dan Sullivan? He thinks the government, employers, and apparently Dan Sullivan know better than a woman, her doctor, and her family.”

“Dan Sullivan? He won’t tell Alaska seniors what he thinks, but he loves to talk about that Club for Growth endorsement. In case you missed it, they also want to privatize Social Security and turn Medicare into a you’re-on-your-own voucher program.”

Begich Success:

Examples of Begich’s successful work for Alaska include:

  • Successfully fought to make sure the F-16’s stay at Eielson Air Force Base
  • Secured the F-35’s that will be stationed at Eielson and build Alaska’s military
  • Opened the Arctic to the first drilling it has seen in decades, showing great promise and progress for onshore and offshore development
  • Began development in the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPR-A) which is already creating hundreds of jobs.
  • Spearheaded successful efforts to get veterans care closer to home. Today there are over 30 partnerships between Alaska and the VA
  • Brought housing for our Coast Guard crews and families using Chairmanship of Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard
  • Secured $450 million in past claims for Alaska Native health care, giving Alaska tribes their day in court
  • Amassed clout and leadership with key committee posts for Alaska including the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee and the Senate subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard



Dishonest, Doesn’t Share Alaska’s Values


ANCHORAGE – Following a long and bitter GOP primary race, Campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich, Susanne Fleek-Green, released a memo regarding the state of the Alaska Senate race entitled “Dan Sullivan is Out of Touch with Alaska.”

To: Interested Parties

From: Susanne Fleek-Green, Begich Campaign Manager

Date: August 20th, 2014

Re: Dan Sullivan is Out of Touch with Alaska

After more than $10 million from Outside interests like Karl Rove and the Koch brothers, Dan Sullivan struggled to survive a bitter and contentious Republican primary in Alaska on Tuesday. As Republicans pounded him for being a newcomer who doesn’t share Alaska’s values, Sullivan was forced to drain his campaign funds and rely on his Outside corporate and family connections to carry him over the finish line.

Now Sullivan must face Mark Begich, a born and raised Alaskan with a bipartisan record of delivering for Alaska who holds $2 million in campaign funds heading into the general election. Meanwhile, Sullivan will be forced to try and overcome the damage already done. He will have to try and ask Alaskans to buy what he is selling after failing to demonstrate any real understanding of Alaska’s unique needs and proving his loyalty truly lies with his Outside corporate interests – as Alaskans saw firsthand when he failed to hold the Koch brothers accountable for closing the Flint Hills refinery in Fairbanks. “

Dishonest, Doesn’t Share Alaska’s Values

If his ability to receive a “TRUE” from independent fact checkers is any indication, Sullivan will have a hard time earning Alaskans’ trust. He has failed to be straight with Alaskans on everything from his limited record of work in Alaska to how long he has even lived here.

· Dan Sullivan Would Privatize Social Security, Cut Benefits for Seniors

· Dan Sullivan Believes the Government Should Dictate Women’s Health Decisions

· Sullivan Promoted Genetically Engineered Fish, Took Heat During Primary

· Sullivan Undermined Alaskans’ Subsistence Rights, Restricted Alaska Natives’ Water Rights

· Dan Sullivan Believes “The Jury is Still Out” on Climate Change – Even Though Previously Had Voiced “Shared Concern” on the Issue

Read the full memo here.




ANCHORAGE — According to the chair of Alaska’s Republican Party, Washington insiders are conducting a secret meeting in Anchorage with Dan Sullivan today to determine Sullivan’s message and agenda.

The meeting parlays with the $4.3 million Outside special interest groups have spent propping up Sullivan in an attempt to buy Alaska’s Senate seat.

“On day one Dan Sullivan is already sitting down with Outside groups to be told what to say. Sullivan continues to refuse to look Alaskans in the eye and tell Alaskans what he believes,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan has failed to be straight with Alaskans on a myriad of issues including how long he has been in the state, even dishing out his own money to pay for advice on “how to look Alaskans in the eye.”

Sullivan’s campaign so far has been largely supported by Outside groups run by Karl Rove and the Koch brothers dedicated to putting their national interests above the unique needs of Alaska. Overall, Outside groups have spent over $4 million in Alaska so far and are committed tospend over $12 million by November.

Even longtime Republican strategists in Alaska have called attempts by Outside groups to buy Alaska’s Senate seat a waste of money.



Begich Focuses on Meeting Face to Face to Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — Heading into Tuesday’s hotly contested primary, GOP candidates Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller are sneaking in their last minute punches in a three way primary that onlookers have defined as “bitter” with “no love lost.”

Meanwhile, Senator Mark Begich is staying focused on talking directly with Alaskans about the importance of the election.

“Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller are making this race about each other, leaving Alaskans in the dust. They continue to refuse to look Alaskans in the eye and have conversations about Alaska’s future, instead of their own,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

In the final debate that aired last week, Treadwell threw punches at Sullivan for skipping the Alaska Public Media Debate that was held one night before the KTUU debate, asking if Sullivan had “dropped out.” Sullivan fired back by accusing Treadwell of crying “crocodile tears.”

Begich has spent the last few days meeting face to face with Alaskans. In the past week Begich has visited Palmer, Wasilla, Eagle River, Haines, Juneau, and Anchorage.



Treadwell, Sullivan and Miller in Nasty debate


ANCHORAGE — Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller left Alaskans with an angry and bitter impression as the three candidates exchanged personal barbs in their final debate last night before the August 19th primary.

In what has already been called a “bitter” race, Treadwell threw punches at Sullivan for skipping the Alaska Public Media Debate two nights prior, asking if Sullivan had “dropped out.” Sullivan fired back by accusing Treadwell of crying “crocodile tears.”

“No love was lost or ever present between Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller. The biggest factor uniting the three is their desire to restrict access to birth control for Alaska women, their attacks on middle class families and their desire to make dangerous changes to Social Security,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Read the full story below:

KTUU - Emotions Run High at Final GOP Senate Debate

Disagreements abound, but candidates signal a repeat of 2010 is unlikely

Austin Baird / KTUU-TV

ANCHORAGE - During the final televised debate before the August 19 primary election, no love was lost between the Republicans who hope to unseat Sen. Mark Begich.

But by the end of Thursday, it was clear Begich will likely be opposed by just one well-backed conservative candidate in November.

Even before Channel 2 cameras started rolling, tempers started flaring.

“Is Dan Sullivan here?” Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell said to no one in particular. He grinned and pressed his hands against the podium. “I heard he’s dropping out of the race after he missed that debate last night.”

The former attorney was general standing a step away. The joke was that Sullivan must have thrown in the towel because he sat out a Wednesday debate hosted by Alaska Public Media.

While Joe Miller was making small talk before the debate got under way, he offered a line that came amid a story never entirely told about an incident on the campaign trail.

“What planet am I on?” Miller said.

Treadwell cut in: “That’s a question a lot of people have asked.”

The stage was set.

Over the next hour at the University of Alaska Anchorage, there was predictable last-minute posturing – all the candidates emphasized that they are varying shades of anti-amnesty, they described their desire for smaller federal government, they spoke of what the sanctity of life means to them.

And there were lip-furled mentions of Barack Obama, Mark Begich, Harry Reid and other fundamental trigger words, including fundamental, real conservatives and socialism.

Maybe refined, rehearsed talking points signal that the contentious campaign has nearly run its course, just as emotionally-charged moments may exemplify what has been a sometimes hostile primary campaign.

When moderator Steve Mac Donald opened the floor for Treadwell to ask Sullivan a question, the lieutenant governor offered up a pointed criticism of what he called attack ads, something he said has become commonplace in recent weeks.

None seemed worse to Treadwell than a mailer deriding his “Washington doublespeak,” which apparently included a photo of the lieutenant governor’s face edited onto the body of another person.

Sullivan responded that Treadwell should shed no “crocodile tears” due to the plenty of attacks he has launched, including the time he was quoted saying there is a jar of mayonnaise in his cabinet that has been here longer than Sullivan.

Treadwell stood by the jab and asked when Sullivan caught his first legal salmon in Alaska.

“I believe it’s a fair issue,” Treadwell said. “The question of your residency here is an issue in this campaign.”

A copy of the mailer that became a point of controversy during the debate. (Courtesy Mead Treadwell)

Sullivan continually steered conversation to Begich, Reid, Obama and the like, and he faded into the background while some of the most heated exchanges of the debate unfolded.

“I’m actually quite upset with the racist mailer that Joe sent out on this issue,” Treadwell said, referring to an ad that recently drew the attention of liberal blogs. “You wanted to tell us that there should be no taxpayer-funded benefits, and I’m going to tell you right now, if somebody is bleeding in the streets…we need to help them.”

Miller responded by speaking of people who have married into his family who were born in India, Indonesia and Mexico, and he said that immigration “is not a racism issue.”

“This is about tearing apart the fabric of this nation by saying that we’re going to allow illegals to come in, become voters,” Miller said.

Miller and Treadwell also sparred over the United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty, which if ratified would give the U.S. more control over its waters, including those in the developing Arctic.

Sullivan literally took a step back and watched the “significant disagreement,” as Miller called it, unfold in real time.

Miller: “You’ve been a lifelong proponent of the Law of the Sea Treaty. You think that’s the pathway for the Arctic. I believe the pathway…is bilateral agreements with those nations that have Arctic regions within their coastlines.”

Treadwell: “Alaskans fought for many provisions in the Law of the Sea,” Treadwell said. “For you to dismiss it and question our patriotism for trying to move forward protections for Alaska I think is disgusting.”

Miller: “I think it’s disgusting, to be quite honest, that anyone would say because of money, we’re going to give up sovereignty of the United States.”

The whole time the conversation carried on, for about five minutes,, Sullivan spoke for fewer than 10 seconds.

While the focus of the night was how the candidates are different from one another, the debate closed with a sign that there will be no repeat of 2010, when Miller surprised the Alaska Republican establishment by winning the 2010 nomination, only to be bested by write-in candidate Lisa Murkowski in the general election.

Sullivan and Treadwell said they would support whoever wins the nomination.

And so did Miller, who was previously rumored to be weighing the possibility of running as an Independent if he lost the Republican nomination.

“I’ve never said this before,” Miller said. “I believe I’m going to be the primary winner, but if one of you two guys win, I’ll support you.

“We have to get rid of Mark Begich.”



Primary Candidates Bad for Women


ANCHORAGE- No matter which candidate wins today’s contested Republican primary, Alaskans won’t be presented with a candidate who supports issues important to women including equal pay for equal work, access to birth control and an increase in the minimum wage.

Mark Begich is the only candidate in this race who supports a nationwide increase in the minimum wage and believes women — not the government or your boss — should be able to make health care decisions.

“All of Mark Begich’s opponents have startling positions that impact the ability for Alaska women and middle class families to earn a fair wage and make their own health care decisions, free of government interference,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich is Fighting for Alaska Women and Families:

· Supports Increase in Federal Minimum Wage: Would increase incomes for the minimum wage work force, almost 60% of whom are women

· Equal Pay for Equal Work: Only candidate supporting equal pay for equal work legislation

· Opposes Hobby Lobby decision: Believes a boss should not make health care decisions for Alaska women

· Supports Access to Birth Control and Funding for Planned Parenthood

· Pro-Choice



Begich Swings Through Six Towns in Two Days


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich visited Haines yesterday to open a field office for volunteers as he continues his commitment to travel Alaska meeting face to face with Alaskans about issues important to them.

So many Alaskans turned out that the Haines office was not big enough to hold the crowd.

“Mark Begich was born and raised in Alaska and understands the importance of going to each and every corner of the state to talk directly with Alaskans about what issues matter to them and their communities,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Begich has spent the last few days meeting face to face in towns including Palmer, Wasilla, Eagle River Haines, Juneau, and Anchorage.



Standing by Extreme Platforms


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidates Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan failed to address issues important to Alaska women in their final debate hosted by KTUU, avoiding their record of opposing equal pay for equal work and believing government should make health care decisions for Alaska women.

“Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan once again avoiding looking Alaska women in the eyes and explaining their efforts to limit a woman’s right to choose, let a woman’s boss make health care decisions for them and refusing to support the Violence Against Women Act,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Recently when asked if they supported the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Treadwell and Sullivan both declined to support the law. VAWA is a historic federal law that has received bipartisan support since its initial passage in 1994, including support from Senator Lisa Murkowksi.

All three GOP candidates in the Senate race have adopted dangerous positions for women like allowing woman’s boss make health care decisions for her, eliminating a woman’s right to choose, limiting protections for domestic violence and assault and exposing a woman’s medical records to the government.

Begich is the only candidate in Alaska’s Senate race who has proven himself to be an ally of Alaska women. Begich opposes the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision and cosponsored a bill to have the decision overturned. He believes that women have the right to make their own medical decisions and that the government has no right to come between a woman and her doctor.



Begich Success in Fighting for Seniors


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich today received the endorsement of Senior Votes Count, an advocacy organization working to protect our seniors by preserving Social Security and Medicare for future generations.

Spokesperson and representative from Senior Votes Count, Jon “Bowzer” Bauman – formerly of popular 70s band “Sha Na Na” – joined Begich at an event today where he received the endorsement of the organization.

“We need leaders like Mark in the Senate to protect and support our aging Baby Boomer population. With these programs that provide millions of Americans per year a critical lifeline under attack from short sighted politicians, we need problem-solvers like Mark standing on the side of Alaska’s seniors,” said Bauman.

Begich has received nationwide recognition for his bill, the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act, which would strengthen the program by extending its solvency by 70 years, raising the cap on contributions, and expanding benefits for recipients.

“Mark is honored to receive the endorsement of Senior Votes Count – an organization that shares his belief that all Americans should have the ability to retire and age with dignity. Americans need the certainty that programs like Social Security will be there for them as they grow old and deserve their benefits after a lifetime of paying into the program,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Begich is a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, where he is also closely tracking efforts to shore up Medicare by targeting waste, fraud and abuse. He also supports improving Medicare coverage for prevention and wellness, mental health, and dental services as well as fixing Medicare reimbursement rates.



Uses Funds to Fuel Negative Attack Ads


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is relying on $300,000 from his multimillionaire Cleveland-based parents and brother to fuel attack ads against Joe Miller, Mead Treadwell and Mark Begich in the closing days of the contested Alaska primary.

The Cleveland-based Sullivan family owns RPM International, a company worth $4.1 billion. Sullivan’s parents and brother have funneled nearly $400,000 to a super PAC producing ridiculous attack ads.

Dan Sullivan’s message to Alaskans in one gif:

Until this sudden influx of family cash Sullivan’s super PAC reported $3,600 in its last FEC report.
