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Interior Alaska Comes Together to Bring F-35s To Fairbanks


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich’s new radio ad highlights Fairbanks’ big win: two new squadrons of F-35s coming to Eielson Air Force Base. Begich advocated to bring the planes to Alaska after fighting to keep F-16s at Eielson, a fight that saved 3,000 jobs.

In the ad, Fairbanks City Council member Renee Staley tells the story of Alaskans coming together to secure the planes, including Begich’s work.

“But it’s also a story of Alaskans coming together – Democrats and Republicans – to convince the Air Force that Interior Alaska was the perfect training ground with so much space to work in. It means one point three billion dollars a year for Alaska … nearly two thousand military personnel and their families and new missions for our bases. It’s the biggest economic boost for Fairbanks since the pipeline,” says Staley.

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee, Begich stood up for Eielson to keep the F-16s and to bring the F-35s to Alaska. Senator Begich previously released an ad on his efforts to save the F-16s by putting the promotion of a three star general on hold.

Since joining the US Senate, Begich has been a steadfast fighter for Alaska’s military families and bases. He successfully fought alongside Senator Murkowski, Congressman Young and all of Interior Alaska to bring the F-35s to Fairbanks, a decision announced just last week. Begich was also successful in restoring benefits for the Alaska Territorial Guard, delivering Tricare coverage for military dependents up to age 26 and securing over $500 million in military infrastructure improvements.

Read More About Begich’s Record of Results for Alaska’s Military HERE


Renee Staley: This is City Councilmember Renee Staley. And when I saw Mark Begich take on the Pentagon to keep our squadron of F-16s at Eielson, I became a big fan. It saved 3,000 jobs. Now, we just learned that Eielson is getting two squadrons of F-35 fighter jets. Mark’s been working on that for years. First on the Armed Services committee, where he capped the cost of each plane, so the squadrons make financial sense for the country. But it’s also a story of Alaskans coming together – Democrats and Republicans – to convince the Air Force that interior Alaska was the perfect training ground with so much space to work in. It means one point three billion dollars a year for Alaska … nearly two thousand military personnel and their families and new missions for our bases. It’s the biggest economic boost for Fairbanks since the pipeline. Mark Begich understands we get things done for Alaska when we work together. It’s why I’m voting for him.

Begich: I’m Mark Begich, running for US Senate and I approve this message. Paid for by Alaskans for Begich.



Both Refuse to Support Violence Against Women Act


ANCHORAGE — Alaskans should be alarmed that sitting Lt. Governor Mead Treadwell and former Attorney General Dan Sullivan refuse to support the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and showed a questionable understanding of the important legislation when asked point blank.

In a TV interview when asked if they would vote to reauthorize VAWA, Treadwell and Sullivan both fell flat on their faces, failing to support historic bipartisan legislation which has protected Alaska families and women since it first became law in 1994.

“After months of campaigning, Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan still refuse to look Alaskans in the eye and tell them where they actually stand on critical issues facing Alaska, like important federal law that addresses unacceptable domestic violence rates,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Read More on Treadwell and Sullivan’s Abysmal Record on Sexual Assault, Equal Pay, and Protecting Women’s Privacy

Mark Begich is a co-sponsor of the reauthorization of VAWA and has fought to include additional protections for Alaska Natives. Begich has also been a leader on the Safe Families and Villages Act to increase public safety in villages across Alaska to protect against domestic violence.

Recently, Begich was successful in pushing the Obama administration to make sure victims of domestic violence receive the full range of health care benefits they deserve, which includes preventative services for domestic abuse.

TPM: Top Two Alaska GOPers Stumble On Domestic Violence Question

By Daniel Strauss

August 13, 2023

Neither of the two lead candidates in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Alaska would say whether they would have voted for or support reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

Both former Attorney General Dan Sullivan and Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, in interviews with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, gave rather bumbling answers in response to questions about how they would vote on the Violence Against Women Act if they were in the Senate.

“You know I’ll look at it, I know there were some provisions that had some controversy but I’m going to be very focused on those issues the way I was as attorney general here,” Sullivan said.

“But you’re not sure one way or the other that you would have voted for it and whether you’ll vote to reauthorize it,” Hunt quickly interjected.

“Well I need to look at the whole act,” Sullivan said. “One of the things I’ve done in my career is actually read legislation before I vote for it unlike most of the Senate Democrats like [Sen. Mark Begich] who clearly voted for Obamacare without reading it. I was —before I sued on Obamacare I sat down with a small team of attorneys and we read it!”

Lt. Gov Mead Treadwell seemed even more reluctant to support the legislation. .

“I had some problems with the act itself and let me just tell you we have done what we can here to help bring more resources to bear. When Washington tries to impose solutions on a state without talking to people who live there, I think you’ve got a bit problem.”

“And that problem was big enough that you might have voted against it?” Hunt said.

“Yes,” Treadwell said.

In February, CNN’s John D. Sutter reported that the incidences of rape in Alaska are roughly triple the national average. Business Insider has also noted that 37 percent of Alaskan women say they have been the victims of sexual violence.

The Alaska Republican primary for Senate is on August 19. The winner will face Begich in the general election. Polling has shown Sullivan as the general frontrunner in the primary.



Begich to Participate in 13 Debates and Forums in General Election


ANCHORAGE — As an increasingly contentious GOP primary enters its final week, Mark Begich remains focused on his commitment to be transparent and accountable to all Alaskans, announcing his commitment to 13 debates and forums prior to the general election.

“Alaskans expect to have a conversation with all candidates running for office and Mark Begich will continue to make himself and his campaign accessible to all Alaskans. Mark looks forward to an informed discussion on Alaska’s issues including resource development, maintaining Alaska’s world class fisheries, empowering rural Alaska, and protecting our privacy,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Alaska has a long and independent history that has given voice to candidates from all political affiliations and leanings. Continuing that tradition, Begich has asked that each host invite every candidate participating in this year’s Senate election who has earned ballot privileges (including the Libertarian Party and the Alaska Independence Party).

Since his days as Mayor of Anchorage, Begich has welcomed any and all candidates to publicly debate critical issues regardless of party affiliation or poll numbers.

As a sitting U.S. Senator, Senator Begich’s schedule remains subject to change according the U.S. Senate’s pending legislative calendar. Alaskans for Begich has been in touch with the following organizations. Begich looks forward to participating in their events to have an open and honest conversation about the issues facing Alaska.


Begich Forum and Debate Schedule

Wednesday, August 27, United for Liberty Debate


Tuesday, September 2, Alaska Native Brotherhood Debate


Sunday, September 28, Shiloh Baptist Church Forum


Wednesday, October 1, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce


Monday, October 13, AARP Candidate Forum


Tuesday, October 21, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum


Thursday, October 23, Resource Development Council Candidate Forum


Friday, October 24, Alaska Federation of Native Candidate Forum


Sunday, October 26, KTVA Ch. 11 and Alaska Dispatch Debate


Monday, October 27, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum


Tuesday, October 28, Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Forum


Wednesday, October 29, KTUU Channel 2 Debate


Thursday, October 30, Debate for the State - Alaska Public Media






Mark Begich continues to gain support from mayors across Alaska, lining up endorsements from 7 current and former mayors in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region who recognize the results Begich has delivered for rural Alaska when it comes to supporting issues like fisheries, subsistence, public safety, veterans and postal service.

Endorsements Include:

Jacques Longpre, Aniak, Mayor

Daniel Schoenten, Goodnews Bay Mayor

Joseph Bell, Hooper Bay Mayor

Daniel Olrun, Sr., Mekoryuk Mayor

William F. Alstrom, Saint Mary’s Mayor

Tiffany Zulkosky, Former Bethel Mayor

Ulric J. Ulroan, Former Chevak Mayor

“Mark is proud of the support he continues to gain from Alaska’s current and former mayors, including those in the Y-K region where issues like subsistence, fisheries, public safety, care for veterans, and bypass mail are issues Mark has become a leader on during this time in the Senate,” said Susanne Fleek- Green, Alaskans for Begich campaign manager.

Begich has risen fast in the Senate leadership, securing key committee spots on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee that have helped him bring resources back to rural Alaska.

Begich’s accomplishments for the Yukon-Kuskokwim region include:

Fisheries Disaster Funds – Begich used his committee seats to secure millions of dollars in fisheries disaster funds for communities along the Y-K delta that suffered low salmon runs.

Rural Broadband – Begich delivered over $170 million in improvements to rural broadband to provide education and tele-health services .

Securing Flood Relief Resources – Begich used his leadership role on the subcommittee overseeing FEMA to secure critical resources to ease the damage done by flooding in communities along the Yukon and Kuskokwim rivers.

Supporting the Voting Rights Act – Begich opposes the Supreme Court’s decision to eliminate preclearance under the Voting Rights Act and supports restoration of the law’s authority.

Indian Health Service – Begich secured a permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Service, the first reauthorization in over twenty years. He also secured historic full funding for IHS Contract Support Costs to Alaska Native tribal facilities this year.

Safe Families & Villages Act – Begich introduced the Safe Families & Villages Act to give Alaska tribes resources and local control to empower communities to manage domestic violence.

Rural Veterans – A successful Begich initiative allows veterans in rural Alaska to receive health care at tribal health facilities, saving veterans thousands of dollars in travel costs and allowing them to get care close to home.

Alaska Territorial Guard – In 2009, Senator Begich successfully secured reinstatement of pension payments for members of the WWII-era Alaska Territorial Guard.

Postal Service Reform — Begich has fought back efforts to end Bypass Mail and pushed the U.S. Postal Service to reverse rate increases in rural Alaska, ensuring critical service to Alaskans and a lifeline for the rural Alaska economy.

Essential Air Service – 82% of Alaska communities are off the road system and Begich has protected vital transportation routes and services by protecting the Essential Air Service program.


Cites Begich’s Bipartisanship and Advocacy for Alaska Natives


ANCHORAGE — The Board of Directors of Bristol Bay Native Corporation, which has 9,600 shareholders throughout Alaska, has endorsed Mark Begich for U.S. Senate.

The endorsement praises Begich for his “long-standing support for and advocacy of Native issues in general, including protection of subsistence rights, Native voting rights, Small Business Administration government contracting regulations, and numerous other issues important to Alaskans.”

During his time in the Senate, Senator Begich has quickly built clout and seniority to get results for Alaska, and currently sits on both the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee.

BBNC Board Chairman Joseph Chythlook, says “Senator Begich has demonstrated his ability to work across party lines to effectively advocate for and advance issues important to the people of rural Alaska.”

Jason Metrokin, BBNC president and chief executive officer, adds that “We are looking forward to working with Senator Begich as he continues his work and support for all Alaskans.”

As chair of the Senate Oceans Subcommittee, Mark Begich has helped to protect jobs and industry in Bristol Bay. He has worked tirelessly on a variety of projects to benefit the region, including:

  • Protecting Bristol Bay fishing jobs by opposing the construction of the Pebble Mine.
  • Moved to place a ban on genetically modified “Frankenfish,” which would threaten Alaska wild salmon stocks.
  • Secured over $88 million for rural broadband funding that brought terrestrial broadband service to the Bristol Bay region for the first-time.
  • Fighting attempts to diminish the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) program that helps Alaska Native corporations diversify their businesses and create economic opportunities for their shareholders.

Bristol Bay Native Corporation’s endorsement comes two weeks after Senator Begich received the support of Sealaska Native Corporation.


Treadwell, Sullivan and Miller and the Push to Privatization

Sullivan Would “Means Test” Seniors


ANCHORAGE — At today’s primary forum hosted by the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller all had a message for Alaska’s seniors: You’ve spent a lifetime paying into Social Security and now we want to make dangerous changes to the program that put your economic security at risk.

The candidates put Social Security under attack by voicing support for dramatic changes including privatization, means testing, and raising the retirement age.

  • Sullivan called for “means testing” of Alaska seniors before they receive Social Security benefits.
  • Sullivan called for raising the age for Social Security benefits.
  • Treadwell attempted to create space from his endorsement of the Ryan Budget.
  • Miller called for privatization of Social Security.

“Alaskans need to know that Mark Begich is the only candidate in the race working to strengthen Social Security while Mead Treadwell, Dan Sullivan and Joe Miller all present a dangerous future for the program when Alaskans deserve their benefits after paying into the program,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich is an outspoken advocate of strengthening Social Security benefits for individuals who have worked and paid into the program over a lifetime. Begich supports legislative proposals that would raise the cap on contributions, strengthen benefits and keep the program solvent for up to 70 years.


Stood Idle During Push for National and Local Solutions


ANCHORAGE — Continuing to build their appalling records on issues important to women, as outlined at, U.S. Senate candidates Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell have failed to address the issue of sexual assault in the military and have both proven unwilling to engage in national efforts to give victims the tools they deserve to seek justice.

Both Sullivan and Treadwell have refused to comment on efforts to end military sexual assault in Alaska. As Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor each have a failed, absent record.

“Mark Begich believes we must protect victims of military sexual assault and that includes holding perpetrators accountable,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Alaskans for Begich campaign manager.

Mark Begich has supported multiple pieces of legislation to protect victims of sexual assault in the military and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable. Specifically, he has been a leader on legislation, co-sponsoring Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s bill to take prosecution of sexual assault crimes out of the military chain of command, empower victims to seek legal recourse, and has worked to ensure that those responsible were held fully accountable for their actions. The Senate succesfully passed a bill with over ten critical changes to the military justice system including greater protections for victims.

Begichhas also repeatedly stated that there should be zero tolerance for sexual assault or domestic violence in the military or anywhere else in our communities.

For more information, visit



Attorney General Dan Sullivan sued to curtail subsistence rights


ANCHORAGE — At tonight’s KTVA/ADN debate U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan attempted to hide his role as Attorney General in suing Alaska Native elder and subsistence rights activist Katie John.

The lawsuit challenged the subsistence rights of Alaska Natives and was opposed by the Alaska Federation of Natives before being rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Sullivan filed the lawsuit in the 9th Circuit. See his name on the lawsuit here:



Alaskans Deserve Answers on Government Invasion of Privacy


ANCHORAGE -After weeks of dubious calls to protect Americans’ privacy, U.S. Senate candidates Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan have a chance to come clean with Alaskans about their support of a national ID card.

The unpopular REAL ID law would put 240 million Americans into a database. A company connected to Mead Treadwell made millions off the ID card scheme while Dan Sullivan has done everything possible to avoid the issues.

The two Senate candidates join Joe Miller for a debate hosted by KTVA and the Alaska Dispatch News tonight.

“Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell talk about protecting freedoms on the campaign trail, but they won’t look Alaskans in the eye and admit their role in creating big government schemes like REAL ID that monitor Americans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Treadwell speaks of his work for Digimarc in glowing terms on the campaign trail without telling Alaskans the company raked in hundreds of millions of dollars while providing the technology for REAL ID, an invasive national ID program widely unpopular with Alaskans of all political leanings.

In 2008, Governor Sarah Palin rejected this federally mandated program and passed legislation prohibiting its implementation. The Anchorage Daily News wrote that the REAL ID program constituted what is “absolutely a national ID” remains “a bad idea,” and ”will create a national database of information about more than 240 million Americans.”

Senator Mark Begich opposes REAL ID.




ANCHORAGE — Admist superficial calls for “limited government,” Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan want to put government squarely between a woman and her doctor, limit freedom and jeopordize women’s privacy.

Sullivan and Treadwell both support the recent Hobby Lobby decision and firmly believe that the government and bosses know better than a woman and her doctor. Both have stated that they would allow the religious beliefs of a corporation to come before the medical needs of a woman and give them the right to deny contraceptive coverage. Treadwell has gone so far to say that doctors should be required to report the procedures they perform to the government and justify them as “medically necessary,” exposing a woman’s medical records to the state.

These unfair and aggressive policies would undoubtedly harm women who rely on their employers for medical coverage but deny women their privacy.

Dan Sullivan

  • Believes employers should have a veto over doctors’ medical advice.

  • Called the Hobby Lobby lawsuit “great.”

Mead Treadwell

  • Thinks doctors should report to the government on women’s health care procedures.

  • Certified new regulations requiring doctors to attest that certain procedures were “medically necessary

Mark Begich is the only candidate in this Senate race who has proven himself to be an ally of Alaska women. Senator Begich denounced the Hobby Lobby decision from day one and cosponsored a bill to have the decision overturned. He believes that women have the right to make their own medical decisions and that the government has no right to come between a woman and her doctor.

