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Sullivan and Treadwell Fail to Address Women’s Issues in Final Debate

Standing by Extreme Platforms


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidates Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan failed to address issues important to Alaska women in their final debate hosted by KTUU, avoiding their record of opposing equal pay for equal work and believing government should make health care decisions for Alaska women.

“Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan once again avoiding looking Alaska women in the eyes and explaining their efforts to limit a woman’s right to choose, let a woman’s boss make health care decisions for them and refusing to support the Violence Against Women Act,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Recently when asked if they supported the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), Treadwell and Sullivan both declined to support the law. VAWA is a historic federal law that has received bipartisan support since its initial passage in 1994, including support from Senator Lisa Murkowksi.

All three GOP candidates in the Senate race have adopted dangerous positions for women like allowing woman’s boss make health care decisions for her, eliminating a woman’s right to choose, limiting protections for domestic violence and assault and exposing a woman’s medical records to the government.

Begich is the only candidate in Alaska’s Senate race who has proven himself to be an ally of Alaska women. Begich opposes the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision and cosponsored a bill to have the decision overturned. He believes that women have the right to make their own medical decisions and that the government has no right to come between a woman and her doctor.
