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Mark Begich Only Candidate Standing Up for Alaska Women and Families

Primary Candidates Bad for Women


ANCHORAGE- No matter which candidate wins today’s contested Republican primary, Alaskans won’t be presented with a candidate who supports issues important to women including equal pay for equal work, access to birth control and an increase in the minimum wage.

Mark Begich is the only candidate in this race who supports a nationwide increase in the minimum wage and believes women — not the government or your boss — should be able to make health care decisions.

“All of Mark Begich’s opponents have startling positions that impact the ability for Alaska women and middle class families to earn a fair wage and make their own health care decisions, free of government interference,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich is Fighting for Alaska Women and Families:

· Supports Increase in Federal Minimum Wage: Would increase incomes for the minimum wage work force, almost 60% of whom are women

· Equal Pay for Equal Work: Only candidate supporting equal pay for equal work legislation

· Opposes Hobby Lobby decision: Believes a boss should not make health care decisions for Alaska women

· Supports Access to Birth Control and Funding for Planned Parenthood

· Pro-Choice
