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Outside Groups Tell Dan Sullivan What to Do


ANCHORAGE — According to the chair of Alaska’s Republican Party, Washington insiders are conducting a secret meeting in Anchorage with Dan Sullivan today to determine Sullivan’s message and agenda.

The meeting parlays with the $4.3 million Outside special interest groups have spent propping up Sullivan in an attempt to buy Alaska’s Senate seat.

“On day one Dan Sullivan is already sitting down with Outside groups to be told what to say. Sullivan continues to refuse to look Alaskans in the eye and tell Alaskans what he believes,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan has failed to be straight with Alaskans on a myriad of issues including how long he has been in the state, even dishing out his own money to pay for advice on “how to look Alaskans in the eye.”

Sullivan’s campaign so far has been largely supported by Outside groups run by Karl Rove and the Koch brothers dedicated to putting their national interests above the unique needs of Alaska. Overall, Outside groups have spent over $4 million in Alaska so far and are committed tospend over $12 million by November.

Even longtime Republican strategists in Alaska have called attempts by Outside groups to buy Alaska’s Senate seat a waste of money.
