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Endorsement from Senior Votes Count

Begich Success in Fighting for Seniors


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich today received the endorsement of Senior Votes Count, an advocacy organization working to protect our seniors by preserving Social Security and Medicare for future generations.

Spokesperson and representative from Senior Votes Count, Jon “Bowzer” Bauman – formerly of popular 70s band “Sha Na Na” – joined Begich at an event today where he received the endorsement of the organization.

“We need leaders like Mark in the Senate to protect and support our aging Baby Boomer population. With these programs that provide millions of Americans per year a critical lifeline under attack from short sighted politicians, we need problem-solvers like Mark standing on the side of Alaska’s seniors,” said Bauman.

Begich has received nationwide recognition for his bill, the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act, which would strengthen the program by extending its solvency by 70 years, raising the cap on contributions, and expanding benefits for recipients.

“Mark is honored to receive the endorsement of Senior Votes Count – an organization that shares his belief that all Americans should have the ability to retire and age with dignity. Americans need the certainty that programs like Social Security will be there for them as they grow old and deserve their benefits after a lifetime of paying into the program,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Begich is a member of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, where he is also closely tracking efforts to shore up Medicare by targeting waste, fraud and abuse. He also supports improving Medicare coverage for prevention and wellness, mental health, and dental services as well as fixing Medicare reimbursement rates.
