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More Blatant Lies on Literature Paid for and Endorsed by Sullivan Campaign


Building on his latest false ad and his unwillingness to be honest with Alaskans, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s campaign literature is leaning on tired attacks from Outside groups proven “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations. Sullivan continues to distort facts in an attempt to distract from his own failed record as attorney general and an unwillingness to answer questions about issues important to Alaskans.

“Dan Sullivan is solely focused on misrepresenting Mark Begich’s record to avoid reading and taking positions on legislation like the Violence Against Women Act and raising the minimum wage. Instead of having a conversation on issues with Alaskans, Dan Sullivan is leaning on tired false attacks from Outside groups. Dan Sullivan needs to stop putting his arm around the Koch brothers who are spending millions to buy Alaska’s Senate seat to advance their own special interests,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.


Read the independent fact checks that found this claim “false” and “not true” below:

AFP Distorts Begich’s Carbon Tax Stance - finding: “not true”

Conservative Ad Says Begich Supports Carbon Tax - finding: “false”


CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — The Koch brothers are using their secret bank to fund a new round of attack ads to buy Alaska’s senate seat, while the shadow group continues to keep their donor list hidden and hold underground meetings.

Outside interests like the Koch brothers have committed and spent over $12 million against Mark Begich in an attempt to buy Alaska’s Senate seat for Dan Sullivan.

“The sources of the money behind these ads are not transparent, but the plan is, have the Koch brothers spend millions on false attack ads to buy Alaska’s Senate seat for Dan Sullivan. The Koch brothers are hiding behind attack ads after they cut and run on Alaskans - crushing 80 jobs, raising the price of asphalt and raising local taxes - they are shamefully trying to buy Alaska’s senate seat to benefit themselves,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The newest ad by the Koch backed group “Freedom Partners” is the latest in a series of attacks that have been labeled by independent fact check organizations as “false” and “not true.” The ad falsely accuses Mark Begich of “missing work.” Begich has the best attendance record of the Alaska Delegation. The Juneau Empire also reported on Begich’s efforts to cut health care costs for Alaskans by introducing a “copper plan” to expand consumer choices and lower premiums.

The billionaire Koch brothers have spent millions on ads in Alaska so far and have pledged millions more. Despite their attempts to cut and run on Alaskans, a court ruled that the Koch’s would be responsible forcleaning up Flint Hills after their decision to shutter it, killing 80 Alaska jobs, raising taxes on Alaskans, raising the price of asphalt and attempting to leave behind toxic groundwater.

The Kochs were also mocked for using a DC actress in an Alaska TV ad and their operatives showed an lack of knowledge about Alaska by awkwardly calling Alaska a “peninsular” state in a secret meeting. The meeting, leaked to the media, revealed the Kochs intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat by dumping millions on to the airwaves.

Freedom Partners is one of the nation’s leading proponents of “Right To Work” legislation, a position shared by anti-labor Dan Sullivan. The group also seeks to privatize Social Security and eliminate the minimum wage.

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Amid an ongoing tax investigation into tax breaks U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan received on his million-dollar home in Maryland while working as a political appointee in the State Department, Sullivan is declining to share where he filed his federal income tax in 2007 and 2008.

During the time in question, Sullivan declared his million-dollar home in Maryland his “principal residence while voting in Alaska and collecting tax breaks on the home.

“Dan Sullivan needs to look Alaskans in the eye and be honest. Sullivan’s refusal to answer a simple question about where he filed his income tax while living in Maryland but voting in Alaska feeds his ever-changing stories about his residency,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans forBegich.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner interviewed Maryland tax assessment director Robert Young, who is quoted as saying:

“And if you sign this application, you’re doing so under the penalty of perjury….The department’s auditors first look at federal income tax filings to determine a person’s state of residency, and voting records could be a factor,” Young said.
“A key factor, Young added, would be the location where Sullivan filed his federal income tax return during the years in question. Asked where Sullivan had filed his returns in 2006 through 2008, Anderson said he could not immediately answer Friday.”
Sullivan has made five differing declarations about his residency since 2009 including a claim of 17 years of continuous Alaska residency. In private communications Sullivan has acknowledged that he did not live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009. He affirmed his Outside residency with a 2009 fishing license on which Sullivan self-identified as a non-resident. Sullivan also touted his “Outsider” status in an email to Mead Treadwell when he was seeking a political appointment under the Palin Administration

The News-Miner and Alaska Public Radio Network reported that when the Sullivans bought the Maryland house in 2006, he and his wife, Julie, signed a sworn statement — under penalty of perjury — that the home would be their principal residence.


Bad Deal Cost Alaska $2 billion and Puts Permanent Fund at



CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — On the day Alaskans received good news about their Permanent Fund Dividend check they should remember Dan Sullivan put the Permanent Fund at risk by shortchanging Alaskans out of $2.3 billion as attorney general.


Sullivan cut a bad deal when he negotiated the Mercer settlement that returned only $.20 on the dollar to Alaska for $2.8 billion in damages resulting from fraud committed by an Outside financial firm. Sullivan’s failure to return $2.3 billion to Alaska’s pension systems put the Permanent Fund at risk of being tapped to cover Alaska’s unfunded liability.


“Alaskans know the Permanent Fund should never be used beyond paying Alaskans a dividend. The lawsuit settlement Dan Sullivan is bragging about on TV not only shortchanged Alaskans by delivering $.20 on the dollar, but it recklessly put the Permanent Fund at risk,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign manager forAlaskans for Begich.


Sullivan recently aired TV ads misrepresenting his failed record as attorney general by proclaiming victoryfor his failure to deliver billions of dollars in damages back to the State of Alaska after mismanagement by a Outside financial firm.


Dan Sullivan testified to the state legislature that Alaska was in line to receive over $2 billion from the lawsuits near certain victory. Yet Sullivan went on to “personally negotiate” an undervalued figure of $400 million while paying out nearly $100 million to the New York City law firm hired for the case.


By comparison, the County of Milwaukee received twice as much as Alaska in a similar settlement, getting back $.45 cents on the dollar. Alaska teachers and state employees have spoken out against Sullivan’s false claims and have demanded he take personal responsibility for the failed settlement.


A recent claim check of Sullivan’s ad by The Alaska Dispatch reads:


“And neither the actuarial errors nor the financial crisis cited by teacher Leslie Moore resulted in a “big hit” to her pension or threatened other teachers’ pensions. In Alaska, public employee pensions, such as those for teachers, are contractual obligations protected under the Alaska Constitution.


“If the retirement trust funds don’t have enough money available to make pension payments, other state assets, such as budget reserves or the Alaska Permanent Fund, may be tapped for that purpose.”

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — A national Republican group that has taken $200,000 directly from the Koch brothers is currently paying for U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s TV and radio ads. The ad stoops to false attacks on Mark Begich’s record of fighting for Alaska veterans, active duty service members, and their families, even accusing Begich of not respecting military service.

“Dan Sullivan is showing his true colors by letting Outside groups bankrolled by the Koch brothers and their secret money pay for his false and misleading campaign ads in Alaska. It’s clear Dan Sullivan’s loyalty is with the Koch brothers and the financial backers of his campaign, not with Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.


Outside groups, including the Kochs, plan to spend more than $12 million on attack ads in Alaska’s Senate race. Nationwide, Koch backed groups plan to spend nearly $300 million attempting to buy elections.

While throwing away millions of dollars on ads, the Koch’s closed the Flint Hills refinery in North Pole, killing 80 Alaska jobs, increasing taxes on residents and leaving behind a contaminated groundwater mess - which the state of Alaska has rightly demanded they clean up. Since the Koch’s closed the refinery, the price of asphalt has skyrocketted, driving up the cost of road construction in Alaska.

The Kochs were also mocked for using a DC actress in an Alaska TV ad and their operatives showed an lack of knowledge about Alaska by awkwardly calling Alaska a “peninsular” state in a secret meeting. The meeting, leaked to the media, revealed the Kochs intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat by dumping millions on to the airwaves.

Mark Begich is fighting the flawed Supreme Court Citizens United ruling and has voted in support of a constitutional amendment to reign in secret campaign spending from billionaires like the Koch brothers. Begich released a detailed plan for how he will work to address campaign finance issues in a second term, including adopting Alaska’s campaign finance requirement of identifying the top three donors in ads.

In stark contrast, Dan Sullivan continues to support unlimited secret campaign contributions, allowing groups like the Koch’s to anonymously dump millions into elections.

Debate Moderator: “Do you Support Raising the Minimum Wage?”

Dan Sullivan: “…No”

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan is trying to have it both ways by opposing and supporting an increase in the minimum wage increase.

Sullivan spent months telling voters during the primary election that he was opposed to a minimum wage increase and just one month ago told Alaskans he would oppose a state ballot initiative to raise the minimum wage.

Dan Sullivan on raising the minimum wage at the August 8, 2014, Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Senate debate:


View the gif in your browser

Sullivan never lifted a finger as DNR commissioner or attorney general to raise the minimum wage which would raise 5,000 Alaskans out of poverty and increase incomes for 49,000 Alaskans in minimum wage jobs. Sullivan refuses to support a federal increase.

Also, Sullivan continues to receive millions of dollars in backing from anti-minimum wage, anti-worker groups like the Koch brothers and the Club for Growth. Sullivan received the Club for Growth’s endorsement after a secret interview where he pledged to support the organization’s agenda, like opposing an increase to the minimum wage.

Second Term Will Bring Continued Focus on Alaska Infrastructure, Servicemembers and Their Families, and Cutting Wasteful Defense Spending

ANCHORAGE — Today, Senator Mark Begich is announcing his military and military families platform for a second term in the U.S. Senate. His plan focuses on growing Alaska’s military infrastructure and missions, providing increased support for servicemembers and their families, and reducing wasteful Defense spending.

“Alaska’s strategic importance is on the rise with a greater emphasis on the Pacific Rim and increased investment into Alaska—from keeping the F-16s and stationing the F-35s at Eielson AFB, to increased funding for missile defense at Fort Greely. Alaska’s military is crucial to our nation’s defense and also employs many Alaskans, which is why I am committed to increasing military missions and infrastructure in Alaska. I am also deeply committed to supporting military members, retirees and their families by protecting benefits and improving access to care. They have sacrificed to serve our country and deserve someone who fights for them in Washington, D.C. Rather than cutting their benefits, I will work to cut wasteful Defense spending to reduce the deficit,” said Senator Mark Begich.


Mark Begich’s military and military families platform includes three major proposals:

Growing Alaska’s Military Infrastructure and Missions:

Mark Begich is committed to growing Alaska’s military infrastructure and missions. With focus on the Pacific Rim increasing, Alaska’s strategic importance is increasing as well. After successfully fighting to keep the F-16s, Begich is now focused on bringing the F-35s to Eielson. The military presence in Alaska creates tens of thousands of jobs and significantly contributes to our economy, and Begich is committed to keeping Alaska’s military strong.

Standing Up For Military Members and Families:

Mark Begich believes we cannot balance the budget on the backs on our military members, retirees and their families. Begich is working to provide adequate care, pay and benefits for approximately 65,000 military members and their families in Alaska.

Cut Wasteful Defense Spending:

Nothing is more important than protecting our national security and taking care of those who serve our country. However, when it comes to reducing our deficit, no agency should be exempt, which is why Begich is committed to cutting wasteful defense spending.



Blatant Lies on Literature Paid for and Endorsed by Sullivan Campaign


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s latest campaign literature actively bends the truth with a complete misrepresentation of Mark Begich’s legislative record. Sullivan continues to play fast and loose with facts in an attempt to distract from his own failed record as attorney general.

“Another day brings another false attack paid for and endorsed by Dan Sullivan. Sullivan isn’t able to run a campaign on his own record, he’s turned his back on Alaskans so repeatedly that he’s resigned to lying about Mark Begich’s record and leaning on the Koch brothers for millions of dollars worth of support,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich. “From securing veterans care closer to home, to passing his traditional foods bill and increasing the compensation rate for 4.5 million veterans nationwide, Mark Begich has a record of accomplishment and gets results for Alaska.”

The latest false attack paid for and endorsed by Dan Sullivan:

Mark Begich has a record of delivering legislative victories for Alaska:

  • Restored pension benefits for the Alaska Territorial Guard.
  • Secured access for National Guard and National Reserve members to Space-A seating on military flights.
  • Passed Coast Guard Reauthorization legislation that delivers three new Fast Response Coast Guard Cutters to Southeast Alaska.
  • Passed language to advance air permitting for Arctic drilling.
  • Secured passage of legislation allowing traditional foods in schools and hospitals.
  • Waived copayments for veterans telehealth and telemedicine visits.
  • Guided language in bipartisan VA reform legislation allowing rural veterans to receive health care closer to home.

Senate Passed Defense Appropriations Bill Including Begich/Murkowski Pension Fix For Alaska Territorial Guard Veterans. Reported the Anchorage Daily News in October 2009, “A military spending bill passed the U.S. Senate Tuesday with a provision intact that would pay the pensions of about two dozen elderly members of the World War II-era Alaska Territorial Guard.” [Anchorage Daily News, 10/7/09]

Begich Helped National Guard And Reserve Retirees Secure Access To Seats On Military Planes. Reported the Anchorage Daily News in March 2013, “For Alaskans, Begich has spent much of his time in Washington away from the Senate floor glare of controversial votes, focused on more local and regional issues of vital importance to his state. Begich crafted an accord that enables Indian Health Service clinics to treat non-Native veterans, and he helped members of the National Guard or National Reserve gain access to seats on military planes, a perk previously limited to active-duty soldiers.” [Anchorage Daily News, 3/31/13]

Begich Sponsored The ‘Coast Guard Authorization Act For Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013’ And Corresponding House Resolution 2838 Became Law. Senator Begich sponsored S. 1665 the Coast Guard authorization act for fiscal year 2012 and 2013. House Resolution 2838 the ‘Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation act of 2012’ the corresponding House resolution became public law on December 20, 2012. [, Accessed 4/24/14]

2011: Begich & Murkowski Successfully Inserted Language In Appropriations Bill To Move Air Permitting For Arctic Drilling From EPA To Department Of Interior. Reported the Anchorage Daily News in December 2011, “Pollution emitted from drilling ships and support vessels in Arctic waters would be regulated by the Interior Department instead of the Environmental Protection Agency under language inserted into a spending bill by U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski. . . . Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said he had pushed for the change with the White House and the Senate Democratic leadership. ‘This is an issue of fairness and is long-overdue,’ Begich said. ‘Companies with projects in the Arctic are at a competitive disadvantage under the EPA. It’s time to move all air permitting under the Interior Department.’” [Associated Press, 12/15/11]

Kendall-Miller: Begich Secured Passage Of Subsistence Legislation Allowing Traditional Foods In Schools, Hospitals, & Elder Care Facilities. In August 2014 Alaska Dispatch op-ed, Alaska Native advocates Heather Kendall-Miller and Lloyd Miller wrote, “Begich’s record here runs deep. He developed and secured passage of a subsistence bill that overruled federal prohibitions against serving donated traditional foods in schools, hospitals and elder care facilities.” [Kendall-Miller, Alaska Dispatch, 8/31/14]

Begich Provision Waiving Copayments For Veterans’ Telehealth Visits Included In Comprehensive Veterans Law. Reported the Army Times in July 2012, “An omnibus veterans bill chock-full of two years’ accumulation of health, benefits, education and administrative provisions is on its way to the White House for President Obama’s signature. The Honoring America’s Veterans and Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act passed the House on July 31 by voice vote after passing the Senate on July 18. . . . There are more than 50 other provisions, including a new ban on protesting or disrupting military funerals, tighter rules for tracking and preventing sexual assaults on VA property, waiver of copayments for veterans in rural areas who used telehealth or telemedicine to receive Veterans Affairs Department care, a requirement that trained service dogs be allowed on any VA-controlled property as long as the animal was obtained from an accredited source and an expansion of rehabilitative service for veterans with traumatic brain injuries.” [Army Times, 7/31/13]

KTVA: “Veterans Reforms, Championed By Senator Mark Begich In Alaska Will Become US Law.” KTVA reported, “Veterans reforms, championed by Senator Mark Begich in Alaska, will become US law. The reform bill has now passed both the House and Senate, and heads to the President to be signed… Senator Begich was a member of a Veterans Committee charged with negotiating a compromise bill. In Alaska eligible veterans in rural areas can get care from qualified facilities where they live instead of flying to a VA facilities in Anchorage or Seattle.” [KTVA, video, 7/31/14]



ANCHORAGE — After months of telling Alaska’s working families he doesn’t support an increase in the minimum wage because it would “kill a half a million jobs” U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is desperately attempting to create distance from his own radical beliefs. According to the Wall Street Journal, Sullivan is claiming he will support an Alaska ballot measure to increase the minimum wage, a claim that conflicts with his promise to vote against the proposition just one month ago.

“From the minimum wage to the Violence Against Women Act, Dan Sullivan won’t be honest with Alaskans about what he believes on core issues. Dan Sullivan has always dismissed the needs of Alaska’s working families who would benefit from a increase in the federal minimum wage and his most recent attempt to flip-flop proves he’ll say or do anything in an attempt to deceive Alaskans. Mark Begich knows the importance of paying workers a fair living wage and remains the only candidate in this election that supports raising the minimum wage and equal pay for equal work,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Examples of Dan Sullivan’s opposition to raising the minimum wage:

“Simply raising the minimum wage isn’t an answer; it’s an acknowledgement of President Obama’s broken promises and failed economic policies.” Dan Sullivan [AP, 1/18/14].

“Sullivan said 24 percent of teens are unemployed as it is and that a Congressional Budget Office study found that the proposed federal boost would ‘probably kill a half million jobs.’ He didn’t mention the other main point in the report, that more than 16 million Americans would see wages rise.” Anchorage Daily News [Anchorage Daily News, 4/30/14].

Sullivan’s confusing flip-flop follows numerous examples of Sullivan’s shaky stances on core issues such as support for the Violence Against Women Act, his residency, Alaska’s fisheries and whether or not he claimed tax credits while declaring his million dollar home in Maryland his “principal residence” but voting in Alaska.

Sullivan never lifted a finger as DNR commissioner or attorney general to raise the minimum wage which would raise 5,000 Alaskans out of poverty and increase incomes for 49,000 Alaskans in minimum wage jobs. Sullivan’s refuses to support a federal increase.

Also, Sullivan continues to receive millions of dollars in backing from anti-minimum wage, anti-worker groups like the Koch brothers and the Club for Growth. Sullivan received the Club for Growth’s endorsement after a secret interview where he pledged to support the organization’s agenda, like opposing an increase to the minimum wage.

Raising the minimum wage would raise incomes for 1,700 Alaskan veterans. Of the 49,000 Alaskans who will see increased incomes, 56 percent are women. Sullivan’s belief that raising the minimum wage would kill jobs puts him in direct opposition to common sense as well as the majority of Alaskans who support the measure, further ignoring 16 million Americans who would see wages rise.



ANCHORAGE — Alaska veterans are pushing back on false claims made by U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan and his Outside supporters. Sullivan is once again stooping to attacks on Mark Begich’s record of fighting for Alaska veterans, active duty service members, and their families, even accusing Begich of not respecting military service.

Alaska veterans are setting the record straight:

“Mark was instrumental in getting health care and services out to Rural Alaska. His work on the Hero’s Health card brought affordable access to hundreds and thousands of veterans in Alaska,” said Willard Jackson, a military veteran from Ketchikan.

“Senator Mark Begich respects every member of our armed services. He will stand up and go the extra mile to honor and thank those of us who served in the past and our young men and women in service today. I am proud to have Mark as my Senator because of the work he has done for our nation’s military members and their families,” said Troy Bouffard, a military veteran from Fairbanks.

Sullivan previously attempted to turn the Arizona VA scandal into a political attack in Alaska. The attacks were called “false” and “not true” by independent fact check groups. Sullivan’s most recent false attacks come on the heels of an investigation by Maryland tax officials into tax breaks he received on a million dollar Maryland home while serving as a poitical appointee in the Bush White House.

Begich is the only member of Alaska’s delegation to serve on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, giving Alaska a powerful and influential voice in Washington. Alaska has more veterans per capita than any other state.

Last week the U.S. Senate passed a Begich bill to increase cost of living adjustments (COLA) to veterans receiving disability compensation, mirroring the COLA adjustments for Social Security. The legislation will benefit 4.5 million veterans as early as 2015.

Begich is also credited with historic agreements between the VA and tribal health facilities, to allow veterans in Alaska to get care in their community, without having to travel to Anchorage or Seattle. Begich stood up for Alaska veterans by writing and championing the Alaska Hero’s Card Act of 2011, which VA officials mirrored in their agreement with Alaska Native tribes. Begich’s leadership and effectiveness in pushing for solutions for rural veterans gave way to the negotiations between the VA and rural clinics. Begich’s plan is now being implemented across the country. The agreements have helped reduce wait lists at Alaska’s VA from over 900 to almost zero.

  • Alaska Territorial Guard – In 2009, Senator Begich successfully secured reinstatement of pension payments for members of the WWII-era Alaska Territorial Guard.
  • “Significant legislative victory for veterans” – The Disabled American Veterans called Begich’s push to establish advanced appropriation for veterans health programs “the most significant legislative victory of veterans in a generation.”
  • Extended TRICARE for Military Dependents – In 2011, Begich helped extend TRICARE services for dependent children of military members to the age of 26.
  • Waived Telehealth Copays – In 2012, Begich and Sen. Grassley’s proposal to waive copays for telehealth and telemedicine visits for veterans was signed into law.
  • Historic Rural Care Access – Begich followed through on campaign promise to help veterans access care closer to home by allowing rural veterans access to Native health facilities.
  • Recognition from Combat Veterans’ Organization - In March, Begich received an Inspirational Leadership Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart for his work on behalf of veterans.
  • Secured access to Space-A for Guard Members - Begich pushed to allow members of the National Guard or Guard Reserve to gain access to Space-A seats on military planes, previously limited to active-duty soldiers.
  • Advocated for victims of military sexual assault - Begich sponsored legislation to change the chain of command in military sexual assault prosecutions.
  • Restored benefits for military retirees — Begich passed legislation to restore benefits to military retirees affected by a 2013 budget.
  • Fought against military commissary price increases — Begich staunchly opposes price increases at military commissaries which would have a devastating effect on Alaska’s military families.
