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Sullivan Ads Funded by Koch Backed National Group

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — A national Republican group that has taken $200,000 directly from the Koch brothers is currently paying for U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s TV and radio ads. The ad stoops to false attacks on Mark Begich’s record of fighting for Alaska veterans, active duty service members, and their families, even accusing Begich of not respecting military service.

“Dan Sullivan is showing his true colors by letting Outside groups bankrolled by the Koch brothers and their secret money pay for his false and misleading campaign ads in Alaska. It’s clear Dan Sullivan’s loyalty is with the Koch brothers and the financial backers of his campaign, not with Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.


Outside groups, including the Kochs, plan to spend more than $12 million on attack ads in Alaska’s Senate race. Nationwide, Koch backed groups plan to spend nearly $300 million attempting to buy elections.

While throwing away millions of dollars on ads, the Koch’s closed the Flint Hills refinery in North Pole, killing 80 Alaska jobs, increasing taxes on residents and leaving behind a contaminated groundwater mess - which the state of Alaska has rightly demanded they clean up. Since the Koch’s closed the refinery, the price of asphalt has skyrocketted, driving up the cost of road construction in Alaska.

The Kochs were also mocked for using a DC actress in an Alaska TV ad and their operatives showed an lack of knowledge about Alaska by awkwardly calling Alaska a “peninsular” state in a secret meeting. The meeting, leaked to the media, revealed the Kochs intent to buy Alaska’s senate seat by dumping millions on to the airwaves.

Mark Begich is fighting the flawed Supreme Court Citizens United ruling and has voted in support of a constitutional amendment to reign in secret campaign spending from billionaires like the Koch brothers. Begich released a detailed plan for how he will work to address campaign finance issues in a second term, including adopting Alaska’s campaign finance requirement of identifying the top three donors in ads.

In stark contrast, Dan Sullivan continues to support unlimited secret campaign contributions, allowing groups like the Koch’s to anonymously dump millions into elections.