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NRA Says Sullivan Lacks Record


ANCHORAGE - The National Rifle Association (NRA) has said they will not endorse Senate candidate Dan Sullivan in Alaska’s senate race, noting that Sullivan does not have a legislative record on Second Amendment issues.

“Dan Sullivan’s family can spend millions buying all the attack ads they want, but they can’t buy the respect that Mark Begich has earned from gun owners across the state. As the NRA said, Mark has voted with gun owners 100% of the time,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

An NRA spokesperson said on gun votes, “Begich has stood with NRA members 100 percent of the time.”

Begich has broken with his party to vote against President Obama’s national gun control bill, holds an “A” rating from the NRA, and is a lifetime member of the organization.

Begich has a strong record of standing up for Alaska values, which includes supporting Alaskans’ Constitutional right to to defend themselves. Begich has also lead on national concealed carry legislation to make sure Alaskans can carry a concealed gun across state lines.

Dan Sullivan has spent millions of dollars trying to distract Alaskans from his failed record as attorney general, including claiming to pass a self defense law that he opposed. Sullivan came under attack in his primary by former Senate candidates Mead Treadwell, Joe Miller, the Gun Owners of America and the National Association of Gun Rights for false statements he made about passing a Stand Your Ground law. Independent fact checkers have called Sullivan’s claim “false.”

Spokesman: NRA will not make an endorsement in Alaska US Senate race
Associated Press September 24, 2023 - 3:24 pm EDT

JUNEAU, Alaska — The National Rifle Association doesn’t plan to endorse in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race. The NRA’s political arm in recent filings disclosed ad buys in several prominent Senate races.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam (ah-ROO’-luh-nahn-dam) said the organization doesn’t disclose where it plans to run ads until it must. But he said NRA won’t be making an endorsement in Alaska’s race.

He said NRA gave Democratic Sen. Mark Begich an A-minus rating and Begich’s Republican challenger Dan Sullivan an A-q. The “q” means it’s qualified, a distinction for candidates without voting records. Arulanandam said Begich would have gotten a higher grade and NRA’s endorsement if not for his votes for President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees.

On gun votes, he said Begich has stood with NRA members “100 percent of the time.”


Sullivan’s parents give $300,000 to Karl Rove


ANCHORAGE - Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based family has invested $700,000 to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for their son including a recent cash infusion of $300,000 to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads. When asked about the money, Dan Sullivan’s father said where the money is spent is “up to the discretion of Karl Rove.

News of these cash infusions comes after The Alaska Dispatch News uncovered that the false attacks from Crossroads and Outside groups like it all come from a “central warehouse” in Washington D.C.

“Dan Sullivan and his family believe Alaska’s Senate seat can be bought and that Karl Rove and the Koch brothers are the ones to do it. They’re trying to buy this election with false attacks against Mark Begich fueled by Dan Sullivan’s parents,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The Center for Public Integrity reported on the secretive dealings between American Crossroads and Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based parents in their latest attempt to secretly buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate for Dan Sullivan. Thomas and Sandra Sullivan’s cash infusion of $300,000 on their son’s behalf made them the second largest contributors to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads in August.

Outside groups like Crossroads GPS and groups run by the Koch Brothers are set to spend $12 million on Alaska’s Senate race. Outside groups have run ads labeled false and misleading by independent fact check organizations.



ANCHORAGE — According to KSRM, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan rushed to support President Obama’s plan to send American weapons and federal funding to arm unknown Syrian rebels.

Mark Begich is opposed to putting the U.S. closer to having American military troops on the ground by engaging in an open ended commitment to Syrian rebels. Mark Begich supports targeted airstrikes by the American military to eliminate the ISIS threat and he continues to demand Arab nations come to the table and step up with resources and troops to combat ISIS. Also, America can’t forget its obligation at home to improve care and support for our veterans and continue to encourage economic growth.

ICYMI: KSRM Radio: Sullivan Backs Obama Plan Opposed by Begich

In an unusual twist, Republican Dan Sullivan is siding with President Barack Obama while Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Begich stands opposed.

Begich has previously told KSRM he doesn’t want to send weapons to Syrians fighting ISIS…

Sen. Begich: “I’m concerned and I’ve said I oppose the President’s idea of funding these rebels because I don’t know, at the end of the day, weapons they may get from the U.S., will the fall into the wrong hands? I mean, 12 months ago or so ISIL was part of these rebels and who knows what could have happened if we would have funded weapons back then, so I’m very concerned about the President’s proposal of funding and arming the rebels I think the air strike’s an international effort I’m supportive of.”

But Sullivan says he would have backed the bill, because, “saying no to everything is not foreign policy,” and ISIS poses a genuine threat.

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski sided with Begich in voting against the bill.



ANCHORAGE — Alaskans know there are major ideological differences between Senator Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.

Sullivan has a well documented record of failures as attorney general and his legacy still haunts the state. Here are 5 questions Dan Sullivan hopes Alaskans won’t ask him about Senator Lisa Murkowski’s beliefs:

Do you share Senator Murkowski’s strong support of Alaska Native subsistence rights?

Do you support the Violence Against Women Act and believe the “Alaska exception” should be removed?

Do you share Senator Murkowski’s views on choice and women’s reproductive health care?

Do you disagree with Senator Murkowski’s support for collective bargaining rights?

Have you always opposed GE salmon and believed in labeling GMO foods?

Subsistence Rights for Alaska Native people:

Lisa Murkowski is a strong supporter of subsistence rights for Alaska Native people.

Begich And Murkowski Hosted Field Hearing On Subsistence Concerns At The Alaska Federation Of Natives Convention. Reported the Fairbanks News-Miner in October 2013, “Sen. Mark Begich and Sen. Lisa Murkowski hosted a field hearing of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Saturday, hearing testimony at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention about subsistence concerns. Begich called the field hearing to discuss ‘rural food security,’ which the Democrat said centered around the ability of Alaska Natives to practice a traditional subsistence lifestyle.” [Fairbanks News-Miner, 10/27/13]

As attorney general, Dan Sullivan sued Athabascan elder Katie John over her rights.

In 2010, Sullivan Filed Alaska’s Appeal To 9th U.S. Circuit Court Regarding Katie John Case. “The question arose from Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court handling of the Katie John case, the latest in the long-running conflict between subsistence rights and states’ rights. The justices decided not to hear the state’s appeal of an earlier court ruling that approved Interior Department rules enforcing federal subsistence fishing and hunting rights for rural Alaskans along state-owned rivers. ‘If elected and the state of Alaska asks you to introduce legislation that would reverse the Supreme Court decision, what would you do?’ moderator Sarah Lukin asked Treadwell and Sullivan. A third prominent Republican in the race, Joe Miller of Fairbanks, was invited to the forum but didn’t respond, she said afterwards… Sullivan, who in 2010 as Alaska attorney general filed the state’s appeal to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, didn’t address what he would do as senator but said ‘subsistence is not going to be won in the courtroom.’” [Anchorage Daily News, 4/1/14]

Violence Against Women Act:

Lisa Murkowski voted for reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

Murkowski Demanded Swift Approval Of The Violence Against Women Act Politico reported, “Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) joined several Democratic women senators on the chamber floor Thursday to demand swift approval of the Violence Against Women Act, giving a boost of bipartisanship to an issue that threatens to create a partisan rift as soon as next week.”Something else that we all care about is — is the violence, the assaults that women often endure, their sisters, their daughters, their neighbors, their friends,” she said. “And the Violence Against Women Act is an important commitment to victims of domestic violence and sexual abuse, that they are not alone.” [Politico, 3/15/12]

Dan Sullivan refuses to give his position on the legislation or the “Alaska exception.”

Sullivan Gave “Bumbling” Answer About Whether He’d Oppose VAWA, Claimed He’d Have To “Look At The Whole Act.” “Neither of the two lead candidates in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate in Alaska would say whether they would have voted for or support reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Both former Attorney General Dan Sullivan and Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell, in interviews with MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt, gave rather bumbling answers in response to questions about how they would vote on the Violence Against Women Act if they were in the Senate. ‘You know I’ll look at it, I know there were some provisions that had some controversy but I’m going to be very focused on those issues the way I was as attorney general here,’ Sullivan said. ‘But you’re not sure one way or the other that you would have voted for it and whether you’ll vote to reauthorize it,’ Hunt quickly interjected.” [Talking Points Memo, 8/13/14]

Women’s Reproductive Health Care:

Lisa Murkowski supports Roe V. Wade.

Murkowski Voted For A ‘Sense Of The Senate’ That Supported Roe V. Wade. The Anchorage Daily News reported, “[Senator Murkowski] has long said abortion decisions are between a woman and her doctor, and in her first appointed Senate term, she voted for a nonbinding “sense of the Senate” that supported Roe v. Wade. [Anchorage Daily News, 8/26/10]

Dan Sullivan wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and said his opposition to abortion is a “core conviction.”

Sullivan Said He Supported Overturning Roe v. Wade. Sullivan answered yes to the question “Do you support overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade, which asserted the existence of a federal constitutional right to abortion?” [Alaska Family Action Sent Candidate Survey, 6/24/14]

Worker Rights:

Lisa Murkowski supports collective bargaining rights.

Murkowski Supports Collective Bargaining Rights. “The Senate is moving closer to passing legislation that would require states to grant public-safety employees, including police, firefighters and emergency medical workers, the right to collectively bargain over hours and wages… The other Republican co-sponsors in the Senate are Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.” [Wall Street Journal, 6/17/10]

Dan Sullivan supports Right to Work Laws.

Sullivan Supported Right To Work Laws. During a July 2014 interview on the Fagan and Biegel Show, Dan Sullivan said, “FAGAN: Right to work legislation that we’ve been wanting to hear from you on, you have 60 seconds. In concept should an individual be forced to pay union dues to have a job? SULLIVAN: No. and personally I am supportive of right to work.” [Audio, Sullivan on Fagan & Biegel Show, 07/11/14]


Lisa Murkowski has fought every step of the way against genetically modified salmon or “Frankenfish.”

Murkowski Cosponsored An Amendment Requiring Labeling Of GMO Foods. The Juneau Empire reported, “If genetically modified salmon is approved by the federal government, it may be labeled as such. The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee last week passed the bipartisan Murkowski-Begich amendment requiring that consumers be advised of what they are buying. During testimony, Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) questioned if the so-called “Frankenfish” can even be called a real salmon.” [Juneau Empire, 6/6/14]

While at the State Department, Dan Sullivan pushed or genetically modified organisms.

Sullivan Pushed Genetically Modified Organisms While At State Department. Reported the Alaska Dispatch News in June 2014, “Other initiatives Sullivan worked on that are detailed in Wikileaks cables included pushing foreign nations to protect and embrace U.S. products. He lobbied for recognition of intellectual property rights in Brazil, argued against Norwegian taxes on light trucks that hurt American exports, and pitched the value of biotechnology — including genetically modified organisms — to the French government.” [Alaska Dispatch News, 6/29/14]




ANCHORAGE — Alaskans endured a painful 10 seconds when U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan floundered at a recent debate when asked a simple question — Did you vote for Senator Lisa Murkowski in 2010?

Click on image to watch the video

Sullivan cast a ballot in 2010, but he didn’t vote for Murkowski.

Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski vote together as much as 80% of the time together, a key sign they work together to produce results for Alaska. Just last month, Senators Begich and Murkowski, along with Congressman Don Young, announced the Pentagon’s intent to base two squadrons of F-35s at Eielson Air Force Base in Fairbanks.

Murkowski and Begich vote together more than any Republican-Democrat pair in the U.S. Senate representing their shared views on the right of Alaska women to make their own health care decisions, support for equal pay for equal work and subsistence rights for Alaska Natives — all policies Dan Sullivan opposes.


Sullivan family and Karl Rove fueling attack ads in Alaska


ANCHORAGE — Outside group Crossroads GPS is continuing Karl Rove’s efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan with millions of dollars in false claims about Mark Begich’s record.

The Alaska Dispatch News recently uncovered that the false attacks all come from a “central warehouse” in Washington D.C.

The Center for Public Integrity reported on the secretive dealings between American Crossroads and Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based parents in their latest attempt to secretly buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate for Dan Sullivan. Thomas and Sandra Sullivan’s cash infusion of $300,000 on their son’s behalf made them the second largest contributors to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads in August.

“These are the same attacks bought by Dan Sullivan and the Koch brothers in attempt to mislead Alaskans. Crossroads in coordination with Dan Sullivan’s parents and other Outside groups will stop at nothing in their attempts to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for Dan Sullivan, who is only in this race for himself. Alaskans know Mark Begich, they know his record, and they know these are desperate attacks from Outside groups,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

False Claim: Mark Begich left the city of Anchorage $17 million in debt. The Facts: In 2003 Begich inherited a $33 million debt, which he turned around by working with the Anchorage Assembly and city employees. Begich’s financial stewardship earned Anchorage a “AA” bond rating and put the city in a strong position to withstand the nationwide recessions and stock market crash that devastated cities across the country.

Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Our view: Fine job, Mr. Mayor.”[Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 1/3/09]

False Claim: Mark Begich voted in support of President Obama’s spending. The Facts: Mark Begich voted against President Obama’s trillion dollar tax increase. [U.S. Senate Roll Call Vote #97, 5/16/12]

False Claim: Mark Begich was the deciding vote on the Affordable Care Act.The Facts: This attack is not unique to Alaska; it’s simply a national Republican talking point from a candidate, Dan Sullivan, who receives millions in support from Outside groups like the Koch brothers. Said Ads That Said Various Senators Were Deciding Vote For ACA “Push[ed] The Bounds Of Accuracy.” In June 2012, wrote: “The 60 Plus ad against Nelson also claims that he ‘was a deciding vote for the health care law.’ That’s a stretch. We suppose any vote for the law could technically be called a ‘deciding’ one, but Bill Nelson wasn’t a pivotal vote any more than any other senator. It was another Nelson — Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska — who was one of the last senators to sign on to the bill and give Democrats enough votes to pass it, a fact that Bill Nelson highlighted on his Facebook page. Other ads, including several from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have claimed that other lawmakers — Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana — ‘cast a deciding vote’ for the law. We think it pushes the bounds of accuracy to say anyone who voted for it was ‘a deciding vote.’” [, 6/10/12]

False Claim: Mark Begich believes in more spending, more debt, and no responsibility. The Facts: Mark Begich is serious about fiscal responsibility and federal spending. He supports Senator Rand Paul’s legislation, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, to audit the federal reserve, he cut his senate office budget by $1 million, and has repeatedly voted against automatic pay increases for senators.

Begich Has Repeatedly Voted To Freeze His Own Pay, Gave Back Nearly $1 Million To Treasury From His Office Budget. [KSRM, 2/25/13]

Begich One Of Few Senators Willing To Sacrifice Pay During Sequester.Reported The Hill in April 2013, “Only a few senators are planning to forfeit a portion of their salaries to charity or the U.S. Treasury while sequestration is in effect, according to a survey conducted by The Hill. Most senators, however, are keeping quiet on whether they will follow through. . . . in a survey of Senate offices by The Hill, only Graham and Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) have indicated they would give up some of their take-home pay.” [The Hill, 4/3/13]

KSRM: “Begich Has . . . Repeatedly Proposed Cost-Cutting Measures.”Reported KRSM in April 2013, “Since coming to the Senate, Begich has voted against raising his own pay three times and repeatedly proposed cost-cutting measures.” [KSRM, 4/3/13]


Ohio-Based family gave $300,000 cash infusion to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads

ANCHORAGE — The Center for Public Integrity reported on the shady dealings between American Crossroads and Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based parents in their latest attempt to secretly buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate for Dan Sullivan.

Thomas and Sandra Sullivan’s cash infusion of $300,000 on their son’s behalf made them the second largest contributors to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads. The $300,000 donation was originally reported as coming from the Glenmede Trust Company.

In reality the donation was from Sullivan’s parents with an address leading to a Florida condo owned by Thomas Sullivan, not the offices of Glenmede Trust Company. Glenmede, the listed donor said through a spokesperson that they hadn’t donated a cent to Rove’s organization.

“Dan Sullivan isn’t running to represent Alaska, he’s clearly in this race for himself. His family has pumped $700,000 into super PACs like Crossroads, who join the Koch brothers by going to any length to buy Alaska’s senate seat. Sullivan’s family is trying to buy their son a U.S. Senate seat and three members of his family have now contributed more money to Sullivan’s campaign efforts than Alaskans have,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Oops: Republican super PAC misidentifies source of massive donation

Money came from parents of GOP Senate candidate Dan Sullivan, not a wealth management firm

Republican super PAC American Crossroads misidentified its second-largest donor last month in paperwork filed Friday with the Federal Election Commission.

The group, co-founded by GOP strategist Karl Rove, listed the Glenmede Trust Company as giving it $300,000 on Aug. 29, part of the $1.7 million American Crossroads raised in August.

But Glenmede spokeswoman Melissa Stonberg says the wealth management firm — which manages more than $25 billion for wealthy individuals, families and foundations — didn’t give American Crossroads a penny.

“The Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. did not make any donations to American Crossroads,” Stonberg told the Center for Public Integrity. “We have contacted American Crossroads to let them know of the misreporting.”

Paul Lindsay, the spokesman for American Crossroads, did not respond to questions about the apparent discrepancy Monday morning.

Several hours later, however, American Crossroads filed an amended report to the FEC that now identifies the $300,000 as coming from Thomas and Sandra Sullivan, the parents of U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan of Alaska. Lindsay confirmed the super PAC changed its report but declined additional comment.

A representative of RPM International, the family business where Thomas Sullivan currently serves as chairman emeritus of the board of directors, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Center for Public Integrity first raised questions about the six-figure super PAC contribution because the address American Crossroads listed for Glenmede seemed odd: It wasn’t the location of the company’s corporate headquarters in Philadelphia but that of a beachside condo in Florida.

Thomas Sullivan is the owner of the $3 million, 2,850-square-foot condo, according to Miami-Dade County records.

For their parts, Thomas and Sandra Sullivan have previously donated $250,000 to an Alaska-based super PAC known as “Alaska’s Energy/America’s Values,” which supports their son.

That super PAC has raised $460,000 through July 30, according to FEC records.

American Crossroads says it has spent more than $1.3 million in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race and reportedly plans to spend $5.5 million in the race.

Through mid-September, the group has already aired more than 1,600 TV ads in the race, according to a Center for Public Integrity review of data provided by Kantar Media/CMAG, an advertising tracking service.

In August, only one other donor gave more money to American Crossroads than the Sullivans — Home Depot co-founder Bernard Marcus, who gave $500,000.


Tired Sullivan Campaign Attacks Sold by Washington D.C. Group


ANCHORAGE — An Alaska Dispatch News investigative report into Alaska’s Senate race revealed Dan Sullivan’s campaign relies on the off-the-shelf political attacks bought and sold by Outside groups associated with the Koch brothers and Karl Rove. The Sullivan campaign and Outside groups share a “central warehouse” of false attacks which have been used to attack Mark Begich‘s mayoral legacy.

When asked about efforts to ensure there is no illegal coordination between these groups, Sullivan Communications Director Mike Anderson dodged the question and “didn’t directly respond to a request to speak about how it ensures its vendors don’t break coordination rules.”

“Dan Sullivan’s choreographed run for Alaska’s Senate seat is bought and paid for by Outside groups like the Koch brothers. Right down to the false attacks he parrots, Dan Sullivan is bought by Outside interests who don’t care about Alaska or the truth. The Koch brothers and Karl Rove can have Dan Sullivan say whatever they like, but that doesn’t change their record of firing 80 Alaskans and raising taxes on Alaskans after closing the Flint Hills refinery,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Outside Groups, like Crossroads GPS which is backed by Karl Rove, have spent millions on ads that have been labeled “false” and “twisted,” including recent false attacks on Mark Begich‘s record.

The Alaska Dispatch News writes:

“…when the outside Republican group Crossroads GPS launched a TV ad attacking Begich’s mayoral legacy, it used those same two paragraphs — with identical language, formatting and indentation — in a five-page document it provided to justify the claims made in the commercial.

The source was America Rising, another Republican organization with a corporate political research arm that sells its materials to campaigns and to outside groups like Crossroads GPS.

“Everyone is paying for the same research, information, and then they can use it at their own discretion. Nobody’s getting a free ride; nobody is discussing how they want to deploy that information,” said Tim Miller, America Rising’s executive director. “It doesn’t really make a lot of sense for everyone to hire their own 23-year-old to do research when you could just go buy research from a central warehouse, essentially.”

This isn’t the first time Sullivan has adopted attacks from the Koch brothers or Karl Rove. With Karl Rove’s blessing Sullivan attempted to turn the Arizona VA scandal - which resulted in the tragic death of veterans- into a political attacks in Alaska. Sullivan’s attempt backfired because Alaskans are familiar with Mark Begich’s record of delivering for Alaska veterans and reducing VA wait times.



Sullivan family and Karl Rove fueling attack ads in Alaska


ANCHORAGE — Outside group Crossroads GPS is continuing Karl Rove’s efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan with millions of dollars in false claims about Mark Begich‘s record.

The Alaska Dispatch News recently uncovered that the false attacks all come from a “central warehouse” in Washington D.C.

The Center for Public Integrity reported on the secretive dealings between American Crossroads and Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based parents in their latest attempt to secretly buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate for Dan Sullivan. Thomas and Sandra Sullivan’s cash infusion of $300,000 on their son’s behalf made them the second largest contributors to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads in August.

“These are the same attacks bought by Dan Sullivan and the Koch brothers in attempt to mislead Alaskans. Crossroads in coordination with Dan Sullivan’s parents and other Outside groups will stop at nothing in their attempts to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for Dan Sullivan, who is only in this race for himself. Alaskans know Mark Begich, they know his record, and they know these are desperate attacks from Outside groups,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

False Claim: Mark Begich left the city of Anchorage $17 million in debt. The Facts: In 2003 Begich inherited a $33 million debt, which he turned around by working with the Anchorage Assembly and city employees. Begich’s financial stewardship earned Anchorage a “AA” bond rating and put the city in a strong position to withstand the nationwide recessions and stock market crash that devastated cities across the country.

Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Our view: Fine job, Mr. Mayor.”[Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 1/3/09]

False Claim: Mark Begich voted in support of President Obama’s spending. The Facts: Mark Begich voted against President Obama’s trillion dollar tax increase. [U.S. Senate Roll Call Vote #97, 5/16/12]

False Claim: Mark Begich was the deciding vote on the Affordable Care Act. The Facts: This attack is not unique to Alaska; it’s simply a national Republican talking point from a candidate, Dan Sullivan, who receives millions in support from Outside groups like the Koch brothers. Said Ads That Said Various Senators Were Deciding Vote For ACA “Push[ed] The Bounds Of Accuracy.” In June 2012, wrote: “The 60 Plus ad against Nelson also claims that he ‘was a deciding vote for the health care law.’ That’s a stretch. We suppose any vote for the law could technically be called a ‘deciding’ one, but Bill Nelson wasn’t a pivotal vote any more than any other senator. It was another Nelson — Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska — who was one of the last senators to sign on to the bill and give Democrats enough votes to pass it, a fact that Bill Nelson highlighted on his Facebook page. Other ads, including several from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have claimed that other lawmakers — Sens. Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Brown of Ohio and Jon Tester of Montana — ‘cast a deciding vote’ for the law. We think it pushes the bounds of accuracy to say anyone who voted for it was ‘a deciding vote.’” [, 6/10/12]

False Claim: Mark Begich believes in more spending, more debt, and no responsibility. The Facts: Mark Begich is serious about fiscal responsibility and federal spending. He supports Senator Rand Paul’s legislation, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, to audit the federal reserve, he cut his senate office budget by $1 million, and has repeatedly voted against automatic pay increases for senators.

Begich Has Repeatedly Voted To Freeze His Own Pay, Gave Back Nearly $1 Million To Treasury From His Office Budget. [KSRM, 2/25/13]

Begich One Of Few Senators Willing To Sacrifice Pay During Sequester. Reported The Hill in April 2013, “Only a few senators are planning to forfeit a portion of their salaries to charity or the U.S. Treasury while sequestration is in effect, according to a survey conducted by The Hill. Most senators, however, are keeping quiet on whether they will follow through. . . . in a survey of Senate offices by The Hill, only Graham and Sens. Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) have indicated they would give up some of their take-home pay.” [The Hill, 4/3/13]

KSRM: “Begich Has . . . Repeatedly Proposed Cost-Cutting Measures.” Reported KRSM in April 2013, “Since coming to the Senate, Begich has voted against raising his own pay three times and repeatedly proposed cost-cutting measures.” [KSRM, 4/3/13]


Sullivan attack ad compensates for Sullivan’s failures as attorney general & anti-Second Amendment record


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s latest attack ad is compensating for his failed record as attorney general and his campaign misstep of lying about his role in passing Alaska’s Stand Your Ground legislation.

During Alaska’s contentious Senate primary Sullivan lost credibility with Alaskans and came under fire from opponents Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller for failing to stand up for Alaskans’ right to self defense. Sullivan is now trying to make up lost ground by stooping to attacks on Mark Begich’s well-established record of supporting the Second Amendment and the rights of Alaskans.

“Sullivan spent months claiming he ‘passed Stand Your Ground’ legislation in Alaska when he opposed the legislation as attorney general. Sullivan failed to produce a shred of evidence expressing his support for Alaskans’ self defense rights when questioned by Joe Miller and Mead Treadwell. Mark Begich has a strong record of standing up for the rights of Alaskans to defend themselves and own firearms, Dan Sullivan’s latest attacks don’t change that,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich has an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association and is a lifetime member of the organization. Begich opposed President Obama’s national gun control bill in 2013.

Alaska’s Stand Your Ground law didn’t end up passing until Sullivan was Department of Natural Resources Commissioner. Sullivan came under attack in his primary by former Senate candidates Mead Treadwell, Joe Miller, the Gun Owners of America and the National Association of Gun Rights for these false statements. Independent fact checkers have called Sullivan’s claim “false”.

Sullivan has run multiple ads desperately trying to defend his Second Amendment credentials while groups like the National Association of Gun Rights have said Dan Sullivan is too close to President Obama:

The Claim:

Sullivan: “I’ve Always Been Supportive Of Stand Your Ground And Hugely Strong Advocate Of Second Amendment Rights.” During a March 2014 meeting with the Conservative Patriots Group in Wasilla, Dan Sullivan said, “So I’ve always been supportive and the articles that say the AG wasn’t, or this letter, that was a letter from one of my staff. Look, I run a big organization. I’m not going to say he was wrong, but it was about simplifying that. […] I’ve always been supportive of Stand Your Ground and hugely strong advocate of Second Amendment rights. That’s the story.” [Sullivan Conservative Patriots Group meeting, 3/27/14]

The Facts:

March 15, 2010: Sullivan Sent Letter To Alaska House Judiciary Committee In Opposition To Stand Your Ground Legislation. In April 2012, KTUU reported, “Tonight (Tuesday) momentum seems to be building for a change in Alaska’s 3-decade-old self-defense law. . . . Senator Hollis French (D-Anchorage) — the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee — is not happy about a proposed change. He accuses the new attorney general — Michael Geraghty — of abandoning the policies of his predecessor, Attorney General Dan Sullivan. Just 2 years ago, then attorney Sullivan wrote a letter to the House Judiciary Committee specifically arguing that he was against a similar bill — because ‘it would encourage violence.’ The letter is dated March 15, 2024 and was sent to Jay Ramras, the chairman of the committee at the time.” [KTUU, 4/3/12]


Compared with Mark Begich’s record of protecting Alaskans’ ability to defend themselves:

Begich Is A Lifetime Member Of The NRA. Reported NPR in December 2008, “Begich plans to steer his own course, even if Democrats don’t quite recognize him as one of their own. He’s a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association and wants to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.” [NPR, 12/14/08]

Anchorage Daily News: Begich Has “Consistently Opposed” Democratic Efforts To Toughen Gun Control. Reported the Anchorage Daily News in March 2013, “Begich has also consistently opposed the episodic attempts by President Barack Obama and allied congressional Democrats to toughen federal gun controls, again adopting a lonely position within his party’s caucus.” [Anchorage Daily News, 3/31/13]

Begich, Murkowski Voted Against Proposal To Expand Background Checks, Backed Proposal To Bolster System With More Mental Health Data. Reported the Fairbanks News-Miner in April 2013, “Alaska’s senators both rejected a bill that would have expanded gun background checks on Wednesday, instead lining up behind a failed substitute that would have focused instead on bolstering the system with more mental health data. Both Sen. Mark Begich, a Democrat, and Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski voted against the controversial bill, which was billed as a bipartisan compromise. The bill, offered by Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., and supported by President Obama, fell by a 54-46 margin, six votes short of the number needed to overcome a filibuster.” [Fairbanks News-Miner, 4/18/13]

Headline: Anchorage Daily News: “Alaska senators vote against tighter gun control measure.” [Anchorage Daily News, 4/17/13]
