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Dan’s Distortions: Carbon Tax

More Blatant Lies on Literature Paid for and Endorsed by Sullivan Campaign


Building on his latest false ad and his unwillingness to be honest with Alaskans, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s campaign literature is leaning on tired attacks from Outside groups proven “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations. Sullivan continues to distort facts in an attempt to distract from his own failed record as attorney general and an unwillingness to answer questions about issues important to Alaskans.

“Dan Sullivan is solely focused on misrepresenting Mark Begich’s record to avoid reading and taking positions on legislation like the Violence Against Women Act and raising the minimum wage. Instead of having a conversation on issues with Alaskans, Dan Sullivan is leaning on tired false attacks from Outside groups. Dan Sullivan needs to stop putting his arm around the Koch brothers who are spending millions to buy Alaska’s Senate seat to advance their own special interests,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.


Read the independent fact checks that found this claim “false” and “not true” below:

AFP Distorts Begich’s Carbon Tax Stance - finding: “not true”

Conservative Ad Says Begich Supports Carbon Tax - finding: “false”
