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NRA Won’t Endorse Dan Sullivan

NRA Says Sullivan Lacks Record


ANCHORAGE - The National Rifle Association (NRA) has said they will not endorse Senate candidate Dan Sullivan in Alaska’s senate race, noting that Sullivan does not have a legislative record on Second Amendment issues.

“Dan Sullivan’s family can spend millions buying all the attack ads they want, but they can’t buy the respect that Mark Begich has earned from gun owners across the state. As the NRA said, Mark has voted with gun owners 100% of the time,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

An NRA spokesperson said on gun votes, “Begich has stood with NRA members 100 percent of the time.”

Begich has broken with his party to vote against President Obama’s national gun control bill, holds an “A” rating from the NRA, and is a lifetime member of the organization.

Begich has a strong record of standing up for Alaska values, which includes supporting Alaskans’ Constitutional right to to defend themselves. Begich has also lead on national concealed carry legislation to make sure Alaskans can carry a concealed gun across state lines.

Dan Sullivan has spent millions of dollars trying to distract Alaskans from his failed record as attorney general, including claiming to pass a self defense law that he opposed. Sullivan came under attack in his primary by former Senate candidates Mead Treadwell, Joe Miller, the Gun Owners of America and the National Association of Gun Rights for false statements he made about passing a Stand Your Ground law. Independent fact checkers have called Sullivan’s claim “false.”

Spokesman: NRA will not make an endorsement in Alaska US Senate race
Associated Press September 24, 2023 - 3:24 pm EDT

JUNEAU, Alaska — The National Rifle Association doesn’t plan to endorse in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race. The NRA’s political arm in recent filings disclosed ad buys in several prominent Senate races.

NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam (ah-ROO’-luh-nahn-dam) said the organization doesn’t disclose where it plans to run ads until it must. But he said NRA won’t be making an endorsement in Alaska’s race.

He said NRA gave Democratic Sen. Mark Begich an A-minus rating and Begich’s Republican challenger Dan Sullivan an A-q. The “q” means it’s qualified, a distinction for candidates without voting records. Arulanandam said Begich would have gotten a higher grade and NRA’s endorsement if not for his votes for President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees.

On gun votes, he said Begich has stood with NRA members “100 percent of the time.”
