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ICYMI: KSRM Radio: Sullivan Backs Obama Plan Opposed by Begich


ANCHORAGE — According to KSRM, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan rushed to support President Obama’s plan to send American weapons and federal funding to arm unknown Syrian rebels.

Mark Begich is opposed to putting the U.S. closer to having American military troops on the ground by engaging in an open ended commitment to Syrian rebels. Mark Begich supports targeted airstrikes by the American military to eliminate the ISIS threat and he continues to demand Arab nations come to the table and step up with resources and troops to combat ISIS. Also, America can’t forget its obligation at home to improve care and support for our veterans and continue to encourage economic growth.

ICYMI: KSRM Radio: Sullivan Backs Obama Plan Opposed by Begich

In an unusual twist, Republican Dan Sullivan is siding with President Barack Obama while Democratic U.S. Senator Mark Begich stands opposed.

Begich has previously told KSRM he doesn’t want to send weapons to Syrians fighting ISIS…

Sen. Begich: “I’m concerned and I’ve said I oppose the President’s idea of funding these rebels because I don’t know, at the end of the day, weapons they may get from the U.S., will the fall into the wrong hands? I mean, 12 months ago or so ISIL was part of these rebels and who knows what could have happened if we would have funded weapons back then, so I’m very concerned about the President’s proposal of funding and arming the rebels I think the air strike’s an international effort I’m supportive of.”

But Sullivan says he would have backed the bill, because, “saying no to everything is not foreign policy,” and ISIS poses a genuine threat.

U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski sided with Begich in voting against the bill.
