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DC-Based Chamber Endorses Sullivan, Slams Teachers, Leaves Alaska


ANCHORAGE - In a single day the DC-based U.S. Chamber of Commerce parachuted into Alaska to commit money to Dan Sullivan’s campaign, spurn Alaska chambers and slam Alaska teachers.

The U.S. Chamber accused Alaska teachers of not properly educating Alaska students by ranking Alaska at the bottom of a U.S. Chamber complied list.

“Dan Sullivan isn’t interested in listening to Alaskans, Sullivan is only interested in listening to deep-pocketed groups like the U.S. Chamber who will help him buy a Senate seat. Alaskans don’t even know what Sullivan would do as a Senator, but he clearly supports ant-teacher policies while standing with a group who criticizes Alaska schools and teachers while advocating against public education,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Mark Begich opposes the NCLB and has suggested the need to throw out the entire bill because it doesn’t work for Alaska. Begich also opposed state efforts to radically restructure Alaska’s public education system, saying “public dollars are for public education.”

Dan Sullivan’s multimillionaire brother Frank Sullivan serves on the board of the U.S. Chamber, which has pumped tens of thousands into attack ads in Alaska. Local chambers have been “mad as hell” about the attack ads running ads against Mark Begich.

Halco Said He Was “Mad As Hell” When He Heard About The Ad And Was “Sick And Tired” Of Outside Spending In Alaska. “Anchorage Chamber President Andrew Halcro was ‘mad as hell’ when he heard about the ad. When the U.S. Chamber recently told him in a conference call that it was thinking about getting involved, he implored them to stay away. The Anchorage Chamber is nonpartisan, and this puts it in an ‘untenable situation,’ Halcro said. Besides, he’s ‘sick and tired’ of third-party money coming into the state. Such ads ‘don’t add any value to the discourse, and suffocates any solution to the problems,’ he said.” [Amanda Coyne Blog, 4/29/14]

Sitka Chamber President: “We Don’t Endorse Candidates.” Reported KCAW in June 2014, “Sitka Chamber president Ptarmica McConnell said her board receives questions like this often, especially when the US Chamber visits. “We don’t endorse candidates,” she said. “Even though we’re members of the US Chamber, we’re our own Chamber.’” [KCAW, 6/25/14]

U.S Chamber Of Commerce Supported The Reauthorization Of The Elementary And Secondary Education Act, More Commonly Known As No Child Left Behind. “While the Chamber opposes H.R. 5, we strongly believe that the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) needs to be reauthorized as soon as possible. The U.S. Department of Education’s process of reauthorizing ESEA by waivers is not sustainable over the long term, and many of the current waivers contain the same flaws that have resulted in our opposition to this legislation.” [U.S Chamber of Commerce, 7/17/13]

Read the full article below:

U.S Chamber of Commerce gives Alaska public schools bad grades

A U.S. Chamber of Commerce report says Alaska schools are not doing enough to prepare students for the real world. But state officials say the national organization does not have the whole story.

Using criteria that gauges performance and policy for K-12 schools nationwide, the report puts Alaska near the bottom of the pack.

But state education and early development commissioner Mike Hanley is taking issue with some of the evaluation. He says Alaska has a plan of action to improve its standards and its students’ performances.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s state-by-state breakdown of progress in public schools shows Alaska’s system is below average and falls short of expectations.

When looking at an Alaska student’s overall academic achievement, post-secondary and workforce readiness, technology, and school choice options, the country’s largest business association is concerned not enough is being done to prepare students for life after graduation.

“They obviously see it from the perspective do they have the educated and skilled workforce to remain competitive in their industry,” said Cheryl Oldham, who is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s vice president of education policy.

Improving access to a high-quality education is key for the state of Alaska. Since 2010 educators have worked to create tougher standards, including higher level tests that students in 3rd through 10th grade will see this upcoming spring, said Hanley.

The chamber’s report does not include strong programs that are running statewide, including the variety of neighborhood and charter schools in the Anchorage School District, he said.

“The most important factor of a good education is having that parental involvement and support and that’s why we have more than 130 schools and programs where parents can choose to really see what is the right fit for their child and for their family,” said ASD spokesperson Heidi Embley.

The chamber said the report is about a call to action.

“Your commissioner’s comments about having raised the standards in recent years are important,” said Oldham. “Our hope is always that people take this with the view toward how do we do better next time.”

All of Alaska’s school districts are working energetically to implement new standards, which includes improving digital learning and adding more advanced placement classes, Hanley said.


Begich debates Mark Fish while Sullivan spurns another invite from Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich and Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Mark Fish answered questions about issues important to Alaskans at today’s Shiloh Community Development, Inc. Forum today.

U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan no showed at the event, despite a two month old standing invite to attend the event and tell Alaskans where he stands. Sullivan continues to avoid public events and forums, instead hiding behind Outside attack ads fueled by his Ohio-based parents, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers.

“As Dan Sullivan avoids today’s debate and floods Alaska with attack ads fueled by his Ohio-based parents, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers it’s clear Sullivan isn’t running to represent Alaska, he’s in it for himself. Sullivan wants to hide his proposed cuts to Social Security, his failed record as attorney general and his years of not standing up for Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

During the forum, Mark Fish called out opponent Dan Sullivan for a recent flip-flop on Alaska’s minimum wage saying, “Dan Sullivan didn’t change his position because he read the bill. He changed his position because he read the polls.”

Sullivan made headlines for failing to commit to the Kodiak fisheries debate, an Alaska political tradition, only later caving to pressure and agreeing to attend. The move was referred to as a “Senate candidate from Iowa, say, skipping a debate on corn.”

Senator Mark Begich’s Forum & Debate Schedule

Wednesday, October 1, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce


Tuesday, October 14, League of Women Voters and Anchorage School District Student Forum - Sullivan Unconfirmed


Tuesday, October 21, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum

Thursday, October 23, Resource Development Council Candidate Forum

Friday, October 24, Alaska Federation of Native Candidate Forum

Sunday, October 26, KTVA Ch. 11 and Alaska Dispatch Debate - Sullivan Unconfirmed

Monday, October 27, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum -Sullivan Unconfirmed

Tuesday, October 28, Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Forum

Wednesday, October 29, KTUU Channel 2 Debate

Thursday, October 30, Debate for the State - Alaska Public Media - Sullivan Unconfirmed


ICYMI: Alaskans Tell Kochs to Take Their Campaign Money Back to the Lower 48

ANCHORAGE- This week, Alaskans gathered in Fairbanks to stand up for Alaska’s middle class and speak out against the billionaire Koch brothers who closed the Flint Hills refinery, fired 80 Alaskans, raised taxes on Alaskans and caused road construction costs to increase.

The Koch brothers support dangerous anti-worker policies and have invested millions in misleading campaign ads and literature in support of “Right To Work” candidate Dan Sullivan.Across the country, the Koch brothers are spending tens of millions on campaigns to fight minimum wage increases and middle class families.




ANCHORAGE- Senator Mark Begich has consistently delivered increased investment, resources and infrastructure to Alaska’s Coast Guard. Using his clout in the U.S. Senate Mark Begich has delivered results for Alaska’s Coast Guard members, bases, and missions. In a second term he is committed to working with his colleagues to ensure expanding Alaska’s Arctic is a priority.

“In the Senate Mark Begich has delivered for Alaska’s Coast Guard and continues to make resources and infrastructure for Alaska’s coastal and Arctic communities a priority. Mark Begich has introduced legislation with Senator Murkowski to build polar icebreakers, he’s passed legislation to deliver three new Coast Guard cutters to Southeast Alaska and he’s delivered millions for better Coast Guard housing, docks and facilities,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Mark Begich’s Record Includes:

  • Secured investment for Coast Guard housing in Cordova
  • Delivered funding to increase broadband deployment to the Prince William Sound region, assisting the Coast Guard.
  • Secured two new Fast Response Coast Guard cutters for Ketchikan.
  • Secured a new Fast Response Coast Guard cutter for Juneau.
  • Secured funding for floating Coast Guard dock in Ketchikan.
  • Helped secure funding for a feasibility study for deep water Arctic port in Coast Guard Reauthorization.
  • Secured increased support in the Appropriations Committee for increased Coast Guard ice breaking capabilities in the Arctic.

This week, Mark Begich unveiled his plan to expand the Arctic economy. Download Mark Begich’s Arctic Plan here. Begich’s plan includes a call to strengthen Alaska’s Coast Guard and scientific understanding of the Arctic. As Chair of the Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries and the Coast Guard, Mark has a leadership role to push the Administration to respond to this challenge moving forward.

Some Examples of Mark Begich Delivering for Alaska’s Coast Guard:

Arctic Icebreakers

Begich Secured Increased Support In Appropriations Bill For Coast Guard Icebreaking Capabilities In Arctic. Reported the Cordova Times in July 2013, “Provisions to support increased Coast Guard activity in the Arctic were inserted in a subcommittee version of the Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill for fiscal 2014 on July 16 by Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska. Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, the Atmosphere, Fisheries, and the Coast Guard, Begich has been vocal in his support for greater icebreaking capabilities for the Coast Guard, in order to accommodate increased shippng activity and oil and gas development in the Arctic. ‘The shrinking Arctic sea ice is opening up a new frontier of maritime commerce and development,’ Begich said. To that end, the United States must make sure it is prepared for increased traffic, and today’s bill is an important step toward stronger icebreaker capability, while keeping spending in check, he said.” [Cordova Times, 7/19/13]

Begich Introduced Legislation Requiring Coast Guard To Develop Plan To Reactivate Polar Sea Icebreaker. Reported Bloomberg in March 2014, “The active U.S. polar icebreaking fleet has just two ships. S. 2131 would reactivate the Polar Sea, a big icebreaker taken out of active service in 2010. Begich’s bill would require the Coast Guard to develop a plan for reactivating the Polar Sea for seven to 10 years and would authorize ‘such sums as may be necessary’ for the purpose.” [Bloomberg, 3/21/14]

Fast Response Cutters

U.S. Coast Guard Announced Two New Fast Response Vessels In Ketchikan By 2015, And A Third In Juneau By 2020. “In a recent letter to U.S. Senator Mark Begich, the US Coast Guard announced it is moving ahead with plans to replace its patrol fleet and upgrade facilities, including its Ketchikan base. Captain G.G. Bonner writes that the plan is to replace an aging patrol fleet in Sector Juneau that is nearing the end of its service life, and improve operational safety. In Ketchikan the Coast Guard will build a 405-foot floating pier and a new 3,000-square-foot support building. In a news release sent out today (Wednesday), Begich writes that he’s pleased with the news. He says the Coast Guard plays an important role in Alaska, and the projects will not only create jobs, they will help ensure Southeast has adequate protection. The Coast Guard also says it will homeport two Fast Response Vessels in Ketchikan by 2015, and add a third in Juneau by 2020.” [KRBD, 6/12/13]

Coast Guard Fast Response Cutters Have An Estimated Cost Of $73 Million Per Boat. “The Coast Guard’s program of record (POR) calls for procuring 8 National Security Cutters (NSCs), 25 Offshore Patrol Cutters (OPCs), and 58 Fast Response Cutters (FRCs) as replacements for 90 aging Coast Guard cutters and patrol craft. The NSC, OPC, and FRC programs have a combined estimated acquisition cost of about $21.1 billion, and the Coast Guard’s proposed FY2015 budget requests a total of $768 million in acquisition funding for the three programs. […] FRCs are considerably smaller and less expensive than OPCs. They have an estimated average procurement cost of about $73 million per boat. A total of 30 have been funded through FY2014. As of June 5, 2014, the first nine had been commissioned into service. (The tenth was delivered to the Coast Guard on June 25, 2014, and is scheduled to be commissioned into service on September 6, 2014.) The Coast Guard’s proposed FY2014 budget requests $110 million in acquisition funding for two FRCs and associated program costs.” [Coast Guard Cutter Procurement, Congressional Research Service, 8/5/14]

Coast Guard Reauthorization Bill

Cordova Times: “Begich . . . Helped Shepherd [Coast Guard Reauthorization] Through The Senate.”Reported the Cordova Times in December 2012, “The 2012 Coast Guard Reauthorization Act, which includes a number of provisions benefitting Alaska, passed in U.S. Senate on Dec. 12 and went to President Obama for his signature. As chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Board Guard, Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, made the motion for final passage of the bill, which he helped shepherd through the Senate. ‘Americans rely on the Coast Guard to protect us from threats to our security from the sea, to protect us from threats to our security from the sea, to protect us while we are on the sea, and to protect the sea itself,’ Begich said.” [Cordova Times, 12/21/12]

Coast Guard Reauthorization Bill Included $1.5 Billion For Acquisition And Construction Nationwide - $170 Million More Than Guard Received In 2012. Reported the Arctic Sounder in December 2012, “The bill authorizes the Coast Guard’s total annual operation and maintenance funding of $6.9 billion, plus $1.5 billion for acquisition and construction of new vessels, aircraft and shore facilities. That’s $170 million more than the Coast Guard got in 2012.” [Arctic Sounder, 12/14/12]

Coast Guard Reauthorization Included Continued Moratorium On Discharge Permits For Commercial Fishing And Use Vessels Under 79 Feet. Reported the Cordova Times in December 2012, “The legislation also contains other items of importance for Alaska’s commercial fishermen, among them continuing the existing moratorium on vessel discharge permits for another year, through December 2014. All commercial fishing vessels and commercial use vessels under 79 feet will not be mandated to have a NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit until December 2014.” [Cordova Times, 12/21/12]

Future Arctic Commerce

Headline: KSRM: “Begich Works to Increase Coast Guard Funds for Arctic Activity.” [KSRM, 7/17/13]

Begich Introduced Legislation To Give Coast Guard Additional Resources To Increase Arctic Presence. Reported The Hill in March 2014, “Begich has introduced legislation to give the U.S. Coast Guard more resources to increase its Arctic presence. He has also encouraged the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty, an international agreement that allows member countries to use the oceans. ‘Hand in hand with that sovereignty is the ability to protect our national interest in the region, something the Department of Defense and our nation’s military will be crucial in carrying out,’ Begich said.” [The Hill, 3/19/14]

Begich Scheduled Hearing In Anchorage With Coast Guard Commandant On Future Of Coast Guard In Alaska. Reported the Associated Press in August 2011, “U.S. Sen. Mark Begich is holding a hearing in Anchorage Friday on the future of the Coast Guard in Alaska. Coast Guard commandant, Admiral Robert Papp, is scheduled to testify. A listening session is also planned related to the needs of Coast Guard service members and their families. Other issues include regulations for fishing vessels, licensing of merchant mariners and oil spill response vessels. Begich chairs the Senate Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard. He alone will lead the field hearing of the subcommitteeFriday. Begich says there are numerous, important issues facing the Coast Guard in Alaska. He says he looks forward to hearing from Papp and others on how best to ensure the agency has adequate resources and families have the support they need.” [Associated Press, 8/12/11]



ANCHORAGE- Less than a week after the Center for Public Integrity revealed Karl Rove’s questionable $300,000 cash infusion from Dan Sullivan’s parents, new ads filled with old lies have hit Alaska’s airwaves.

Borrowing from Dan Sullivan, the Koch brothers and Karl Rove’s playbook Alaskans for Begich is responding to these attacks with a re-release of our own:

Outside Group Continues to Misrepresent Mark Begich’s Accomplishments as Mayor

Spending Millions to Buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate Seat for Dan Sullivan


ANCHORAGE- An Outside group run by Karl Rove is distorting history in its continued efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan fueled by millions of dollars in secret money. The latest attack hurls distorted “facts” in an attempt to discredit Mark Begich’s successful two terms as Anchorage mayor.

In 2003 Begich inherited a $33 million debt, which he turned around by working with the Anchorage Assembly and city employees. Begich’s financial stewardship earned Anchorage a “AA” bond rating and put the city in a strong position to withstand the nationwide recessions and stock market crash that devastated cities across the country.

“Mark Begich turned around a $33 million debt he inherited when he became mayor of Anchorage while making record investments in Anchorage roads, improving Anchorage’s small business climate and building a new convention center and worked to strengthen the community. Mark Begich didn’t waste time by pointing fingers as mayor, he took action and turned the city around,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich. “When Dan Sullivan shot a TV ad on top of the Dena’ina Center calling for a Senator who gets ‘results’ he proved he knows little to nothing about what Anchorage and Mark Begich have accomplished in the last decade and what needs to be done in the next decade.”

The attack ad comes from Crossroads GPS an organization attempting to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for Dan Sullivan. The organization proved earlier in the year it knows little about Alaska when attempting to turn the tragic Arizona VA scandal into a political attack in Alaska.

Here’s what residents of Anchorage are saying about Mark Begich’s time as mayor:

“Senator Begich’s terms as mayor brought a safe and vibrant downtown Anchorage that was ideal when my partners and I started our business. He truly cares about Alaska and fashioned a positive climate for small businesses like mine. Little did I know in working with him on getting the convention center built, that I’d be creating a booming clientele of convention goers who support my restaurant and the Anchorage/Alaskan economy as a whole. Senator Begich has my full support to keep fighting on the DC front to keep our Alaskan economy going strong,” said successful Anchorage small business owner, Scott Anaya.

“Everyone knows that Anchorage is Mark’s hometown and he’s very proud of this city. Skeptics said Anchorage would never have a new convention center, but he built the Dena’ina. He built more roads than any other mayor, plowed our streets and invested in schools. Mark helped make Anchorage the city we all believed it can be,” said Anchorage real estate broker, Art Clark.

Here is how the Alaska’s largest newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News (now Alaska Dispatch News), reported on Mark Begich’s tenure as Anchorage’s mayor:

Anchorage Daily News Editorial: “Our view: Fine job, Mr. Mayor.” [Editorial, Anchorage Daily News, 1/3/09]

Anchorage Daily News: “Anchorage maintains its high rating on short-term bonds.” [Anchorage Daily News, 2/8/10]

Anchorage Daily News Ad Analysis Confirmed City Of Anchorage Added More Than 9,000 Jobs During Begich’s Tenure As Mayor. [Anchorage Daily News, 8/17/08]

Anchorage Daily News 2008: For First Time In 10 Years, Taxes Paid By Average Anchorage Homeowner Dropped By 3%. [Anchorage Daily News, 3/30/08]



ANCHORAGE - The National Rifle Association (NRA) is predictably spending millions of dollars supporting multiple Republicans in competitive Senate races across the country….except in Alaska.

“The NRA is spending big for Republicans across the country but they are passing on Dan Sullivan while noting Mark Begich’s strong record of defending Alaskans’ right to defend themselves. Mark Begich stands up for Alaska values and that includes fighting for Second Amendment rights in the U.S. Senate,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

In Alaska, the NRA is breaking from their support of GOP candidates by declining to endorse in Alaska’s Senate race while noting that “on gun votes, Begich has stood with NRA members 100 percent of the time.”

NRA spending in other states….

NRA launches $1.3 million ad buy for Cotton

NRA TV ads back Thom Tillis in bid for US Senate seat

NRA Tries to Sink Michelle Nunn With Bloomberg Tie

NRA Readies Multi-Million Dollar Ad Push in Key Senate Races

NRA targets Senate races in Colorado, Arkansas, North Carolina

Begich has broken with his party and opposed President Obama’s national gun control bill, holds an “A rating” from the NRA, and is a Life Member of the organization.

Dan Sullivan has spent millions of dollars trying to distract Alaskans from his failed record as attorney general, including claiming to pass a self defense law that he opposed. Sullivan came under attack in his primary by former Senate candidates Mead Treadwell, Joe Miller, the Gun Owners of America and the National Association of Gun Rights for false statements he made about passing a Stand Your Ground law. Independent fact checkers have called Sullivan’s claim“false.”


$500,000 donation ‘just appears’ from Texas billionaire


ANCHORAGE - The billionaire owner of the Houston Texans NFL franchise has dropped half a million dollars to back Dan Sullivan in an attempt to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat. Team owner Bob McNair is the latest to join Sullivan’s billionaires’ club of donors propping up his campaign.

Most Alaskans probably don’t personally know a single billionaire, but Dan Sullivan rubs elbows with many of them who are keeping his campaign afloat. McNair has no clear connections to Alaska, but is the latest to join attempts to buy Alaska’s senate seat thousands of miles from his home.

Outside groups indifferent to Alaska, its people, future, or the issues affecting the state have now pledged close to $15 million in attacks against Mark Begich.

“Dan Sullivan has a clear conflict of interest this November when the Cleveland Browns play the Houston Texans, it’s his hometown team against the team trying to buy him a Senate seat. No matter what NFL team Dan Sullivan roots for or how much money his parents spend on this election, it’s clear his loyalty is not with Alaskans, it’s with the Outside groups, the Koch brothers and Karl Rove,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

McNair gave $500,000 to “Alaska’s Energy/America’s Values,” a super PAC supporting Sullivan. Recently, Sullivan’s Ohio-based family has given $375,000 to the same group in addition to the $300,000 they gave to Karl Rove’s Crossroads group this week.


Begich Reaffirms Commitment to Strengthening the Coast Guard and Bringing Increased Resources and Infrastructure to the Arctic


ANCHORAGE- In a second term Mark Begich will continue to raise the profile of America as an Arctic nation by promoting new economic opportunities, strengthening our Coast Guard and protecting subsistence.

“Alaska makes America an Arctic nation and nowhere are the changes in our climate more apparent than in the Arctic, which faces significant opportunities and challenges. In the U.S. Senate I am proud to have delivered results like the Arctic Ambassador and preserving subsistence bowhead whale quotas. Increased use of the Arctic means seizing the economic opportunities of the new Arctic while protecting resources that residents of Alaska’s Arctic depend on to meet their nutrition and cultural needs. I am running to represent all the communities and interests of Alaska’s Arctic including the North Slope,” said Senator Mark Begich.


Showing his commitment to the Arctic, Begich held a call with whaling captains this week to continue listening to the needs of Alaska’s communities and how their culture and economy depend on our resources. Begich has personally advocated for whalers to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association (NOAA), the State Department, and the International Whaling Committee to preserve the bowhead whale quota for Alaska Natives. On the call he emphasized that preserving subsistence isn’t just about preserving culture, it is about putting food on the table so people don’t starve.

Mark Begich’s Arctic Plan includes four major components:

Opportunities in Arctic Energy and Shipping

The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas boast some of the world’s most promising oil reserves, which could strengthen Alaska’s economy for decades. Meanwhile, the receding summer icepack has also opened new seasonal shipping routes atop Russia and Canada that cut distances to Europe by 40 percent and tempt adventurous tourists.

Protect Subsistence Traditions

Residents of Alaska’s North Slope and the Northern Bering Sea depend on bowhead whales and other marine mammals for their basic nutritional needs. These animals are an essential part of their culture, and these resources and traditions must be strongly supported.

Strengthen the Coast Guard and Scientific Understanding

The Coast Guard will have an unprecedented role in the emerging Arctic to assert our national interests in the Arctic Ocean and provide a presence in this rapidly changing maritime region. As Chair of the Commerce Subcommittee on Oceans, Fisheries and the Coast Guard, Mark has a leadership role to push the Administration to respond to this challenge moving forward.

Assert National Leadership in the Arctic

Mark’s first speech on the Senate floor focused on the promise and challenge of the Arctic. Since then, he has pushed the Administration to recognize our nation’s responsibilities as an Arctic nation. He followed with legislation to address the nation’s Arctic needs for scientific research, health care, revenue sharing, and adaption to climatic changes that are undercutting some coastal villages.


ANCHORAGE- Dan Sullivan remains focused on gathering Outside money and support by welcoming the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to Alaska. Sullivan’s Ohio-based brother, Frank Sullivan, serves on the board of the organization which has already spent tens of thousands on attack ads in Alaska on Sullivan’s behalf.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does not represent local Alaska chambers which were “mad as hell” when the DC-based group started running ads supporting Sullivan in April of this year. Anchorage Chamber of Commerce President Andrew Halcro asked the DC-based group not to run ads in Alaska and informed all Anchorage Chamber members the ads and endorsement do not reflect the views of the local chamber.

While Dan Sullivan holds an event with the U.S. Chamber, he is refusing to attend the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce’s U.S. Senate debate:


“In April local business organizations made clear that the DC-based U.S. Chamber of Commerce represents its own national political agenda, not the job creating agenda of local chambers. Dan still hasn’t committed to debate Mark Begich at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce because he’s intent on using Outside groups and their ads to avoid telling Alaskans how he’s set on representing the Koch brothers Outside agenda. Mark Begich stands up for Alaskans and looks forward to meeting with local chambers around the state,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Here’s what local chambers across the state have been saying:

Headline: Alaska Public Media: “Chamber Comes Out Anti-Begich. That’s The U.S. Chamber.” [Alaska Public Media, 4/29/14]

Headline: KTUU: “Why Can’t the Chambers of Commerce Just Get Along?” [KTUU, 4/29/14]
Headline: Amanda Coyne Blog: “Halcro ‘Mad As Hell’ That U.S. Chamber Enters Alaska Senate Race.” [Amanda Coyne Blog, 4/29/14]

U.S. Chamber Ad Attempted To Insulate Sullivan From Carpetbagging Charges. “The Chamber is also airing ads in Alaska, backing former state Attorney General Dan Sullivan over Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell and 2010 nominee Joe Miller. In the new ad, a narrator says Democratic Sen. Mark Begich sides with Washington, while Sullivan ‘is always fighting for Alaska’ — an attempt to insulate the candidate from carpetbagging charges.” [The Hill, 4/29/14]

U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Ad Attacked Begich And Supported Sullivan. “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the latest Outside group to launch campaign ads in Alaska’s U.S. Senate race. The national business lobby has a 30-second video spot running this week that hits Sen. Mark Begich and supports one of his Republican challengers, former Attorney General Dan Sullivan.” [Alaska Public Media, 4/29/14]

Anchorage Chamber Said It Had “No Affiliation” With U.S. Chamber. “Anchorage Chamber of Commerce President Andrew Halcro immediately issued a statement to say the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is a separate organization. ‘We just wanted to notify our members that these ads, which are identified as produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, have no affiliation with the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce,’ Halcro said.” [Alaska Public Media, 4/29/14]

Alaska State Chamber Said It Had “Nothing To Do With Those Ads.” “Likewise, the Alaska Chamber of Commerce says it doesn’t endorse federal candidates. The Alaska Chamber, though, IS a member of the U.S. Chamber. President Rachael Petro says the U.S. group notified her of the ad but says the Alaska Chamber had no input. We just have no opinion on this topic and we have nothing to do with those ads,’ Petro said.” [Alaska Public Media, 4/29/14]

Anchorage Chamber President Andrew Halco: “I Asked Them Not [To] Air This Commercial In This Market.” “The narrator has a melodramatic delivery not entirely unlike a Dan LaFontaine movie trailer. While it may blend with the many ads that are becoming familiar to Alaskans, it is upsetting to the nonpartisan Anchorage Chamber. ‘I asked them not air this commercial in this market,’ said Andrew Halcro, president of the Anchorage Chamber. ‘It’s more Outside money that has no place in Alaska politics. ‘It really creates a headache for us on the local level.’” [KTUU, 4/29/14]

Halco Said He Was “Mad As Hell” When He Heard About The Ad And Was “Sick And Tired” Of Outside Spending In Alaska. “Anchorage Chamber President Andrew Halcro was ‘mad as hell’ when he heard about the ad. When the U.S. Chamber recently told him in a conference call that it was thinking about getting involved, he implored them to stay away. The Anchorage Chamber is nonpartisan, and this puts it in an ‘untenable situation,’ Halcro said. Besides, he’s ‘sick and tired’ of third-party money coming into the state. Such ads ‘don’t add any value to the discourse, and suffocates any solution to the problems,’ he said.” [Amanda Coyne Blog, 4/29/14]

KCAW: Anchorage Chamber Immediately Distanced Themselves From U.S. Chamber Ads Attacking Begich. “When the US Chamber released the ad in April of this year, the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce — where Begich served as mayor for many years — immediately distanced itself. In a statement, Anchorage Chamber president Andrew Halcro wrote, ‘these ads… have no affiliation with the Anchorage Chamber.’” [KCAW, 6/25/14]

Sitka Chamber President: “We Don’t Endorse Candidates.” Reported KCAW in June 2014, “Sitka Chamber president Ptarmica McConnell said her board receives questions like this often, especially when the US Chamber visits. “We don’t endorse candidates,” she said. “Even though we’re members of the US Chamber, we’re our own Chamber.’” [KCAW, 6/25/14]

Sullivan’s Brother Frank Sullivan Was On U.S. Chamber Board Of Directors. “Sullivan’s older brother, Frank Sullivan, who runs the Ohio company that makes Rust-Oleum and other coatings, sits on the board of directors of the U.S. Chamber.” [Alaska Public Media, 4/29/14]


Sullivan Refusing to Address Young Voters


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich has committed to 11 forums and debates before Election Day, recently adding an additional forum hosted by the Anchorage School District and League of Women Voters.

U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan has refused to tell Alaskans if he will debate Mark Begich.

“Dan Sullivan continues to refuse to tell Alaskans the truth about his inconsistent claims about his residency or his connections to the billionaire Koch brothers. Mark Begich hopes that after months of silence Dan Sullivan will finally agree to join him and discuss the critical issues in this campaign - he did find the time to attend the fish debate after all. Begich remains committed to attend with or without his opponents, ” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan has made headlines for failing to commit to the fish debate, an Alaska political tradition, only later caving to pressure and agreeing to attend. The move was referred to as a “Senate candidate from Iowa, say, skipping a debate on corn.”

Alaska has a long and independent history that has given voice to candidates from all political affiliations and leanings. Continuing that tradition, Begich has asked that each host invite every candidate participating in this year’s Senate election who has earned ballot privileges, like Mark Fish, Libertarian candidate for Senate.

Begich Forum and Debate Schedule

Sunday, September 28, Shiloh Community Development, Inc. Forum

Wednesday, October 1, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, October 14, League of Women Voters and Anchorage School District Student Forum


Tuesday, October 21, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum

Thursday, October 23, Resource Development Council Candidate Forum

Friday, October 24, Alaska Federation of Native Candidate Forum

Sunday, October 26, KTVA Ch. 11 and Alaska Dispatch Debate

Monday, October 27, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum

Tuesday, October 28, Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Forum

Wednesday, October 29, KTUU Channel 2 Debate

Thursday, October 30, Debate for the State - Alaska Public Media
