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Begich Endorsed By American Nurses Association

President of Alaska Nurses Association Affirms Support of Mark Begich for U.S. Senate FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/14/2014 ANCHORAGE- U.S. Senator Mark Begich is honored to receive the endorsement of the American Nurses Association (ANA) for re-election to the United States Senate. In his first term, Mark Begich fought for Alaska’s nurses by supporting investments in nursing education, critical mental health programs, and fought […]

Begich Stands With Alaska Women and Families

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/13/2014 ANCHORAGE- Alaska women joined U.S. Senator Mark Begich in Anchorage today to announce his plan to continue fighting for Alaska women and families in the U.S. Senate. Mark Begich’s Standing Up for Alaska Women and Families Plan Begich made clear he will continue to support equal pay for women, fight for health care access and privacy, increase investments in early childhood education, […]

Sullivan Hiding Support For Social Security Cuts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/13/2014 ANCHORAGE- Dan Sullivan dodged his support for dangerous Social Security cuts in a recent interview with the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Sullivan repeated his calls for Social Security “reform”, without stating his belief that Social Security benefits should be means tested and that the Social Security eligibility age should be raised. “Dan Sullivan refuses to be […]