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Begich Stands With Alaska Women and Families


ANCHORAGE- Alaska women joined U.S. Senator Mark Begich in Anchorage today to announce his plan to continue fighting for Alaska women and families in the U.S. Senate.

Mark Begich’s Standing Up for Alaska Women and Families Plan

Begich made clear he will continue to support equal pay for women, fight for health care access and privacy, increase investments in early childhood education, support women-owned small businesses and support Alaska women caring for their elderly parents.

“After my father went missing my mother Pegge raised six kids, help put many of us through school and ran our family business. As a son, brother and husband I know Alaska women work hard to improve their family’s future. Alaska families wonder how they are going to buy their first house, make sure their kids are safe and have a good education, and send their children to college while also caring for an elderly parent. As Alaska’s senator, I have fought for Alaska women and families, but I know the job isn’t done. In the next six years, I will fight to make sure Alaska women have equal pay protection, have better educational opportunities for their children, get the Social Security benefits they’ve contributed to and have the means to finish school and advance their career,” said Senator Mark Begich.


Equal Pay Protection for Women

Mark is a strong supporter of the simple idea that women should receive equal pay for equal work - the current gap between the amount men and women are paid for the same exact job is unacceptable. Mark has worked hard during his first term to ensure an equal playing field for everyone, regardless of their gender, and he will continue fighting for that basic principle in his second term.

Investing In Our Children

Every family wants to see their children succeed, whether that’s going to college or career training after high school. Making sure children succeed starts with a strong education start through high quality childcare and pre-k programs. It means sending children to quality after school and summer programs. Unfortunately, it can cost an Alaska family more than $600 a week to send to children to summer camp. It can cost close to $1000 a month for quality after school programs. For families where both parents work, summer break usually breaks their bank account.

Support Women Advancing Their Careers

Alaska women helped build this state, whether it was the Richardson Highway, the oil pipeline or our ports and harbors. Today, Alaska women run some of the top Alaska companies. Unfortunately, many Alaska women still struggle to advance their careers while also raising a family. Mark knows how important it is to promote smart policies that help women start and finish their college degree or enter a trades apprenticeship program.

Recognizing New Roles Taking Care of Elderly Parents

More and more Alaska families include dual roles for parents who take care of their children and their aging parents. Daughters are twice as likely to take care of their aging parent than sons, putting great financial and emotional strain on already overtaxed families. It also ends up costing the caregiver lost income and retirement benefits because they have to reduce their work hours to care for the parent. Helping older Alaskans stay in their homes isn’t just the right thing to do - it saves money for families and taxpayers. Mark knows how important it is to help Alaska families juggle this new responsibility.

Women’s Health and Safety

Every Alaska woman deserves equal access to health care, so that all Alaskans can receive needed medical treatment to live happy and healthy lives. And they also deserve to have their personal safety protected, whether at home, in the community, or in the workplace. Mark recognizes that men and women have different needs, and he has been working for years to make our communities safer and to guarantee access to affordable, high-quality health care – government shouldn’t have a say in a woman’s medical decisions, which are between her and her doctor. Alaska women deserve someone like Mark who fights for their rights and safety every day.

