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Sullivan Hiding Support For Social Security Cuts


ANCHORAGE- Dan Sullivan dodged his support for dangerous Social Security cuts in a recent interview with the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Sullivan repeated his calls for Social Security “reform”, without stating his belief that Social Security benefits should be means tested and that the Social Security eligibility age should be raised.

“Dan Sullivan refuses to be honest with Alaskans and detail the dangerous changes he would make to Social Security cutting benefits for Alaska seniors and future generations. Sullivan’s support for means testing and raising the eligibility age would dangerously affect Alaskans who will retire on a fixed income and would have to make do with less,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Wrote the Alaska Dispatch News:

“Social Security has surfaced as an issue on the Alaska campaign trail since mid-August, when Sullivan addressed reform at a pre-primary debate, saying, “I do think we need to look at raising the age. I do think we also need to look at means testing.”

The AARP firmly opposes means testing which would unfairly cut Social Security benefits for hard working Americans who have paid into the program using their own money. Senator Mark Begich supports lifting the cap on income contributions and has introduced a plan that would increase benefits for seniors, keeping the program solvent for decades, and repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision which unfairly penalizes workers.
