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Sullivan No Show At Forum

Begich debates Mark Fish while Sullivan spurns another invite from Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich and Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Mark Fish answered questions about issues important to Alaskans at today’s Shiloh Community Development, Inc. Forum today.

U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan no showed at the event, despite a two month old standing invite to attend the event and tell Alaskans where he stands. Sullivan continues to avoid public events and forums, instead hiding behind Outside attack ads fueled by his Ohio-based parents, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers.

“As Dan Sullivan avoids today’s debate and floods Alaska with attack ads fueled by his Ohio-based parents, Karl Rove and the Koch brothers it’s clear Sullivan isn’t running to represent Alaska, he’s in it for himself. Sullivan wants to hide his proposed cuts to Social Security, his failed record as attorney general and his years of not standing up for Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

During the forum, Mark Fish called out opponent Dan Sullivan for a recent flip-flop on Alaska’s minimum wage saying, “Dan Sullivan didn’t change his position because he read the bill. He changed his position because he read the polls.”

Sullivan made headlines for failing to commit to the Kodiak fisheries debate, an Alaska political tradition, only later caving to pressure and agreeing to attend. The move was referred to as a “Senate candidate from Iowa, say, skipping a debate on corn.”

Senator Mark Begich’s Forum & Debate Schedule

Wednesday, October 1, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce


Tuesday, October 14, League of Women Voters and Anchorage School District Student Forum - Sullivan Unconfirmed


Tuesday, October 21, Soldotna Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum

Thursday, October 23, Resource Development Council Candidate Forum

Friday, October 24, Alaska Federation of Native Candidate Forum

Sunday, October 26, KTVA Ch. 11 and Alaska Dispatch Debate - Sullivan Unconfirmed

Monday, October 27, Anchorage Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum -Sullivan Unconfirmed

Tuesday, October 28, Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Forum

Wednesday, October 29, KTUU Channel 2 Debate

Thursday, October 30, Debate for the State - Alaska Public Media - Sullivan Unconfirmed
