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Texas NFL Owner Latest Outsider To Help Sullivan Buy Senate Seat

$500,000 donation ‘just appears’ from Texas billionaire


ANCHORAGE - The billionaire owner of the Houston Texans NFL franchise has dropped half a million dollars to back Dan Sullivan in an attempt to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat. Team owner Bob McNair is the latest to join Sullivan’s billionaires’ club of donors propping up his campaign.

Most Alaskans probably don’t personally know a single billionaire, but Dan Sullivan rubs elbows with many of them who are keeping his campaign afloat. McNair has no clear connections to Alaska, but is the latest to join attempts to buy Alaska’s senate seat thousands of miles from his home.

Outside groups indifferent to Alaska, its people, future, or the issues affecting the state have now pledged close to $15 million in attacks against Mark Begich.

“Dan Sullivan has a clear conflict of interest this November when the Cleveland Browns play the Houston Texans, it’s his hometown team against the team trying to buy him a Senate seat. No matter what NFL team Dan Sullivan roots for or how much money his parents spend on this election, it’s clear his loyalty is not with Alaskans, it’s with the Outside groups, the Koch brothers and Karl Rove,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

McNair gave $500,000 to “Alaska’s Energy/America’s Values,” a super PAC supporting Sullivan. Recently, Sullivan’s Ohio-based family has given $375,000 to the same group in addition to the $300,000 they gave to Karl Rove’s Crossroads group this week.
