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“I have not lived in Alaska since 2002″

Sullivan called himself an “Outsider” in email to Mead Treadwell

CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan pitched himself as a potential Alaska Attorney General by calling himself an “Outsider” and stating “I have not lived in Alaska since 2002″ in a 2009 email to Mead Treadwell.

The statements in the email stand in stark contrast to Sullivan’s current claim to be a 17-year resident of Alaska.

“Dan Sullivan won’t look Alaskans in the eyes and answer questions about important issues, including his residency. If Dan Sullivan acknowledges he didn’t live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009, then how can he currently claim to be a 17-year resident of Alaska?,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Campaign Manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Since calling himself an “Outsider” in the email Sullivan has claimed to be a non-resident, one year of Alaska residency, two years of Alaska residency, ten years of Alaska residency, and seventeen years of Alaska residency.

See the email here:

Outsider Email