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MEMO: Dan Sullivan’s Maryland Problems

Sullivan Identified Residency Five Ways in Five Years

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE -Amid news of a Maryland investigation about Dan Sullivan’s residency controversy, Alaskans for Begich is sharing a memo for concerned parties about Dan Sullivan’s “Maryland Problem.” Sullivan collected thousands of dollars in tax breaks while living in Maryland as a political appointee at the State Department and declaring his million dollar Maryland home his “principal residence.”

Meanwhile, Sullivan has made five differing declarations about his residency in the last five years while he claimed 17 years of continuous Alaska residency while filing paperwork for the U.S. Senate. In private communications Sullivan has acknowledged thathe did not live in Alaska between 2002 and 2009, while doing the same when applying for a non-resident fishing license in 2009.

From: Alaskans for Begich, Campaign Manager Susanne Fleek-Green

To: Concerned Parties

Date: 9/5/2023

Subject: Dan Sullivan’s Maryland Problem

1. Sullivan is under investigation:

Maryland Tax Authorities Confirmed Investigation Into Sullivan Tax Benefits. Reported APRN in September 2014, “Maryland tax authorities said this week they’ll investigate whether Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan improperly benefited from tax breaks intended for Maryland residents for a house he owned in the suburbs of Washington, D.C.” [APRN, 9/4/14]

2. Sullivan collected tax breaks on his $1.3 million “principal residence” in Maryland:

Sullivans Received A County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2007. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2007 tax year. [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

Sullivans Received County Property Tax Credit on Bethesda Home as “Principal Residence” in 2008. According to Montgomery County tax records, the Sullivans received the County Property Tax Credit on their home in Bethesda, MD in the 2008 tax year.” [Montgomery County Tax Records, Accessed 5/16/13]

3. Sullivan declared Maryland his “principal residence” in 2006

December 2006: Sullivan Purchased Maryland Home For $1.3 Million, Designated As “Principal Residence.” According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Lane was purchased on December 29, 2023 for $1,362,000. The Sullivans signed a rider to the December 2006 deed on the Maiden Lane property that indicated the property would be used as a principal residence. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, accessed 12/10/13;Montgomery County Land Records – Deed 33556/ 00304, 12/29/06]

4. Sullivan declared Maryland his “principal residence” in 2010

2010: Sullivans Sold Maryland Home For More Than $1.3 Million, Certified House Was A Principal Residence. According to Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, the property located at 6212 Maiden Ln in Bethesda was sold by Daniel S. Sullivan and Julie F. Sullivan on May 25, 2023 for $1,325,000. The Sullivans each signed a certification indicating the property was a principal residence. [Montgomery County Department of Assessments and Taxation, 6212 Maiden Ln; Deed 39334/ 00288, 5/25/10]

5. Collecting Maryland Tax Breaks While Voting in Alaska - Sullivan continued to vote in Alaska while living at a “principal residence” in Maryland:

Sullivan Continued To Vote In Alaska, Claimed He Was An Alaska Resident During That Period. “‘The bottom line is, Dan’s an Alaskan,’ [Sullivan spokesman] said, noting that Sullivan has owned a house in Alaska for more than a decade, had an Alaska driver’s license since 1997 and has a voting history in Alaska.” [AP, 12/18/13]

6. Sullivan was denied a Permanent Dividend Fund check in 2004 – Sullivan’s failure to live in Alaska for more than a year in 2003 caused him to be denied his PFD, a hallmark of Alaska residency.

State Of Alaska Rejected Sullivan’s Permanent Fund Application After He Moved To DC. “2003: Applies for permanent fund dividend while living in Washington, D.C. Dividend applications for Sullivan and family rejected, though past White House fellows from Alaska kept their residency and received PFDs, his campaign says.” [Anchorage Daily News,4/19/14]