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Sullivan and Treadwell: Do Nothing Stance on Military Sexual Assaults in Alaska

Stood Idle During Push for National and Local Solutions


ANCHORAGE — Continuing to build their appalling records on issues important to women, as outlined at, U.S. Senate candidates Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell have failed to address the issue of sexual assault in the military and have both proven unwilling to engage in national efforts to give victims the tools they deserve to seek justice.

Both Sullivan and Treadwell have refused to comment on efforts to end military sexual assault in Alaska. As Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor each have a failed, absent record.

“Mark Begich believes we must protect victims of military sexual assault and that includes holding perpetrators accountable,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Alaskans for Begich campaign manager.

Mark Begich has supported multiple pieces of legislation to protect victims of sexual assault in the military and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable. Specifically, he has been a leader on legislation, co-sponsoring Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s bill to take prosecution of sexual assault crimes out of the military chain of command, empower victims to seek legal recourse, and has worked to ensure that those responsible were held fully accountable for their actions. The Senate succesfully passed a bill with over ten critical changes to the military justice system including greater protections for victims.

Begichhas also repeatedly stated that there should be zero tolerance for sexual assault or domestic violence in the military or anywhere else in our communities.

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