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National ID Card Questions Remain Unanswered

Alaskans Deserve Answers on Government Invasion of Privacy


ANCHORAGE -After weeks of dubious calls to protect Americans’ privacy, U.S. Senate candidates Mead Treadwell and Dan Sullivan have a chance to come clean with Alaskans about their support of a national ID card.

The unpopular REAL ID law would put 240 million Americans into a database. A company connected to Mead Treadwell made millions off the ID card scheme while Dan Sullivan has done everything possible to avoid the issues.

The two Senate candidates join Joe Miller for a debate hosted by KTVA and the Alaska Dispatch News tonight.

“Dan Sullivan and Mead Treadwell talk about protecting freedoms on the campaign trail, but they won’t look Alaskans in the eye and admit their role in creating big government schemes like REAL ID that monitor Americans,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Treadwell speaks of his work for Digimarc in glowing terms on the campaign trail without telling Alaskans the company raked in hundreds of millions of dollars while providing the technology for REAL ID, an invasive national ID program widely unpopular with Alaskans of all political leanings.

In 2008, Governor Sarah Palin rejected this federally mandated program and passed legislation prohibiting its implementation. The Anchorage Daily News wrote that the REAL ID program constituted what is “absolutely a national ID” remains “a bad idea,” and ”will create a national database of information about more than 240 million Americans.”

Senator Mark Begich opposes REAL ID.
