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Begich Raises Over $1.25 Million

Support Continues to Grow; Surpasses 5,000 Alaska Donors FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/10/2023 As the Republican primary gets more contentious, enthusiasm for Mark Begich continues to grow with 700 new Alaska donors just this quarter and over 5,000 Alaskans donating overall to his campaign this cycle, more Alaskans than all Republican candidates combined. In the second […]

Dr. Treadwell: “Personhood” Is the Next Big Debate

Extreme Personhood Legislation Forces Decisions for Alaska Women FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/10/2023 ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell continues to play doctor for Alaska women by calling personhood - an issue that could give state control over women’s bodies - the “next big debate in this country.” Treadwell is adamant about supporting personhood measures which could deem certain […]

Veterans for Begich Fairbanks Launch

Vets Show Support for Begich FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/09/2023 ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich launched Veterans for Begich in Fairbanks with the support of Alaska veterans who served in conflicts spanning from WWII to Afghanistan. “I trust Mark to do what’s right for Alaska’s veterans. As a Vietnam era Army veteran, I’ve been following Mark’s work […]