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Begich Raises Over $1.25 Million

Support Continues to Grow; Surpasses 5,000 Alaska Donors


As the Republican primary gets more contentious, enthusiasm for Mark Begich continues to grow with 700 new Alaska donors just this quarter and over 5,000 Alaskans donating overall to his campaign this cycle, more Alaskans than all Republican candidates combined.

In the second quarter Begich raised over $1.25 million for his campaign, bringing his total to almost $8 million this election cycle.

“Mark Begich puts Alaska’s interests first in the U.S. Senate and that’s why more Alaskans have contributed to Mark than all of his opponents put together. Alaskans are standing side by side with Mark in the fight to keep women’s health care decisions safe from government intrusion, safeguard Alaskans right to privacy and develop Alaska’s resources,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Highlights of Begich’s second quarter fundraising report include:

· Over $1.2 million raised this quarter

· Over 5000 Alaska donors this campaign cycle, surpassing 2008 figure by nearly 1000 Alaskans

· Over 700 new Alaska donors this quarter
