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Veterans for Begich Fairbanks Launch

Vets Show Support for Begich


ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich launched Veterans for Begich in Fairbanks with the support of Alaska veterans who served in conflicts spanning from WWII to Afghanistan.

“I trust Mark to do what’s right for Alaska’s veterans. As a Vietnam era Army veteran, I’ve been following Mark’s work as our senator and have been impressed with his leadership on issues that are important for us. He has led the way on strengthening Alaska’s VA system and his Heroes Health Card initiative could now help veterans nationwide. Mark Begich is a true veteran’s senator, and I could not be more proud of his work for Alaska,” said Pat McDonald, Fairbanks, Sgt. U.S. Army 1974-77.

“Mark has done an excellent job representing Alaska’s interest in the US Senate and particularly those of Alaska’s veterans. He’s helped many get care closer to home and has become a leader nationally for veterans through his seat on the Veterans Affairs Committee, representing Alaska’s large population of former servicemen and women. As a Vietnam vet myself, I know he will be there for us again,” said Hank Bartos, LTC. Colonel USAF RETIRED.

Begich also met with Alaska veterans in Anchorage, Kenai and Juneau last week to hear their concerns and express his willingness to continue going to bat on behalf of those who serve our country.

Begich is the only member of the Alaska delegation who sits on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee where he successfully facilitated an agreement between the VA and tribal health facilities to allow veterans to receive care closer to home, helping to significantly cut down on VA wait times in Alaska. The Alaska VA has confirmed the dramatic and serious reduction in wait times for Alaska veterans thanks to these agreements.
