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What’s Being Said: Sullivan Losing Ground

Begich “Better Candidate” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 08/21/2014 ANCHORAGE — Media outlets and strategists across Alaska and the country are noting Dan Sullivan has lost ground in a general election after a bitter and divisive primary race where he lost nearly 60% of the Republican vote. “You don’t have to look any further than the attacks […]

Koch Brothers Spend Millions on Ads after Slashing 80 Alaska Jobs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 08/21/2014 ANCHORAGE — After eliminating 80 Alaska jobs, closing the Flint Hills refinery, and raising taxes on Alaskans the Koch brothers are back with another misleading million dollar attack ad to further their attempts to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat for their man, Dan Sullivan. “If the Koch brothers cared about Alaska they wouldn’t have raised […]

Begich Optimism and Results Define Campaign

“The truth is, you might not agree with me all of the time, but you always know where I stand and that I am always fighting for Alaska.” “I wake up every day thinking about our state’s future.” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 08/19/2014 ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich kicked off his re-election campaign with a powerful […]