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Huffington Post: “Crowning Achievement of then-Mayor Mark Begich,” “Unfortunate Spot to Slam Mark Begich”


ANCHORAGE - “We need real results, not just talk,” U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan declared while standing atop the Dena’ina Center, oblivious to the fact he’s standing atop the “crowning achievement” of Mark Begich’s tenure as mayor of Anchorage.

“It’s a real compliment to Mark Begich that Dan Sullivan chose the Dena’ina Center for a campaign commercial. When Sullivan finds the time he can download the Alaska app for an audio tour of the Dena’ina Center – narrated by Mark Begich, who is responsible for the Center’s construction,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Alaskans for Begich Campaign Manager.

Visitors to Alaska can receive an audio tour of the Dena’ina Center guided by Mark Begich by downloading the Alaska App, also available on

Text from the article is below:

Huffington Post: Dan Sullivan, a Republican challenger for an Alaska seat in the U.S. Senate, could have picked a better spot as a platform for mocking the results — or lack thereof — achieved by Democratic Sen. Mark Begich.

Sullivan, a former Marine and ex-state attorney general, stands atop a building in Anchorage, Alaska, in a campaign ad to say that as a former military man he learned that talk is cheap, and it’s results that matter.

“We need real results, not just talk,” Sullivan says to end the ad, with the beautiful view of Alaska’s snow-draped mountains in the background.

It makes for a nice shot, but there’s a problem: Sullivan appears to be standing atop Anchorage’s Dena’ina Civic and Convention Center…hailed in 2009 as the crowning achievement of then-Mayor Mark Begich.



Outside groups endorsing Sullivan spends $7.3 million on Alaska airwaves


ANCHORAGE - Outside groups are pledging $9.5 million in Alaska between now and Election Day against Mark Begich — an unprecedented amount of money being spent in an attempt to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate seat and boost the candidacy of super PAC-dependent Dan Sullivan.

Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads will flood Alaska with $5.5 million in fall ad time and $1.8 million in ad time in June. Rove’s group endorsed Sullivan, who has the financial support of less than 200 Alaskans.

“Independent minded Alaskans will decide this election, not Outside groups spending nearly $10 million in a desperate attempt to flood Alaska and buy a senate seat. The only thing these groups have proven is that they don’t know Alaska — They paid an actress to pose as an Alaskan in an ad and their misleading claims have been called ‘false’ and ‘not true’ by independent fact check groups,” said Max Croes Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

The National Republican Senate Campaign Committee has pledged an additional $2.2 million for the fall. The billionaire Koch brothers who closed the Flint Hills refinery have funded false and misleading attack ads in Alaska from three separate Outside groups. They have spent $2.5 million in Alaska on ads declared “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations.



Begich joined by Alaska veterans and military family members


ANCHORAGE — Flanked by Alaska veterans and military family members U.S. Senator Mark Begich recognized the service of Alaska’s veterans and affirmed his commitment to fight for the benefits and services they’ve earned. In turn the veterans and family members joined Begich to launch Veterans for Begich in support of his campaign for U.S. Senate.


Nelson Angpak Speaks (Quote Below)

“Mark Begich is a veteran’s Senator,” said Sergeant Vanessa Meade, retired. “He has helped make sure all Alaska veterans have access to VA health care through his work developing connections between the VA and village corporations, eliminating the unnecessary cost of travel to Anchorage. As a veteran who also worked as a state trooper in the bush, I can’t tell you how important that benefit is to Alaska veterans.”

“Mark Begich has many of the characteristics his father demonstrated and has also risen faster in leadership than any other member of the Senate,” said Specialist 5th Class Nelson Angpak, retired. “As veterans, we asked Senator Begich to help us restore benefits to the Alaska Territorial Guard when people in Washington cut them and he had the willingness and strength to follow through for us so the ATG could receive the full benefits they earned.”

“As a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I am fighting every day so that Alaska veterans like Nelson and Vanessa are represented in the U.S. Senate. As a result, I’ve been successful in restoring COLA benefits to our veteran, reducing the backlog and wait time for veterans waiting for care in Alaska, and expanded care so our rural vets could receive care closer to home. With more veterans per capita than any other state, I am committed to making sure they receive the benefits and care they have earned and deserve,” said Mark Begich.

Begich is currently airing a commercial about his successful fight to earn rural Alaska veterans health care from local clinics, instead of flying to Anchorage:



Veterans for Begich joins the following groups launched in support of Begich’s campaign: Women for Begich — Alaska Natives for Begich — Seniors for Begich — Pilots for Begich

Today, Begich outlined the ways he will continue to fight for Alaska’s veterans:

  • Stopping cost increases to Alaska commissaries.
  • Lowering the staggering rate of military families and children on food stamps.
  • Stamping out veterans homelessness.
  • Making sure veterans have career transition support, both right out of the military and later in their careers.

In the U.S. Senate, Begich has built a record of fighting and delivering for Alaska’s veterans:

  • Alaska Territorial Guard – In 2009, Senator Begich successfully secured reinstatement of pension payments for members of the WWII-era Alaska Territorial Guard.
  • “Significant legislative victory for veterans” – The Disabled American Veteranscalled Begich’s push to establish advanced appropriation for veterans health programs “the most significant legislative victory of veterans in a generation.”
  • Extended TRICARE for Military Dependents – In 2011, Begich helped extended TRICARE services for dependent children of military members to the age of 26.
  • Waived Telehealth Copays – In 2012, Begich and Sen. Grassley’s proposal to waive copays for telehealth and telemedicine visits for veterans was signed into law.
  • Historic Rural Care Access – Begich followed through on campaign promise to helpveterans access care closer to home by allowing rural veterans access to Native health facilities.
  • Recognition from Combat Veterans’ Organization - In March, Begich received an Inspirational Leadership Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart for his work on behalf of veterans.


Keeps Promise to Bring Care Closer to Home for Rural Alaska Vets

Ad Titled “Clinic” features Wainwright Vietnam Veteran


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senator Mark Begich this week released a new television spot highlighting his success in allowing rural veterans to receive care closer to home - bridging the gap between the military benefits they have earned and deserve and the lack of VA medical centers in Alaska.


The ad shows Begich walking with Vietnam veteran Terry Tagarook in Wainwright, Alaska. Terry lives 400 yards from a local health clinic. Thanks to Senator Begich’s efforts Terry can visit the clinic in Wainwright instead of a $2,000 roundtrip flight to Anchorage to receive care.

“Mark Begich won’t take ‘No’ for an answer from bureaucrats in Washington. After hearing directly from the thousands of Alaska veterans like Terry who faced the same costly challenges in receiving care, Mark facilitated an agreement with the VA so rural vets could get care closer to home. With more veterans per capita than any other state, Mark knows the debt we owe our veterans and is standing up to Washington to make sure they get the benefits they earned,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Begich stood up for Alaska veterans by writing and championing the Alaska Hero’s Card Act of 2011, which VA officials mirrored in their agreement with Alaska Native tribes. Begich’s leadership and effectiveness in pushing for solutions for rural veterans gave way to negotiations between the VA and rural clinics. Begich’s plan is now being implemented across the country.

Begich’s previous commercials:

Polar Ice” — Begich’s years-long fight for Arctic drilling produced historic permits despite objections from the Department of Interior, EPA, NOAA, national Democrats and the White House.

Road” — Begich won a fight with the Obama administration, EPA and Army Corps to advance oil drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, which will lead to the first ever commercial oil production from the NPR-A.

Alaska’s Son” — As a born-and-raised Alaskan, there’s nowhere Begich won’t go to listen to Alaskans and then deliver results. Named the best ad of the 2014 electoral cycle so far.

Into The Ground” — Begich fought back against attack ads from the billionaire Koch brothers accusing Mark Begich of supporting a “Carbon Tax.” Two separate independent fact check organizations labeled the attack ads “False” and “Not True.”


Mark Begich: Mark Begich: Terry lives 400 yards from a health clinic. As a veteran, if he wanted to see a doctor he had to fly to Anchorage to go to the VA. One trip costs nearly 2,000 dollars. I’m Mark Begich and I fought for years so veterans could go to a local clinic. They finally gave in, and now they’re doing it across the country. I approved this message because sooner or later, Washington’ll figure out that I don’t take no for an answer.


Support for risky schemes endanger Alaska’s seniors


ANCHORAGE — At Alaska’s AARP candidate forum Mark Begich’s U.S. Senate opponents tossed around phrases like reform, changes and privatization while trying to hide their desire to have Alaska’s seniors gamble their retirement on Wall Street.

“Mark Begich is the only candidate who believes Alaska’s seniors should never put their retirement at the mercy of Wall Street. All of Begich’s opponents continue to double down on schemes and groups that want to change Social Security and Medicare forever — Only Mark Begich fights to protect Social Security and Medicare for over 70,000 Alaskans,” Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Joe Miller stood by his desire to privatize Social Security calling for everyone under the age of 50 to put their money on Wall Street.

Sullivan spoke of the need for “serious reform” to Social Security and is bragging to Alaskans about his endorsement from the DC-based Club for Growth. The group famously pushes privatization of Social Security and voucherization of Medicare. Congressman Don Young has singled out the group’s desire to cut funding for veterans and seniors.

Mead Treadwell’s support of the Ryan Budget would risk the future of all Alaska seniors by changing both Social Security and Medicare as we know it.

In stark contrast, Mark Begich has fought to strengthen Social Security and Medicare:

  • Championed legislation to extend the solvency of Social Security and expand benefits to reflect the costs Alaska seniors face.
  • Successfully fought for a solution to the doctor reimbursement formula under Medicare to ensure Alaskans can keep their doctor.
  • Closed the so-called “doughnut hole” for Medicare prescription drugs.
  • Expanded loan forgiveness for primary care providers who accept Medicare patients.


Nasty attacks funded by limitless donations from Sullivan’s family


ANCHORAGE — Despite saying just yesterday he was going to stay positive, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s wealthy Ohio family and DC power broker friends are importing personal political attacks to Alaska in an attempt to buy a U.S. Senate seat with their millions.

A distasteful radio ad attack launched today by Sullivan’s super PAC is paid for by Sullivan’s brother and father who can spend unlimited amounts on such ads from the comfort of Ohio.

“This is just another example of how Sullivan and his Outside friends and family don’t get Alaska with their snarky personal attacks,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, Alaskans for Begich Manager. “Their laughable jab at Mark’s Alaska bona fides is just them trying to distract from legitimate questions Alaskans have about Sullivan’s Alaska residency.”

Sources for these attacks according to a recent FEC report:

  • Frank Sullivan: $25,000. Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based brother runs RPM International, the family’s Cleveland-based chemical company. Frank serves on the board of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which recently spent over $200,000 attacking Begich in Alaska despite objections to local chambers.
  • Tom Sullivan: $50,000. Dan Sullivan’s Ohio-based father who is a high dollar political donor.
  • Donald Miller: $50,000. Former board member of the Sullivan family company, RPM International.

These donations account for 80% of the funds raised by Sullivan’s super PAC.

Sullivan has previously disclosed receiving a “heads up” on a super PAC ad featuring his former boss, Condoleezza Rice. Alaskans deserve to know if Sullivan received a note from his family about this upcoming ad buy.



ANCHORAGE — Alaska’s Chambers of Commerce are refusing to endorse Dan Sullivan after the U.S. Chamber of Commerce debuted a new ad attacking Mark Begich without consulting local groups.

Andrew Halcro, President of the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce, is “mad as hell” about the actions of the U.S. Chamber and called the ad buy “more Outside money that has no place in Alaska politics.” The Anchorage Chamber is known as “Alaska’s largest business organization.”

Rachael Petro, President of the Alaska Chamber of Commerce, said her organization had “nothing to do with those ads” and were given no opportunity to weigh in on the ad or its content — The Alaska Chamber supported expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.

“This is another disingenuous attempt from an Outside group to mislead Alaskans. The U.S. Chamber was told not to run this ad, but the group believes Dan Sullivan’s backroom family connections are more important than the voices of Alaskans,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Sullivan’s Ohio-based brother Frank Sullivan serves on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. No Alaskans serve on the board.

The Outside attack ad touches an ironic note after The Hill reports the ad is “an attempt to insulate the candidate from carpetbagging charges.”

Sullivan’s candidacy has been entirely dependent on Outside groups:

  • Sullivan reported less than 200 Alaskans on his most recent FEC fundraising report.
  • Sullivan’s ad campaign is based around an endorsement from the DC-based Club for Growth, which has raised and spent over $1 million in attempts to defeat Senator Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young.
  • Sullivan’s brother, father and former RPM business associate are responsible for 80% of the funds at his super PAC.



ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is shifting attention away from his secretive endorsement by the anti-Alaska Club for Growth after spending one week airing a TV spot about the group. Sullivan debuted a new TV ad with no references to the DC-based Club for Growth, which wants to privatize Social Security and turn Medicare into a voucher system.

“After spending a week telling Alaskans to follow the instructions of the DC-based Club for Growth by supporting his campaign Dan Sullivan is now desperately trying to recast Mark Begich’s solid record of delivering for Alaska’s oil industry — It won’t work,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Sullivan’s new ad on energy development intentionally ignores U.S. Senator Mark Begich’s work to open the Arctic Ocean to oil drilling and successful push to secure the first ever commercial oil production in National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Read the backup on Mark Begich’s record of delivering for Alaska and Dan Sullivan’s questionable record.


AUDIO: Super PAC-dependent candidate welcomes Outside ad spending


ANCHORAGE — Behind closed doors U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is telling supporters he received advance knowledge that Condoleezza Rice was participating in an American Crossroads super PAC ad on his behalf.

“I got a heads up about six hours before this ad started running on TV. Hopefully some of you saw it. I had nothing to do with it. But it was their group. And someone said, ‘hey there’s going to be an outside group that’s going to come in and, you know, make some points on what were you actually doing when you left the state.” — Dan Sullivan, 4/14/2014, Juneau, Alaska, speaking to the Capital City Republicans. Listen to the audio.

Sullivan’s statement about his questionable relationship with a super PAC tipster is a clear indication that Sullivan wants Karl Rove and the American Crossroads super PAC to flood Alaska TV and radio with Outside money and ads on his behalf.

“First Dan Sullivan traded promises about how he would vote in the Senate for an endorsement from the DC-based Club for Growth in a secret interview, now Sullivan is disclosing his advance notice from super PACs while endorsing their message and ads,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Sullivan’s Senate campaign has been entirely dependent on Outside groups funded by anonymous money. A staggering $2.5 million has already been spent on TV and radio in Alaska against Senator Mark Begich.

Super PACs began running ads attacking Begich as early as last year and began running radio and TV ads promoting Sullivan before his own campaign did.

Sullivan regularly touts his relationship with former Secretary of State Rice and has admitted to speaking with her since his name appeared as a potential candidate.


Begich fight with Obama administration yielded historic permits for Arctic oil development


ANCHORAGE — Atop the frozen Arctic Ocean U.S. Senator Mark Begich declares Shell’s 2012 drilling in the Chukchi Sea a victory for Alaska. Begich’s years-long fight for Arctic drilling produced historic permits despite objections from the Department of Interior, EPA, NOAA, national Democrats and the White House.

Begich is a steadfast supporter of expanded oil and natural gas drilling in Alaska’s Arctic Ocean and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. In a previous TV spot, Begich highlighted the persistent pressure he put on the Obama administration to allow a road to be built in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, the road will allow the first ever commercial oil production to occur there.



Begich’s push for Arctic development drew the attention of the New York Times in 2012 which reported: “The intensity of Shell’s campaign was matched by the fervor of Mark Begich, the new senator from Alaska.”

Similarly, the Alaska Dispatch reported Begich’s efforts got “closer than any Republicans in Juneau have toward actually adding more crude to the trans-Alaska pipeline.”

Begich’s previous commercials:

Road” — Begich won a fight with the Obama administration, EPA and Army Corps to advance oil drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, which will lead to the first ever commercial oil production from the NPR-A.

Alaska’s Son” — As a born-and-raised Alaskan, there’s nowhere Begich won’t go to listen to Alaskans and then deliver results. Named the best ad of the 2014 electoral cycle so far.

Into The Ground” — Begich fought back against attack ads from the billionaire Koch brothers accusing Mark Begich of supporting a “Carbon Tax.” Two separate independent fact check organizations labeled the attack ads “False” and “Not True.”


Mark Begich: For decades, they said it would never happen. There was no way the Department of Interior, the EPA, NOAA, national Democrats and the White House would ever allow oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean. I’m Mark Begich – I fought for five years to get the permits so we could drill under this ice. And we won. I approved this message because sooner or later, Washington’ll figure out that I don’t take no for an answer.

Read the ad backup here.
