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Alaska Federation of Natives Endorses Begich

AFN Represents Alaska Natives from 151 tribes, 134 village corps FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/25/2014 ANCHORAGE — The largest group representing Alaska Natives and rural Alaska has taken the rare step of endorsing Mark Begich for the U.S. Senate. The Alaska Federation of Natives represents 151 federally-recognized tribes, 134 village corporations, 12 Alaska Native regional corporations […]

Begich Holds Sullivan Accountable In AFN Forum

Sullivan Record Of Fighting Against Alaska Native Rights On Display FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/24/2014 ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan dodged questions about his lawsuit against Katie John over her subsistence rights, his lack of support for the Voting Rights Act and refusal to support an Alaska Native preference for subsistence. Sullivan’s failed record of suing Alaska Native tribes, […]

Begich Endorsed By Alaska Native Tribes & Communities

Begich Humbled By Reelection Endorsements From Alaska Native Leaders FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/24/2014 ANCHORAGE — Over 30 Alaska Native tribes and communities have recognized Mark Begich’s strong record of fighting for Alaska Natives and rural Alaska by endorsing him for reelection to the U.S. Senate. Begich has used his clout to deliver hundreds of millions […]