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Alaska Federation of Natives Endorses Begich

AFN Represents Alaska Natives from 151 tribes, 134 village corps


ANCHORAGE — The largest group representing Alaska Natives and rural Alaska has taken the rare step of endorsing Mark Begich for the U.S. Senate. The Alaska Federation of Natives represents 151 federally-recognized tribes, 134 village corporations, 12 Alaska Native regional corporations and is considered the largest unified voice of Alaska Natives in Alaska.

The endorsement is a rare step for Alaska Federation of Natives which did not endorse in the 2008 U.S. Senate race and offered a 2010 endorsement to Senator Lisa Murkowski, but has not previously offered endorsements in Senate races.

“It is a tremendous honor to be endorsed by the Alaska Federation of Natives and a validation of my promise to go anywhere in Alaska to meet with Alaskans, listen to their concerns and then deliver results. I will continue to work with or stand up to anyone to defend subsistence rights, deliver federal funding for rural Alaska, work to make our communities safer and work to protect Alaska Native rights,” said U.S. Senator Mark Begich.


