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New Ad: “Four Star”

Iraq Vet: “I was proud to watch Mark Begich force the Pentagon to keep our fighter jets at Eielson.” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/15/2014 ANCHORAGE - Mark Begich’s new TV ad features Fairbanks resident and Iraq War Veteran, Master Sgt. Troy Bouffard, who testifies that Mark Begich fought the Pentagon and the Administration to help save 3,000 […]

Dr. Treadwell: Invades Privacy of Alaska Women

Exposes Women’s Medical Records to Government FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/14/2014 ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell has compiled a disturbing resume of anti-women policies including invading the privacy of Alaska women and forcing them to disclose their medical information to the government. The State of Alaska is currently being sued by Planned Parenthood for […]

Treadwell’s National ID Card

Company Founded by Treadwell Drove REAL ID Implementation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/14/2014 ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell’s company made upwards of $100 million while pushing for a national ID card. With Treadwell at the helm, Digimarc sought to put 240 million Americans in a database, a fact Treadwell has ironically tried to hide […]