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Dr. Treadwell: Courts Alarmed by Treadwell’s Invasive Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/24/2014 ANCHORAGE — Mead Treadwell’s pursuit of an alarming policy to expose a woman’s personal information to the government is raising serious constitutional questions after a judge’s ruling. “Mead Treadwell’s invasive policies would bring the government into the doctor’s offices of Alaska women, expose their personal information and have the state to make decisions for […]

Begich Receives Endorsement from Sealaska

Points to Begich’s “Seniority” and “Effectiveness” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/23/2014 Citing Mark Begich’s seniority and effectiveness, Begich received the endorsement from the board of directors of the Alaska Native regional corporation Sealaska Corporation, which has 21,600 Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian shareholders throughout Alaska. “I’m honored to receive Sealaska’s endorsement. I have worked with Sealaska’s leaders and shareholders over […]

Dr. Treadwell: Boasts Anti-Woman Policies on Campaign Trail

Treadwell Continuing to Meddle in Women’s Health Care FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 07/23/2014 ANCHORAGE: U.S. Senate candidate Mead Treadwell continues to boast about his support for the anti-woman Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision that takes health care decisions out of the hands of women and allows their bosses to make reproductive choices for them.* “Mead Treadwell […]