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Begich Receives Endorsement from Sealaska

Points to Begich’s “Seniority” and “Effectiveness”


Citing Mark Begich’s seniority and effectiveness, Begich received the endorsement from the board of directors of the Alaska Native regional corporation Sealaska Corporation, which has 21,600 Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian shareholders throughout Alaska.

“I’m honored to receive Sealaska’s endorsement. I have worked with Sealaska’s leaders and shareholders over the last five years to promote sustainable economic development in Southeast to ensure Alaska’s young people have good jobs in the region where they want to raise their families and support their elders,” said Senator Mark Begich.

Begich has risen swiftly in the Senate leadership during his first term in office, securing key seats on the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee.

“We believe Begich, Mallott and Kito have proven track records on issues important to our region,” said Sealaska board chair Joe Nelson. “They are Alaska’s leadership of experience.”

As Chair of the Senate Oceans Subcommittee, Begich has brought new investment and focus on the Southeast economy, including:
  • Reauthorizing the Coast Guard bill to invest in Coast Guard stations throughout Alaska, including $27 million for a new dock at the Ketchikan Coast Guard station,
  • Mark secured U.S. Forest service approval for exploratory drilling at the Niblack Mine and crucial survey work at the proposed Bokan Mountain Mine. He has also backed legislation to authorize road construction to the mining sites. These mines would create over 350 jobs in Southeast Alaska.
  • Fighting attempts to diminish the 8(a) program that helps Alaska Native corporations diversify their businesses and create economic opportunities for their shareholders.
Sealaska also endorsed Senator Lisa Murkowski in the 2010 election.

