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Mark Begich Announces Campaign Finance Reform Platform

ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich is announcing a new plan for campaign finance reform and how he would fight Citizens United and unlimited spending by Outside billionaires and corporations with a second term in the U.S. Senate. Yesterday, the United States Senate voted on a constitutional amendment that would have given congress and states the […]

Fishing Industry Blasts Sullivan Refusal to Participate in Fish Debate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/12/2023 CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065 ANCHORAGE — Fishing industry leaders are speaking out against U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s refusal to attend a debate hosted by the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce. Sullivan’s campaign admitted “Sullivan does not have a prior commitment keeping him from the fisheries debate.” The debate is an Alaska tradition for statewide candidates dating back to 1990. […]

ICYMI: KTUU Story on Mercer Case Press Conference

ANCHORAGE — Yesterday, Alaskans spoke out against Dan Sullivan’s claims of victory in “personally negotiating” the Mercer settlement, which left billions of dollars on the table and put the Permanent Fund at risk. Leaders from the Alaska State Employees Association (ASEA), National Education Association-Alaska (NEA-Alaska), the Alaska Professional Fire Fighters Association (AKPFFA), and Alaska Public […]