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Fishing Industry Blasts Sullivan Refusal to Participate in Fish Debate

CONTACT: Max Croes907-570-2065

ANCHORAGE — Fishing industry leaders are speaking out against U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s refusal to attend a debate hosted by the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce. Sullivan’s campaign admitted “Sullivan does not have a prior commitment keeping him from the fisheries debate.” The debate is an Alaska tradition for statewide candidates dating back to 1990.

Alaska’s commercial fisheries are worth billions of dollars and are Alaska’s largest private employer. Sullivan’s unwillingness to debate raises serious questions about his understanding of a unique Alaska industry vital to life in Alaska’s coastal communities.

Dan Sullivan’s refusal to debate Mark Begich at the Kodiak fisheries debate just proves he wants to represent the Koch brothers agenda, not the needs of Alaska’s coastal communities where fishing is the driving economic force and a way of life,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Robin Samuelsen, Chairman of Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation and a lifelong commercial fishermen:

“Personally, I am extremely disappointed that Dan Sullivan has decided to skip the Kodiak Fish Debate. How can fishermen trust Dan Sullivan if he won’t tell us where he stands on the issue that impact our jobs and our families.”

Chip Treinen, Vice President of United Fishermen of Alaska and a commercial fishermen:

“Mark Begich understands Alaskan fishermen, and has gone out of his way the past 6 years to listen to our concerns. Whether it’s re-authorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or Frankenfish, Mark Begich listens to Alaskans. That’s why it’s disappointing that Dan Sullivan won’t even debate.”