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Remembering the Legacy of Katie John

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/15/2014 ANCHORAGE- Alaskans remember and celebrate the life of Athabascan elder Katie John whose heroic story of fighting nearly thirty years for her subsistence rights has been passed down for decades. Alaskans also remember that U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan, then attorney general for Alaska, used his position to continue the state’s litigation against Katie John. […]

Begich Endorsed by Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska

Executive Council Votes Unanimously To Endorse Begich For U.S. Senate FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/15/2014 ANCHORAGE- U.S. Senator Mark Begich received the celebrated endorsement of the Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. The Central Council unanimously passed a resolution endorsing Senator Begich citing his consistent efforts to protect subsistence rights, dedication to restoring and […]

Sullivan Refuses To Address Young Voters in Youth Forum

Begich Shares Stage with Mark Fish and Ted Gianoutsos FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10/14/2014 ANCHORAGE- Dan Sullivan’s glaring absence was noted by 800 Alaska students during a live broadcast forum in Anchorage featuring Senator Mark Begich, Libertarian candidate Mark Fish and independent candidate Ted Gianoutsos. The forum was hosted by the Anchorage School District and League of Women Voters. This is Sullivan’s […]