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Billionaire Donor is Funding Outside Attacks on Mark Begich


ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan avoided honest discussion about the millions of dollars in shadowy Outside money supporting his candidacy while accusing his opponents of seeking Outside campaign money. Sullivan conveniently ignored the $1,000,000 donation announced in the last week from one of his billionaire donors to Karl Rove’s Crossroads.

New York billionaire Paul Singer hosted a plush Aspen fundraiser for Sullivan in February and now is now giving more firepower to the Outside groups leading the charge on Sullivan’s behalf.

“Dan Sullivan and his allies continue to believe they can buy Alaska’s Senate seat by writing million dollar checks without looking Alaskans in the eyes and sharing the dangerous special interest agenda they support,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

Karl Rove’s groups American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS have pledged to spend more than $7 million on television ads in Alaska.

The Aspen event Sullivan attended was labeled a discreet ‘Mega-donor war council’ by Politico and mirrored a similar New York City event in support of Sullivan in December that helped raise six figures in Outside checks for Sullivan.

Singer heads New York-based investment firm Elliott Management Corp. He has already provided millions to Karl Rove’s Crossroads groups. American Crossroads has reportedly already raised $11 million dollars to run ads in the 2014 election.

Outside groups have collectively pledged nearly $10 million in television spending from now through Election Day in addition to the millions they’ve already spent.



Billionaires Distract from Sullivan Falling Poll Numbers


ANCHORAGE — Hours before last night’s debate where Dan Sullivan was finally forced to face tough questions and debate his primary opponents, Karl Rove and his Outside attack group American Crossroads had launched another television ad in an attempt to prop up Sullivan’s falling poll numbers.

“From using the tragic death of veterans in Arizona in their last ad to today’s false attacks, Dan Sullivan and Karl Rove are proving they will do or say anything to mislead Alaskans in an attempt to buy our Senate seat,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

The newest Crossroads attack appears to be in response to Sullivan’s falling poll numbers. Crossroads ads run in Alaska continue to draw the attention of independent fact check groups who rule attacks from Sullivan and Crossroads “false” and “twisted.”

Begich’s record of delivering results for Alaska is clear. It includes opening the Arctic to the first drilling seen in over a decade, successfully fighting the EPA to obtain permits for a road to drill in the NPR-A and overseeing the Dena’ina Center from conception to completion – Alaska’s largest newspaper called Anchorage’s new convention center a “crowning achievement” of then-Mayor Mark Begich.

“For an Outside group to say that Senator Mark Begich hasn’t produced results for Alaska is flat out not true. I’ve known Mark for years and he’s delivered for Alaskans in every corner of our state. Veterans like me know he is a tireless champion for Alaska’s 77,000 veterans and military families. These Outside attack groups don’t know Mark, his record fighting for Alaska and what his clout means for our state,” said Gene Horner, Vietnam Army Veteran.

Read more about Begich’s record here.




ANCHORAGE - Thursday night’s Republican primary debate reminded Alaska women of the dangerous anti-women stances of Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller, who each believe government should make health care decisions for Alaska women.

Mark Begich is the only candidate who believes women deserve equal pay for equal work and should have the ability to make their own decisions about their health care. All three Republican candiidates have established themselves as anti-choice and believe a woman’s boss should have a say in her access to birth control.

“Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller are telling Alaska women they believe government should make their decisions for them when it comes to health care, which amounts to a complete invasion of privacy ,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Sullivan, Treadwell and Miller have all voiced their opposition to a woman’s right to choose and their support of the Hobby Lobby lawsuit, which would allow bosses to cancel doctor’s visits for women’s coverage of reproductive health care. The three candidates are also opposed to employer coverage of reproductive services like birth control which could cost Alaska women hundreds of dollars a month.

With the Supreme Court poised to make a decision on the Hobby Lobby case in the next few days, Alaska women face the real threat of paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket every year for access to contraception at the discretion of the government and their employers.



Billionaires Continue Record of Lying to Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — The biggest spenders in Alaska’s 2014 Senate race — the Koch brothers and Karl Rove – disappointed Alaskans and missed this evening’s GOP debate. Just today, Rove’s group American Crossroads went up with yet another ad repeating already debunked lies about Mark Begich’s record.

Outside groups run by the Kochs and Rove have spent millions in Alaska and are committed to spend over $10 million by November, almost all attacking Mark Begich.

“Alaskans were no doubt disappointed that Karl Rove and the Koch brothers skipped tonight’s Senate debate, especially after the millions they have spent trying to buy a voice in the election and outright purchase Alaska’s senate seat. But their lack of attendance can’t hide their special interest agenda,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The billionaire Koch brothers who closed the Flint Hills refinery have funded false and misleading attack ads in Alaska from three separate Outside groups. They have spent $2.9 million in Alaska on ads declared “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations.

Mere hours before the debate began, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads launched another false attack against Mark Begich. Rove’s groups have pledged to spend millions more on false attacks against Mark Begich between now and Election Day.Description:




Senator Mark Begich received the endorsement of the United Fishermen of Alaska (UFA), the largest statewide commercial fishing industry trade association which represents 36 different Alaska commercial fishing organizations. UFA is also endorsing Congressman Don Young. Begich is the Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and the Coast Guard, a key leadership role on fish issues, as well as other key sectors of Alaska’s economy.

UFA members span a broad array of organizations from commercial fisheries, trade publications, seafood companies, and communities like the Kodiak Island Borough. Their endorsement is reflective of Begich’s strong record of fighting for the Alaska fishing industry and keeping it strong.

“I am grateful and honored to receive the endorsement of UFA along with Congressman Young,” said Begich. “Fishing is more than a hobby for Alaskans, it makes up $5 billion of Alaska’s economy and supports tens of thousands of jobs. I’ll continue to fight against Frankenfish, crack down on pirate fishing, and push for a smart reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act that makes sense for Alaska.”

“United Fishermen of Alaska is proud to offer an early endorsement of Senator Mark Begich. We’ve given him an early endorsement because we already know Senator Begich understands how important fishing is to Alaska’s economy and history. We know the work Senator Begich has done on behalf of Alaska’s fishermen and the work he’ll continue to do for an industry that employs thousands and is worth billions. Senator Begich understands fish and Alaska’s fisheries and is ready to fight to protect our jobs and our industry’s future,” said Jerry McCune, UFA President.

Begich joins Alaska leaders like Senator Lisa Murkowski and the late Senator Ted Stevens in his receipt of the UFA endorsement.

Begich is a leader on fish issues in the Senate. He continues to lead the fight against genetically modified salmon. Begich has also secured emergency relief for communities that suffered low salmon runs in past years.

“As Alaska’s largest private sector employer, the seafood industry is an economic engine and an iconic industry that puts Alaska on the world stage. Senator Begich fully understands the importance of a strong and vibrant seafood industry and that’s why UFA supports his continued work on behalf of Alaska,” said Julianne Curry, UFA Executive Director.



Sullivan Supporters Try to Distract from Falling Poll Numbers


ANCHORAGE — Just hours before Dan Sullivan will finally be forced to face tough questions and debate his primary opponents, Karl Rove and his Outside attack group American Crossroads launched another television ad in an attempt to prop up Dan Sullivan’s falling poll numbers.

“From using the tragic death of veterans in Arizona in their last ad to today’s false attacks, Dan Sullivan and Karl Rove are proving they will do or say anything to mislead Alaskans in an attempt to buy our Senate seat,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

Today’s Crossroads attack appears to be in response to Sullivan’s falling poll numbers. Crossroads ads run in Alaska continue to draw the attention of independent fact check groups who rule attacks from Sullivan and Crossroads “false” and “twisted.”

Begich’s record of delivering results for Alaska is clear. It includes opening the Arctic to the first drilling seen in over a decade, successfully fighting the EPA to obtain permits for a road to drill in the NPR-A and overseeing the Dena’ina Center from conception to completion – Alaska’s largest newspaper called Anchorage’s new convention center a “crowning achievement” of then-Mayor Mark Begich.

“For an Outside group to say that Senator Mark Begich hasn’t produced results for Alaska is flat out not true. I’ve known Mark for years and he’s delivered for Alaskans in every corner of our state. Veterans like me know he is a tireless champion for Alaska’s 77,000 veterans and military families. These Outside attack groups don’t know Mark, his record fighting for Alaska and what his clout means for our state,” said Gene Horner, Vietnam Army Veteran.

Read more about Begich’s record here.



Decisions Belong to Alaska Women, Not Employers or Government


ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich reaffirmed his position on the Hobby Lobby lawsuit currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, calling the attempt to allow employers to determine an employee’s access to reproductive health care an “invasion of privacy.”

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Hobby Lobby, women face the real threat of paying hundreds of dollars out of pocket every year for access to contraception at the discretion of the government and their employers. The court is expected to rule on the case in the next week.

“Decisions about reproductive health and contraception should be made in private between a woman, her doctor, her family and her faith — It is a gross invasion of privacy to allow employers or the government to make these decisions,” said Mark Begich.

Republican Senate candidates Dan Sullivan, Mead Treadwell and Joe Miller have all voiced their support for the lawsuit



Billionaire hosted Sullivan in Aspen — Generated thousands in campaign cash


ANCHORAGE — One of U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s supporters has dumped $1,000,000 into Outside groups attacking Mark Begich. The donation is New York billionaire Paul Singer’s second major boost to Sullivan after hosting a plush Aspen fundraiser for Sullivan in February.

The donation to Karl Rove’s Crossroads supports the political attack ads in Alaska that have been called false by independent fact check groups.

“Dan Sullivan and his allies continue to believe they can buy Alaska’s Senate seat by writing million dollar checks without looking Alaskans in the eyes and sharing the dangerous special interest agenda they support,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The Aspen event Sullivan attended was labeled a discreet ‘Mega-donor war council‘ by Politico and mirrored a similar New York City event in support of Sullivan in December that helped raise six figures in Outside checks for Sullivan.

Karl Rove’s groups American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS have pledged to spend more than $7 million on television ads in Alaska.

Singer heads New York-based investment firm Elliott Management Corp. He has already provided millions to Karl Rove’s Crossroads groups. American Crossroads has reportedly already raised $11 million dollars to run ads in the 2014 election.

Outside groups have collectively pledged nearly $10 million in television spending from now through Election Day in addition to the millions they’ve already spent.




ANCHORAGE — Deborah Bonito kicked off her “Rubber Boots Tour” of Southeast Alaska encouraging volunteers in Southeast communities to make their voices heard in the 2014 election by supporting Mark Begich. Bonito is promoting Senator Mark Begich’s record of standing up for the rights of Alaska’s women, including equal pay for equal work and Begich’s strong record of creating jobs and boosting the Southeast economy.

Bonito began her tour yesterday in Hoonah and Juneau. In Juneau, she hosted a Women for Begich event with volunteers and encouraged Alaskans in Southeast to vote. Other stops include Ketchikan, Sitka, Klawock and Metlakatla.

“What makes Alaska special is the caliber of its people. We have a responsibility to keep these families healthy, thriving and growing with smart policies that keep our communities and local economies strong. I’m happy to pull on my Tlingit-rubber boots and talk to old and new friends across Southeast about the importance of supporting Mark,” said Deborah Bonitio.

Bonito is a small businesswoman from Anchorage who owns popular businesses like Kobuk Coffee in the downtown area. She is a champion for mental health services and has been active in her community her entire life.

Members of the media are invited to join Bonito at the following upcoming events:


MondayJune 23


Educators for Begich Phonebank

5:00 p.m.


123B Stedman Street


ThursdayJune 25


Sitka Field Office Opening

5:30 p.m.


206 Seward St. Suite B



ANCHORAGE — False and disgraceful attacks by U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan and his supporters continue to politicize the tragic death of veterans in Arizona despite being proven false by both independent fact check organizations and Alaska veterans.

Last week the U.S. Senate passed significant legislation to improve the care provided to veterans nationwide. The legislation includes an effort to facilitate agreements between the VA and local clinics to provide veterans closer to home. The practice was pioneered in Alaska at the behest of Mark Begich.

Reports have shown that wait times at the Alaska VA have declined dramatically and that veterans are receiving care at a much faster rate than in the past.

“Dan Sullivan and his Outside supporters continue to wage attacks called out by independent fact check groups in an attempt to distort Mark Begich’s record of going to bat for Alaska’s veterans,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Read about Begich’s record of fighting for Alaska veterans here.

Fact Check:

Claim: Dan Sullivan claims Mark Begich barely acknowledged the problem at the Arizona VA.

Fact: An independent fact check organization has found that Dan Sullivan and his supporters are “twisting” Begich’s response to the tragic death of veterans in Alaska. Begich responded within 24 hours to the Arizona VA scandal. Begich demanded action, answers and proposed a solution when the news broke.

Claim: Outside Groups supporting Dan Sullivan are implying Mark Begich isn’t fighting for Alaska’s veterans.

Fact: Veterans are standing up for Mark Begich’s record of fighting for them, including Alaska resident and Afghanistan war veteran Bryan Box.

Claim: Mark Begich hasn’t addressed the long waitlists at the VA.

Fact: Mark Begich heard from Alaska veterans and saw a problem at the Alaska VA. He went to work to fix it with innovative agreements to allow Alaska veterans to receive local care. As a result, VA wait times in Alaska are declining.

Claim: Mark Begich hasn’t used his seat on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

Fact: Mark Begich sits on the Veterans Affairs Committee and has been aggressive in working to fix problems with the unacceptable backlog at the VA as well as reducing wait times in Alaska and across the country. He was recently named to the Conference Committee to spearhead bipartisan talks and bring serious reform to problems at the VA. He led on legislation to allow veterans to receive care closer to home, an idea that has been implemented in Alaska and helped reduce wait times. Begich is pushing to implement the proposal on a national level.
