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Koch Brothers and Karl Rove No Show’s at Republican Debate

Billionaires Continue Record of Lying to Alaskans


ANCHORAGE — The biggest spenders in Alaska’s 2014 Senate race — the Koch brothers and Karl Rove – disappointed Alaskans and missed this evening’s GOP debate. Just today, Rove’s group American Crossroads went up with yet another ad repeating already debunked lies about Mark Begich’s record.

Outside groups run by the Kochs and Rove have spent millions in Alaska and are committed to spend over $10 million by November, almost all attacking Mark Begich.

“Alaskans were no doubt disappointed that Karl Rove and the Koch brothers skipped tonight’s Senate debate, especially after the millions they have spent trying to buy a voice in the election and outright purchase Alaska’s senate seat. But their lack of attendance can’t hide their special interest agenda,” said Max Croes, Communications Director for Alaskans for Begich.

The billionaire Koch brothers who closed the Flint Hills refinery have funded false and misleading attack ads in Alaska from three separate Outside groups. They have spent $2.9 million in Alaska on ads declared “false” and “not true” by independent fact check organizations.

Mere hours before the debate began, Karl Rove’s American Crossroads launched another false attack against Mark Begich. Rove’s groups have pledged to spend millions more on false attacks against Mark Begich between now and Election Day.Description:
