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Desperate Attacks Continue

Billionaires Distract from Sullivan Falling Poll Numbers


ANCHORAGE — Hours before last night’s debate where Dan Sullivan was finally forced to face tough questions and debate his primary opponents, Karl Rove and his Outside attack group American Crossroads had launched another television ad in an attempt to prop up Sullivan’s falling poll numbers.

“From using the tragic death of veterans in Arizona in their last ad to today’s false attacks, Dan Sullivan and Karl Rove are proving they will do or say anything to mislead Alaskans in an attempt to buy our Senate seat,” said Susanne Fleek-Green, campaign manager for Alaskans for Begich.

The newest Crossroads attack appears to be in response to Sullivan’s falling poll numbers. Crossroads ads run in Alaska continue to draw the attention of independent fact check groups who rule attacks from Sullivan and Crossroads “false” and “twisted.”

Begich’s record of delivering results for Alaska is clear. It includes opening the Arctic to the first drilling seen in over a decade, successfully fighting the EPA to obtain permits for a road to drill in the NPR-A and overseeing the Dena’ina Center from conception to completion – Alaska’s largest newspaper called Anchorage’s new convention center a “crowning achievement” of then-Mayor Mark Begich.

“For an Outside group to say that Senator Mark Begich hasn’t produced results for Alaska is flat out not true. I’ve known Mark for years and he’s delivered for Alaskans in every corner of our state. Veterans like me know he is a tireless champion for Alaska’s 77,000 veterans and military families. These Outside attack groups don’t know Mark, his record fighting for Alaska and what his clout means for our state,” said Gene Horner, Vietnam Army Veteran.

Read more about Begich’s record here.
