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Dan Sullivan Received Super PAC “Heads Up”

AUDIO: Super PAC-dependent candidate welcomes Outside ad spending FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 4/24/2014 ANCHORAGE — Behind closed doors U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is telling supporters he received advance knowledge that Condoleezza Rice was participating in an American Crossroads super PAC ad on his behalf. “I got a heads up about six hours before this ad […]

NEW TV AD: We Fought To Drill Under This Ice

Begich fight with Obama administration yielded historic permits for Arctic oil development FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 4/22/2014 ANCHORAGE — Atop the frozen Arctic Ocean U.S. Senator Mark Begich declares Shell’s 2012 drilling in the Chukchi Sea a victory for Alaska. Begich’s years-long fight for Arctic drilling produced historic permits despite objections from the Department of Interior, […]

Sullivan Touts Anti-Alaska Club For Growth

Sullivan made undisclosed promises to organization set to flood Alaska w/ money FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 4/18/2014 ANCHORAGE — After acing a secret interview about how to vote in Congress U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan is putting an endorsement from the anti-Alaska Club for Growth front and center in a new ad. The organization has spent […]