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Yet Again Sullivan Tries to Tell Alaskans One Thing, Does Another

Endorses Citizens United and Unlimited Corporate Spending in Alaska While Claiming to Want Cuts FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6/10/2023 In a strange, but not surprising turn of events today, U.S Senate Republican primary candidate Dan Sullivan endorsed the Citizens United court case while trying to tell Alaskans he wants to limit special interest Outside spending. Sullivan […]

Sullivan’s Claims Keep Fact Checkers Busy

Republican Chairman of House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Calls Political Ads Inappropriate FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6/09/2023 An independent fact check group issued a scathing report calling out Dan Sullivan for using the same inaccurate claims and attacks against Mark Begich that Outside groups have been trying to mislead Alaskans with in recent weeks. While not the […]

Begich Shows Leadership on Alaska Native, Rural Issues

Begich is a “Seasoned Fighter…with Bush Cred” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 6/09/2023 Mark Begich is using his rise in seniority in the Senate as well as his seats on the Senate Appropriations Committee and Senate Indian Affairs Committee to fight for Alaska Native peoples and rural Alaska. Begich recently visited Bethel, Napaskiak and Dillingham to hear […]