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Another Desperate Outside Attack by Karl Rove

Sullivan Supporters Try to Distract from Falling Poll Numbers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 06/26/2014 ANCHORAGE — Just hours before Dan Sullivan will finally be forced to face tough questions and debate his primary opponents, Karl Rove and his Outside attack group American Crossroads launched another television ad in an attempt to prop up Dan Sullivan’s falling […]

Begich Opposes Hobby Lobby Lawsuit

Decisions Belong to Alaska Women, Not Employers or Government FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 06/25/2014 ANCHORAGE — Senator Mark Begich reaffirmed his position on the Hobby Lobby lawsuit currently before the U.S. Supreme Court, calling the attempt to allow employers to determine an employee’s access to reproductive health care an “invasion of privacy.” If the Supreme Court rules in favor […]

Sullivan Supporter Dumps $1,000,000 into Super PAC

Billionaire hosted Sullivan in Aspen — Generated thousands in campaign cash FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 06/24/2014 ANCHORAGE — One of U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s supporters has dumped $1,000,000 into Outside groups attacking Mark Begich. The donation is New York billionaire Paul Singer’s second major boost to Sullivan after hosting a plush Aspen fundraiser for Sullivan in February. The […]