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Dan Sullivan Supports Unlimited Secret Money from Outside Groups

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/08/2023 ANCHORAGE — Today, the U.S. Senate is considering a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling to stop corporations and billionaires, like the Koch brothers, from spending unlimited amounts of money to buy our elections. Mark Begich wants to overturn the flawed court ruling that granted corporations the […]

New Sullivan Ad Called Out for Leaving Billions on the Table

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ANCHORAGE — A claim check by the Alaska Dispatch News confirmed U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan left billions of dollars on the table when he ‘personally’ settled a pension lawsuit returning only $.20 on the dollar to Alaskans who deserved $2.8 billion. Sullivan claims to have fought Wall Street on behalf of Alaska’s teachers in his […]

Sullivan Suffering from Development Amnesia

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/06/2023 ANCHORAGE – In the national Republican weekly address this morning, U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan showed he would put national party politics above working for real solutions to boost Alaska energy production. In the address Sullivan showed his lack of history with Alaska and the state’s decades-long struggle to open federal […]