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Sullivan’s Parents Fuel Crossroads Attacks

Sullivan family and Karl Rove fueling attack ads in Alaska FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/23/2014 ANCHORAGE — Outside group Crossroads GPS is continuing Karl Rove’s efforts to buy Alaska’s senate seat for Dan Sullivan with millions of dollars in false claims about Mark Begich‘s record. The Alaska Dispatch News recently uncovered that the false attacks all […]

Latest Sullivan Ad Covers Up Record

Sullivan attack ad compensates for Sullivan’s failures as attorney general & anti-Second Amendment record FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/22/2014 ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan’s latest attack ad is compensating for his failed record as attorney general and his campaign misstep of lying about his role in passing Alaska’s Stand Your Ground legislation. During Alaska’s contentious Senate primary […]

ICYMI: Begich Receives Backing from Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 09/22/2014 ANCHORAGE — Mark Begich recently announced support from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) for his campaign for the U.S. Senate. Mark Begich co-founded the Senate General Aviation caucus with Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) to bring senators together on a bipartisan basis to tackle aviation issues impacting Alaska and the rest of country. […]