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ICYMI: Republican Vets Chairman Calls Anti-Begich Ads “Political Football”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5/29/2014 CONTACT: Max Croes — 907-570-2065 ANCHORAGE — Republican Jeff Miller (R-FL), Chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, labeled Karl Rove’s latest ad attacking Mark Begich a “political football.” Karl Rove’s group, Crossroads GPS, is politicizing the death of multiple veterans in Arizona with a political attack ad in Alaska. Crossroads […]

Outsiders Playing Politics With Veterans Health Care

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5/28/2014 ANCHORAGE: Within 24 hours of the veterans scandal in Arizona Mark Begich wrote the Veterans Administration calling the incident “disgraceful” and urging the VA to adopt solutions to capacity issues. Begich then put tough questions to VA Secretary Eric Shinseki calling for those responsible to be held accountable. Now Karl Rove’s […]

New Ad: Begich Suggests Future Ad Locations for Sullivan

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5/28/2014 ANCHORAGE — From atop the Dena’ina Center in downtown Anchorage Mark Begich shares his record of delivering results for Alaska. The list includes the convention center Begich oversaw from concept to completion and Dan Sullivan obliviously used to proclaim “we need real results, not just talk.” Begich reminds Sullivan the convention center they both […]