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Sullivan’s Latest Attack Falls Flat

ANCHORAGE — Dan Sullivan is unleashing more of the same desperate attacks he’s been pushing for months at the instruction of Outside groups, all while telling Alaskans he’s focused on a positive campaign.

Dan Sullivan’s attacks against Mark Begich’s record of supporting Alaska’s military and veterans have been called “false” and “twisted.” With the blessing of Karl Rove Sullivan previously attempted to turn the Arizona VA scandal into a political attack in Alaska. Sullivan’s attempt backfired because Alaskans are familiar with Mark Begich’s record of delivering for Alaska veterans and reducing VA wait times.

Sullivan’s latest attack comes during a pending Maryland investigation into tax breaks he received on a Maryland home he declared his “principal residence” when he was political appointee at the State Department.

“Dan Sullivan will say anything to try and draw attention from a pending investigation about tax breaks he received on a million dollar Maryland home while voting in Alaska. Sullivan continues to dodge legitimate questions from Alaskans about why he claimed Maryland as a ‘principal residence’ for tax breaks while continuing to vote in Alaska. Months ago Sullivan received backlash for attempting to turn the tragic death of veterans in Arizona into a political attack in Alaska, his latest attacks on Mark Begich’s commitment to Alaska’s veterans and military families are nothing but a disappointing political smokescreen,” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

Last week the U.S. Senate passed Mark Begich’s legislation to increase veterans benefits by pegging compensation increases to annual cost of living increases. The legislation will benefit 4.5 million veterans nationwide as early as 2015.

In the U.S. Senate, Begich has built a record of fighting and delivering for Alaska’s veterans:

  • Alaska Territorial Guard – In 2009, Senator Begich successfully secured reinstatement of pension payments for members of the WWII-era Alaska Territorial Guard.
  • “Significant legislative victory for veterans” – The Disabled American Veterans called Begich’s push to establish advanced appropriation for veterans health programs “the most significant legislative victory of veterans in a generation.”
  • Extended TRICARE for Military Dependents – In 2011, Begich helped extend TRICARE services for dependent children of military members to the age of 26.
  • Waived Telehealth Copays – In 2012, Begich and Sen. Grassley’s proposal to waive copays for telehealth and telemedicine visits for veterans was signed into law.
  • Historic Rural Care Access – Begich followed through on campaign promise to help veterans access care closer to home by allowing rural veterans access to Native health facilities.
  • Recognition from Combat Veterans’ Organization - In March, Begich received an Inspirational Leadership Award from the Military Order of the Purple Heart for his work on behalf of veterans.
  • Secured access to Space-A for Guard Members - Begich pushed to allow members of the National Guard or Guard Reserve to gain access to Space-A seats on military planes, previously limited to active-duty soldiers.
  • Advocated for victims of military sexual assault — Begich sponsored legislation to change the chain of command in military sexual assault prosecutions.
  • Restored benefits for military retirees — Begich passed legislation to restore benefits to military retirees affected by a 2013 budget.
  • Fought against military commissary price increases — Begich staunchly opposes price increases at military commissaries which would have a devastating affect on Alaska’s military families.
